This sort of "reporting", especially under such a provocative headline, is highly irresponsible. The last thing we need is for our fans to go on the rampage next weekend. I have been hugely impressed with the way rival fans often mix together in the queue for the tube after games, with no sort of violence or intimidation in evidence. That is the new face of football that we should be reporting, not "stoking" (poor pun sorry) aggression and violence by making a mountain out of the molehill of some nasty incidents outside the ground on Saturday.
The best response from West Ham fans next weekend would be to conga in celebration of yet another victory. I fear, however, that thanks to KUMB, some mindless idiots are already planning retaliation. And if it kicks off at Stoke, what will happen at Tottenham?
Very silly on the part of KUMB. Very silly, very irresponsible and very dangerous. Are they really THAT desperate to achieve hits?
And whilst I am about it, why does every visit to KUMB send by Norton Virus checker into overdrive? Clear out the tracking cookies guys, it really aint the right way to treat West Ham fans visiting the site!
I've been on to that site but a handful of times, I noticed the way it sent my Mac into overdrive the first time I went on it & now avoid it like the plague.
It's rubbish anyway, IMO
You had to show off about your Mac didn't you? Do you call it Frank?
Good advice HF. Let's respond on the field. We should by now have enough confidence to outplay once more and go through to the semifinal.
KUMB also doesn't work if you view it with FireFox -
Having said that I think to the Stoke boys took a liberty and deserve a spanking.
I couldn't disagree with you more. KUMB beats the c**p out of this tosh you write.
Who are you disagreeing with, OSP or me?
whether KUMB wrote it or not, West Ham fans would of found out anyway.I am pretty sure that it will be in the Newham recorder along with plenty of other news resources that will want to make a story out of it.
ive read that story and it is not as you say stoking up trouble it's reporting fact
It is stoking up trouble. Unreported, there could be no reaction. The author admits that publicising the incident is "likely to provoke further problems when West Ham travel to Stoke next weekend for the FA Cup quarter final". His words, not mine. A crass decision!
Just a quick correction, KUMB works fine with Firefox.
Well said HF. It's simply needless.
When you have a voice or influence, you have a responsibility. You thus need to consider the consequences of what you write. With our history and recent clashes with Millwall, it is silly to write such things.
Very much like the same kind of thing Dale does to rile fans against our own players when they play crap. The time when Boa got booed at home; guarantee you that many of the yobs went there fuelled by Dale's dross against him.
I didn't know about it as I don't read KUMB - but it's a liberty and thank you HF because me and my pals are going to see these mugs don't get away with it COYI
paul you mug - it does work - but the pages load in a very strange way - text on top of text before you get the page
actually it was kids that got attacked... which my mind makes it a legitimate story.
KUMB is crap
Nothing West Ham-related escapes the clutches of HF who searches high and low for something to criticise in his talkSPORT style fishing.
Kumb is rubbish for two reasons:
The self professed 'Knome' is an idiot...
And even with pop up blocker activated it opens pop ups everytime you change page, which is purposely evasive and annoying....
Very likely 0810
Hammers "fan",Not sure if this is you using the backdoor to get this story out there, or just using it as an opportunity to have a pop at another fansite?
This is incident is being reported in the Daily Mail as "clashes between rival fans".
Without it being highlighted by Knees Up Mother Brown, that is how it would have stayed; just another hooligan story to be dredged up for Euro 2012....
But it wasn't. I don't know if this was Stoke's "firm". I wasn't there. I wouldn't know who stoke's firm were if they were wearing badges at a Stoke City Hooligan firm convention (although I do imagine those badges would have a little badge of Morph from "Take Hart"on them).
If the KUMB version of events is correct (& if you reckon the Mail is more accurate than Kumb, you need your leaves reading out of your wedgewood luvvy), then It sounds like a bunch of has-beens/never wasses with some ain't gonna bes in tow, looking to cause as much trouble as possible with the "civilians" so they can go home with the safe knowledge that they " 'ad it off the pitch." Pathetic.
Reporting the incident from a high moral-stance? Leave that shit to the Daily Mail sad-sack.
The only people stoking up trouble came down from stoke, couldn't handle the lead in the air in that London and then decided to go spew violence, vittriol and lager at saturday shoppers and families trying to beat the No-tube rush.
Does the City of stoke deserve trouble on saturday? No. of course not.
Should the individuals (or those sympathising/coluding with their actions) involved be held to account?
Cowards sums the whole sorry affair up quite succinctly. I think Mr. West Ham Fan, you would do well to take some time to read some of your "rivals" and attempt to refrain from printing alarmist/misleading/down right rude to a team that your nom de guiere would suggest that you support.
I look forward to your "I know you are but what am I?/asphinctersayswhat? style answer at a more civilised hour.
Everybody involved in football violence is a coward in my book. Want to fight? Join the army and face bullets. I don't read the Mail so wouldn't know it the story was carried. Was it carried in The Sun, The Star or the Daily Sport? If not, not chance of our moron element finding out about it from the Press. I reiterate that the reporting of the incident by KUMB was unnecessary, provocative and irresponsible. The most appropriate punishment for those involved would be arrest and trial. We are SUPPOSED to live in a civilised society!
but was it wise for you to carry the story as well - I think not - pot kettle strings to mind.
@Anon re:'Paul you mug'
OK, there's a short wait before it displays correctly, a wait which I think is insignificant. The same thing happens with Internet Explorer. The previous comment (from another 'Anon') gave the misleading impression that it doesn't work at all.
I think insults are unnecessary at the best of times, it's certainly over the top when discussing nothing more controversial than how a website works with a browser.
Paul, I think the issue, for me at least, is what is happening whilst that "overlay" dellays access to the site. Is that when all the tracking cookies attack my computer? Why doesn't KUMB clean them up if they are not responsible for them?
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