So the all white disciplinary panel of the FA are considering bringing Carlton Cole to book for racist comments on Twitter. And I bet they do it without seeing any sense of the absurd!
You can just imagine the hearing. Cole enters the room and Major Ponsoby Smyth demands to know why one of the natives has been allowed into the building. Upon hearing that this is Carlton Cole, the man on the racist charge, the good Major coughs into his tiffin and exclaims, "But I thought this man Cole had played for England! Dear God the man is a nig..."
If the hearing takes place, Carlton should take one look at the all white committee and say he wants OJ's jury instead!
Crazy, sheer bloody crazy. Now a black man can't make jokes about illegal immigration! What chance does 'Arry have of getting the England job in the light of his explanation of why Abou was unfit to play: "The lad went home to the Ivory Coast and got a bit of food poisoning. He must have eaten a dodgy missionary or something"!
Has the world lost its sense of humour? Of course it hasn't! Red Nose Day raised £74million for the people of Africa and on the same night 132 cruise missiles costing £300,000 apiece were fired into Libya! I bet the poor sods were laughing their heads off as a missile turned right at the end of the street and headed in their direction.
I might make a joke now but then I would run the risk of being on a charge of racism! And the monopoly board sums up the FA's attitude to Cole, not mine, before you level an accusation!
the question you must ask yourself is if it was a white player would he be up on a racism charge, you can bet your left knacker he would, personally i think everyone should lighten up a bot with classing everyone as racists over the least little thing, but we should also judge all on a level playing field
I think there is a difference mate. I understand where you are coming from on a general point, but Harlem blacks call themselves "niggers" and I wouldn't recommend that you try it if white! Was Cole being maliciously racist? Of course he wasn't! Would the FA consider a black man for their top job? No chance. THAT is racism, not a Twitter joke!
It's people like you who inflame the whole "racist" argument with peurile and immature comments such as these never mind posting them on a blog. As Cole later comments, it was
a joke, lighten up. The only one commenting on the fact that the board is all white is you but you were the one making jokes about crocodiles eating black kids. Talk about double standards. Grow up and give it a rest.
I am supporting Cole you moron!
The kid who was eaten by a crocodile was Australian and white. Apparently the crocodile spat out the black kid. Sorry I couldn't resist given your stupid comment. I don't mean it. Crocodiles are colour blind and I'm sure black and white kids taste exactly the same to them. Not that a black African kid would be stupid enough to try to feed a bloody crocodile! Only white kids would be THAT dumb!
Only white kids? Dumb?
Hahahaa HF. :)
1954 Africans understand the dangers better because they live with them.
21.27 What,... white kids? In Africa, I don't think so and what made them dangerous (sorry couldn't resist)
Was this story true? See HF, soon as you took down the tweets! You're just bad luck you are.
Having read some of Carlton Cole's tweets that are posted on this site, he comes across as a genuinely decent person who cares for his club, his team mates and the supporters. These peasants should leave the man alone and tackle the real social problems plaguing Britain.
As ive said before, HF is a black man in a white mans body, thats why he slags off white people all the time because he blames us white people for hes misfortune. never mind, it couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke. or little girl should i say.
Well I am hung like a blackman, but not in the Klu Klux Klan sense of the term!
HF the only thing thats big on you is your nose, because deep down we all know your a spuds fan.
Brilliant. A negative racist stereotype on an article about racism. My nose isn't small, you are right. There is Jewish blood in my family but, as I am an Eastender, that's unsurprising. Look at David GOLD.
HF is a racist towards white people, just admit it.
LOL Thanks mate, I will bank that one! Hear that Stani? Now I want no more of this anti Islamic crap! I am an honoury black, Muslim, Chinese, Asian, Aboriginal, Arab! From now on I am going to complain "Is it cos I is black?"!
Would you still say thanks mate, if i said you are a racist towards black people?
So I am racist in equal measure irrespective of colour or creed. Er, doesn't that mean I'm not at all racist? He treats everybody the same the racist bastard! I take it that you left education early mate!
YOU thick twat, i said your a racist towards white people, and you basically laughed and said lol thanks mate. which to me proves my point. i didn't say you were a racist towards black people did i, im basically asking would you laugh and say lol thanks mate if i said are you a racist towards black people? and you call me thick hahahaha
You should make yourself clear mate. So Carlton is racist towards black people and I am racist towards white people; this is an Alice Through the Looking Glass world isn't it? Might it be that YOU are a racist and can't cope with me being objective? That would make much more sense! You meant "You're" by the way, as in "I said you're a racist". It's a bit rich you calling me a thick twat when you don't know the difference between "your" and "you're"!
you're or your, is that all you can say. your a racist towards white people and you know it. your a disgrace to every other white person i know, so f-ck off you c-ck.
From The Independent:
"White working-class boys perform worse than any other ethnic or gender group at school, according to a study published today. They suffer because their parents fail to talk to them at home and they have a culture in their communities that it is "uncool" to learn, says the report commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation."
So, kids from Poland, Bulgaria, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq do better in English schools that kids who have English as their mother tongue. Amazing. And why? Because, the report suggets, the parents are poor at their job of parenting.
I tell you what mate, it shows with you! Not only is your logic crassly stupid, you can't learn even when you are taught. Amazingly, you used "your" when you should have used "you're" again. Go and clear the shit out of a rich Asian's U bend eh?
You're a c-ck, is that better ffs. like it matters what anyone's writing is like on this two bob site.
Gold star young man! If it doesn't matter, why do you get so worked up? Why all this destructive anger? Calm down, calm down, it's only a two bob blogsite.
Mind you, if I charged two bob for every hit, I would have £90,000 now!
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