Some might see Parker as a curious choice given West Ham remain in the bottom three and only won two Premiership games in the month in question, losing at home to relegation rivals Birmingham along the way.
In one of those two victories, we only played for 45 minutes, ending the first half three goals behind against one of the favourites for the drop. The third West Brom goal in that game came from a free kick conceded by Parker. The free kick was remarkably similar to the one conceded by Parker against Blackpool which again led to a goal.
Parker scored one goal in the month in question and, if I remember correctly, did not assist any of the three scored against either West Brom or Blackpool, nor the other two netted against Liverpool. Some also believe that the return of Hitzlespurger and the introduction of Ba have been more important factors in West Ham suddenly looking a more potent on field force.
But let's not split hairs. Well done Scotty!
you are a one hundred and ten percent CNUT
Certainly many superstitions are based on common sense, but these are time and place sensitive. When these factors change they no longer make sense and become superstition; become mumbo jumbo.
Not walking under ladders makes perfect sense, not walking on cracks in the pavement may be based on something that once may have made sense, but it is now superstition. But not talking about something because you believe that it may have a direct effect on whether that something happens or not has never made any sense; it’s absolute mumbo jumbo!
“These superstitions make sense so don’t mock them. Superstitions are fine and valid”. It sounds like you’re accusing me of disrespecting your apostles!
And pray tell me what the difference is between your statement that you KNOW that discussing the possible squad for next season if we’re relegated, will result in our certain relegation; and the response of the Godbotherer when asked to justify his belief in God: “I KNOW God exists”. In fact I have more sympathy (though very little) for the bible basher’s position in that science cannot prove him wrong; but it can prove that your superstition is absolute twaddle; absolute mumbo jumbo!
You questioned the basis of my atheism and yet you are sounding more and more like a religious fundamentalist. Your failure to posit your usual cogent argument in this debate suggests to me that here is a dicotomy that causes you genuine anxiety; it certainly should!
I think you need to reassess your medication and get a good night’s sleep mate (you confused “wear” and “where”!) make sure you don’t get your tablets from Moses though... they’re placebos!
Flippin eck, HF - you really do think he's over hyped don't you. To an extent I agree. I also believe that the other players you mention have had a major impact although perhaps they've allowed Scot's excellence to shine through even more.
That said, I genuinely congratulate him. Your congratulations sound rather hollow if I read you correctly!
Why are you such a twat?
Without Parker we'd be down already.
To 99.9% of true West Ham fans the man is already a legend
BUT... And it's a big one... On these statistic driven days
You only have to look at his amazing club record to see that he is the one player that drives this team.
I cannot think of one club that would not instantly
Make a space for a player of his quality.
BUT... And it's a big one... On these statistic driven days
You only have to look at his amazing club record to see that he is the one player that drives this team.
I cannot think of one club that would not instantly
Make a space for a player of his quality.
Can you not Gavin? Then why didn't any bid for him in January? Odd that, no? Chelsea had loads of money sloshing around and so did Liverpool. No bid for Parker though. And Newcastle could have spent half of what they got for Carroll but they didn't did they?
Headmaster, I think it is an odd choice.I think Wilshire is more deserving for one.
You see Marty, chaos, you have switched threads. How can anybody follow the thread now?
Perhaps the word "know" was wrong, I cannot "know" as you say. But I can feel, and sense, and believe, in the same way as you "know" that somebody is looking at you even though that person is behind you. How do you "know" that exactly?
Of course, if I apply logic I know that my actions cannot possibly alter West Ham's results, but the fact is, my actions do. Definitely. Unquestionably. Irrefutably. It's that pesky eleventh dimension mate!
Whatever gets you through the night... It's alright. And on that basis I'll stop bothering you! With the caveat of course that you don't start asking for charitable status, a stake in the country's constition and a major say in the education of our children!
Now go and change those lucky socks for God's sake, the edges of my terminal are starting to curl up and discolour... CAREFUL WITH THAT MIRROR!
LOL, that's silly. Lucky socks? Mirror? It has to involve the brain mate, it's down to the power of the brain. Inert things can't change anything.
Anyway, huge game today!
"Inert things can't change anything"? God help us with Avram Grant in charge then!
Quite right, beating Liverpool will count for nothing if we don't win today.
Yep, today is our biggest game since...last Sunday!
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