Mrs Beano reveals: "It’s been a different journey for him to the one the fans have seen. I think he has known himself for a lot longer than they did that he would have to retire. When it came to it, he had already dealt with that in his head."
And that is pretty much how I called it when I said Ashton was claiming a salary and resisting retirement because he wanted to eke out as much as he could financially. God, the stick I took for that! You can't blame Ashton for making as much as he could before being sent to the knacker's yard, but yet again you have to marvel at the stupidity of Duxbury, for agreeing that new improved contract, and the gullibility of Zola, who couldn't be arsed to pick up the phone to speak to Ashton, but still banked on him being available for selection.
Who was kidding who? Well ultimately, they were all taking the piss out of the fans. How many season tickets were sold on the back of Duxbury's pledge that Ashton would return to first team action in September?
And as for that new contract, it makes you wonder what was going on between Dean and Dux behind closed doors doesn't it? Given the need for the gay denial, were they the new Bishop and Morley? Or was Duxbury simply THAT stupid?
NO no no no no. How does an intelligent guy like you manage to get things so wrong sometimes HF? That's not what she means bloody hell. She's just expressing his fears, just like everyone else does. All she meant is that in the back of his mind he feared his career was over. When it was confirmed as such, anyone would then say 'yes, I knew it was over', but this 'knowing' was not actually 'knowing', it was just doubt. It doesn't mean he, Duxbury and everyone else were sitting there knowing he would never play again.
I think the article is interesting on a number of levels Stani. It doesn't sound as if Beano was terribly popular inside the game does it? No mention of Zola at all, supporting my view that "your man" just ignored Beano. You have your take on it, I will have mine. I posted when he was playing that Mr Ashton was something of a spoilt brat and nothing in that article conflicts with that view. He doesn't like football apparently. I know you will say that's because of the injury but nothing could make me lose interest in the game.
Demba Ba apart dean ashton is the best striker we have had for years now and if he hadnt got injured i really do think we wouldnt be where we are now
I wouldn't argue with that. The trouble is, he was partially lame when he joined, wrapped up in more bandages than an Egyptian mummy. That's why Man UTD didn't buy him.
I'd need to check exactly when, but I remember writing an article for olas what feels like years ago calling the fact that Deano was crocked for good! Frustrating isn't in it. And don't get me started on f#cking Dyer!
After he came back from the England squad injury, it was obvious he was n't right. He seemed to be running on his heels all the time and had no ability to jump at all, even so he still could score goals, but it was obvious he wasn't the same player as before the injury.
Certainly the club should get compensation from the FA. Does anyone know what is happening with that?
It is just another chapter with the bad luck and judgement that haunts our club.
HF in smug "I told you so" shocker.
But I did, didn't I 1011?
He kept himself to himself but I wouldn't say he was unpopular HF. As for mentioning Zola, I'm sure Ashton was only answering questions he was asked and the article wasn't really along those lines. They wouldnt have got everything in one interview. Plus, we don't know how much he was depressed. He doesnt want to think about footy now, so do you think his manager calling him every week would have helped? Maybe the psychotherapists urged the club to stay away and let him get on with it. Who knows. Also, I think in terms of money, he is completely different to what Dyer and McCarthy are doing for example
They upped his terms because they knew he was injured, to help him get a better payout from the insurance company. It's nothing new... but completely opposite to what you're twittering on about HF
He asn't covered by insurance you pillock! He didn't declare the injury to his new insurers the moron! He's received a pay off from the FA but nothing from his insurers. So that blows your theory. Check your facts first eh?
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