Grant will be found guilty of course. There's no such thing as a fair trial at the FA. But good on Avram for standing up to them I say. It's a shame Brady isn't backing him through her column in The Sun. Instead of padding it out with silly comments about wasting money on sending the team to Portugal for a short break, she should be setting out why Grant was so enraged.
But then she might find herself in the dock alongside Grant, and the idea of doing time together probably has zero appeal for both! The only time Grant and Brady are likely to share a courtroom together is when Avram sues the club for unfair dismissal!
the deadline for applications for the supporters advisory board has been extended from today to 23rd March, I'd like to propose Stani - whatdoyousay HF?
Yeah why not TurdsOut! Most of the meetings will be over breakfast and Stani, like Gold and Avram, won't want any bacon!
I am with Grant on this one. Good for him and good for West Ham he stands up to them. This is how they will know that we are no push overs. Decisions against us cannot be as easy as they were before whatever happens at the hearing.
Avram is "the Ham Guardiola".
gran entrenador i amic del working class football!
Ah, thanks Turds! :)
Don't be jealous HF. What if I dont eat bacon eh? It comes with a lot of other good things that I do too you know, ones Avram and David don't do.
I agree with Sav. I give him credit for finally standing up to them. (And I'm not just saying that because it will mean a ban for him from the touchline....that's a type of serendipity right?)
So that's what Carlton's tweet was about. So sad.
He's stood up to them before, as the picture above shows.
Not for us he hasn't HF, as the picture above shows
Avram, stop visiting the English rugby bruisers and pay a visit to these guys....and I may just warm to you.
I know the pic goes back to his Pompey days. I was surprised at how outspoken he was!
I agree with you. Back then it was almost every week. Thing is he was never punished! I think Fergy's ranting has made it a more delicate subject recently so the governing bodies are sensitive to it now. I'm certain he would have gotten away with this back then.
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