How can anybody who knows anything about the game pose such a stupid question? Where Barry is laboured, Parker is dynamic. Where Barry is lazy, Parker is industrious. Where Barry is carried on the back of the team like a heavy rucksack, Parker carries the team and the club on his battered and bruised shoulders.
Parker or Barry? It's like asking if you would like chalk with those crackers or if you fancy a bit of Subo instead of an all night session with AJ. As bloody stupid questions go, it is right up there!
Come On You Irons!
As much as I wouldn't want any kind of physical contact with Subo & would choose her above AJ all day long!!!
I might feel differently if I was even a Fulham fan, but then I'd be scared of him picking up another injury, ;)
100% agree
You would! I reckon you may be Ironside!
...haven't I denied that already?
It is easy to check HF. Email clients carry I.Ps. You have both mine and his :) I'm not sly mate. I don't know how to be. I'd feel far too guilty. You see, as your foe, I'm even more trustworthy than some of your friends. The ultimate victory, return love for hate, make a friend out of a foe. In fact, you have more in common with Ironside than me. You don't know who he is, and I don't know who you are. Whereas you do know who I am...the real me. I win.
Ironside can I recommend you find your own writing style as this read exactly like an HF piece.
LOL I think he admires me secretly. To be fair, I do tidy up his English a bit, but not a lot here, just added a few full stops, commas, apostrophes and the odd exclamation mark. Punctuation maketh the man and maketh what the man writes sound sophisticated; which is why tinny ribs ends up sounding a bit like me!
But Stani, you can email from any computer in the world as you well know. Or email a friend to email me. Methinks the boy protests too much!
How much did Pakistan have on today's semifinal do you think? It's a joke! It's a bloody joke!
Yeh HF, I'd really be bothered to do that mate, when all I have to do is send you my articles as is if I wanted them posted!
They should have won init? Flipping joke. I'd be surprised if there was anything dodgy, as they and the board are under the spot light more than any other nation at the moment.
I hear the ECB are doing a review? What a waste that is.
...at least I can concentrate on my footy now
Silly one day stuff anyway.
What a hypocrite! Do you not see the irony in your pathetic post?
Not an opportunity goes by without you telling us we should have sold Parker and that he's not even that good. Check your history and in the last few days alone you've praised Barry's performance for England and criticised Parker's. You have even gone so low as to use the death of his father to stick a the boot in.
Now you laugh at someone for asking the question and you give us an answer which contradicts everything you've ever said about Parker and Barry.
It is a stupid question yes. But not when directed at a stupid moron.
So, seriously, who would it be HF?
Er Joe, keep up. I didn't write this. This is written by Ironside. Far from being a hypocrite, I carry the views of others even when they run counter to my own. I'm unsure on Barry or Parker by the way.
Oops, far to enraged to concentrate I didn't even look at the author.
In this instance, my apologies and I take it back!
LOL that's ok mate. If you want to post a counter argument in article form at some point, the email addy is in the right hand panel. I do tidy the English of posters but leave the argument unedited.
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