That's it, I'm voting Tory! Never mind BG, Turds & Egg and The Grand Puppet Master, the real culprits for our depleted squad are Old Labour! Lucas Neill, it seems, is now favouring a move to Spain because of the new 50% tax band, whilst Eider, Toni, Chamakh and every other striker in Europe baulked at the prospect of paying for our champagne Socialists' quantitative easing exploits. This is absurd. Ronaldo jumped ship from the Prem because of the new tax regime and, if this continues, the Premiership will become second rate. Labour must go to save the Prem!
Ian Dale
That's another 30 seconds of my life wasted reading yet another of your lame and pointless blogs...
Why do you keep doing it? See a doctor, there is treatment available for uncontrollable obsessions. An average of 1500 people a day are visting this blog, and an average of 5 a day are moaning. What does that tell you?
You had to go and remind me that brown & darling exist didn't you. Thanks for that.
Only until May claretbobby!
Sadism I guess.
I'd have thought that there are far more than an average of 5 moans per day/blog but I'm sure you've analysed the stats and are right!
I've got nothing against you but like many others I'd just like to try and discuss some of the positive elements of supporting West Ham and enjoy our association with the club.
It gets quite very boring hearing about your obsessions with Duxbury, the org and Spurs.
If you could stretch your blogs beyond those topics you might get a but more support from your fellow fans.
"Why do you keep doing it? See a doctor, there is treatment available for uncontrollable obsessions. An average of 1500 people a day are visting this blog, and an average of 5 a day are moaning. What does that tell you?"
A: Because you always give your nausiating blogs misleading headlines that people click on newsnow - thats why i always end up here, because i click all the top stories and i get this crap.
B: Whenever i have read your blog about 80-90% of the comments are negative, just as much for your style as the content.
If you were a comedian this is the eqivalent of getting booed of stage at every single venue you attend.
About 12 million people watch xfactor each week and whilst a few of those have a moan about the show, the rest just watch and have a good laugh at what they see.
Quite 20.45. This is the X Factor of West Ham blog sites! Me, I'm Simon Cowell - everybody hates me but being the smug bastard that I am, I just lap it up!
1847 - what positives? If you can think of them, drop your article through as an email and I will post it on here as a lead article and acredit you as the author. Isn't that fair? You want to discuss the positives, this can be your platform.
1954, I have seen a few bad comedians at comedy clubs in my time and I don't ever go to see them a second time. How many West Ham fans are there out there? Let's say 200,000? Well this site is getting over 1500 hits a day. The audience should disappear very quickly unless, incredibly, you guys are all so stupid that you can't remember the name of the blog. NOBODY makes you come back do they?
Am I doing something wrong?
I've never seen a link to your blog on newsnow I've had to put you on my favourites list
Deane, it appears on West Ham All Sources page of News Now. Open this page (Go to West Ham link and hold arrow over it and All Sources will appear) and then save this as your News Now favourites page. It carries ALL the West Ham links and references so is more comprehensive than the front page.
Why do you consistently refer to your fellow West Ham fans as 'stupid' or 'mugs'?
That's the perfect page three picture that is. A right pair of TITS!!!
Don't mean to repeat what somebody else has said but 'an average of 5 a day are moaning'
I am with 12:04
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