Oh dear, the orgsters are in a proper tizzy. Old Grumpy has dared to question Zola's judgement, huffing about having 9 months to identify and sign a striker or two, and the Three Monkeys Brigade have thrown their claret and blue rattles out of their prams. Zola knows what he is doing, in Zola we trust, we have Nouble, Hines and Diamanti, blah, blah, blah.
There are hopes still that, as with last year, we have signed a player or two on loan and on the QT. However, if we haven't, then we have blown it. The loss of Collins will not be compensated for by the signing of an unproven striker from Seria B in Italy and an unhappy defender from Fiorentina. If Cole picks up an injury or a suspension between now and January, we are buggered. Don't give me Nouble, the lad is a very raw kid and will be gobbled up by canny Premiership defenders. Cole is away on England duty now and we know what happens to West Ham strikers thrown to the Three Lions don't we?
Of course, behind the scenes, that Media Savvy Machiavelli Scotty Duxbury has been pulling strings. Ashton, Toni, Eider, Chamakh, they were all going to lead the line at some point weren't they? Poor Nice Guy Zola, I fear Duxbury has stitched him up good and proper. "Sorry son, the Collins money didn't quite come through in time. Still, you've got Carlton to lead the line and Ashton hasn't given up yet. Well, not officially anyway!"
blimey... an article thats was utter dross...well done.
although i do think we thought we'd get one of them but they just didnt fancy it.
Was or wasn't utter dross?
Halelujah - finaly a post i agree with!!!
It only took 2 yrs..... still you'll be back to writing chaff tomorrow, shame!
This is the most miserable west ham blog I've ever read. You should be a spurs fan mate. You do nothing but moan and complain in all of your posts. why bother writing about west ham if they make you so miserable?
Can't get more negative then that! I'm actually quite looking forward to Diamanti, and Da Costa on paper looks like a good buy. I'm quite happy with the business been done!
look mate evry time i go on this website, the article is complete bollocks and i seriously believe you do not know what you are talkin about.
i have a season ticket and yes we do need a prolific striker to play with carlton cole however funds are limited and Duxbury and nani have done all they can in my eyes they have signed some decent players such as jimenez and kovac aswell as signing potential stars such as diamanti and nouble whilst also cutting out the fringe players like savio who obviously wasnt fitting in. No way have stichted zola up because they actually care for the club due to previous interviews i have seen with both of them.
dont be such a pessimist Diamanti may well be the next paulo, you never know give him a chance. tonight we may have lost collins who i personally think is a very consistant player and the funds we have collected can be used for the next window as we have to sell to buy i believe it would beneift us to have some money in our back pocket.
so basically you need to be more optimistic and dont be a prick by bringing everyone down. your supposed to be a supporter for fucks sake.
we'll be good enough to hang in there no good worrying about it now it's all over
The Terry Brown plan, adopted by Dux, always was/is, to have a squad good enough to survive, with a wage bill small as poss to maximise profit
I still believe he engineered our relegation so that he had an excuse to get rid of the golden generation and get workhorses in at lower wages meaning big money for him
The Academy of Football Raising them up, selling them down, going to be a football millionaire to paraphrase Frank Zappa
LOL Look at the contrasting responses to this post! No complaints from me, I just wish some of you guys would wise up and understand that people have different opinions and this blog challenges some of the "certainties" that the Three Monkeys Fans (Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil)don't want to confront. We have been stitched up again you fools! £15m invested now could have been the springboard for progress with a very real prospect of turning a profit by trading the signings into the future. We needed a striker last January and Duxbury threw you the fop of Savio, now he has gone but look, we have this guy Da Costa instead and look, because we have him, we can sell Collins. Who wins? The bank balance! Anyone want a bet that one of Parker, Green or Upson go in January?
only one?
You know nothing, just like everyone else.
This is just a self indulgent website for you to put your pet theories down on.
Don't mind if I indulge myself to and say you do write a lot of tosser theories that are totally groundless and based on fiction. Still that is up to you
Three Monkeys fans? Wot the fcuk you on about now?
if the bank balance wins we might avoid administration and points loss / relegation. Could be for the best. We needed a left back, but then we have since Dicks, Breaker n Pearce hung the boots up so nought new there.
window'sshut now so let's get behind the team. COYI!
yet again i find myself reading your complete and utter b0ll0cks...
Do you havea spare 15 millions pounds lying around - cause i bet the chairman doesn't!! Have you not heard about the credit crunch?! Its hit iceland even worse by the sound of things, so if there was a spare 15 mil, lying around, i'd imagine it would go on outstanding debts...
Wise up Hammersfan, We've got a decent team, Cole, Paolo Zola (or Diamanti as most will call him), Hines, and i'd bet Jimenez wouldn't be a bad forward, will all do for our forward options. We have a good crop of youth coming through in all positions, so quit yer moaning, and start supporting the team you so called... errr... support!!
Mid table here we come!!!
i dont think its the people that read this blog that need to wise up - its you mate. About 80% of the feedback you get to every blog post is negative.. I am only here because i accidently click the mis-leading headlines (so in that respect the blog has succeded but it fails everywhere else)
Your attempts at humour are just embarrasing, your smug responses to comments remind me of a primary school teacher marking grammar and punctuation in an essay, and you are overall one of the most unlikeable cretins on the internet...and Hitler has a website.
If you want a club that are going to spend into oblivion then fuck off to Manchester. COYI
Are you shocked each and everytime the government give you false information? Or is it that you get off picking up everytime Duxbury hasn't kept to his word?
I am now fully covinced you suffer from paranoia!
Me, suffer from paranoia? Why are you always stalking me? Why are you trying to kill me? Why are you standing outside my house now? Why? Why? Why?
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