West Ham fans have been having a pop at Shawcross for the foul on Parker, but I believe the lad was just fractionally late with that one. It happens.
The Rafael challenge looked bad but he had been raked from behind and never made contact anyway. The Micah Richards challenge against Wigan was bad and deserved red, but at least he was going for the ball, albeit recklessly.
Watch that Carragher challenge again, however. His eyes light up at the prospect of doing Nani and the studs look to me as if they are aimed at the shin. What's worse is the way the foot turns on impact and rakes downwards in what looks like a malicious attempt to injure. Carragher may claim otherwise but this is the yob who boasts in his biography that he considered getting his mates to do over Lucas Neill when the Aussie was spotted in a shopping centre.
There is no place in the game for that type of tackle. Never mind a Rooney elbow, that isn't going to end a career. Carragher's challenge made me wince and the FA should hit him where in hurts in return. Ban the bastard for a stretch!

Agree. This should clearly come under the exceptionally circumstances rule they have....or whatever bollocks they call it.
It was cynical and disgusting. He missed the ball by a good ball's width, clearly not intending to go for it. To get away with just a yellow for that is a complete joke. But the FA have just made it difficult for themselves by not doing anything about Rooney. I do agree this one was worse.
Nani was lucky not to break his leg....I assume it's not broken that is. Even if the ref missed the challenge, the scar down Nani's leg and blood should have been evidence enough for a red.
Banning isn't the answer - dock the club points instead. If Liverpool were to lose three points for that challenge it would be eradicated from the Premiership overnight. It will never happen, of course. Still at least FIFA have eradicated the dreaded snood.
I disagree. It is the individual, not the club or the fans who are to blame. I'm bloody sure Dalglish didn't instruct Carragher to assault Nani. He might have said, stay tight, he didn't say, "Break the bastard's leg".
Check this image of Nani's gash! His skin's split open and it's deep.
Get it up there HF
I still don't get how the referee did not see that tackle as a straight red card. Another great decision by a British referee in the Premier League. Brilliant!
Remember two weeks ago the blatant elbow by Rooney which the referee saw clearly, gave Wayne a pad on the back, and after seeing how wrong he was in the tv videos, he had the audacity to state that his decision was the correct one!!!
Trouble is, with such referees, managers are encouraged to abuse the system and push their luck a little. They know it would take a great deal for a referee to give a penalty or even a foul, so a little push will buy you a good result at relatively very low risk.
It is not like this in Spain. Just watch the Barcelona and Real Madrid games on Sky every week and you will see what I mean. This is why the likes of Messi, Ronaldhino and Kaka etc. will never consider coming to the Premier League in England.
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