Here's the deal. Hammersfan has agreed to carry my articles in answer to his. Where he seems determined to see the negative in everything West Ham - especially everything Parker - I will be offering the counter position. And he has pledged to post everything I submit subject to grammar and spelling editing. He says he may tweak my English but will not tamper with my opinions. We will see how that goes.
All my articles will be signed off Ironside. I won't be as prolific as Hammersfan - I have a life and don't intend to post for the sake of it - but hopefully this site will now read more like a West Ham blog than a bloody Spudfest! Unless he provokes me, expect my first article to be a match report on Saturday. Let's see who reads the game better, me from the Bobby Moore Upper or Hammersfan from his blue and white armchair! (And I bet that doesn't get through his edit!)
Come On You Irons!
You can't use apostrophes mate and I've sorted out your sentence structures a bit. But that apart, it's as you've written it. As promised. Look forward to the competition! I hope we are arguing over which of our goals is the best on Saturday!
Talking to yourself is a sign of madness you know!
Who is Ironside???
Wheel him out & let me have a gander at him.
It's NOT that bloke THAT TYPE,S like this is IT ! LOL !
Come on come on come on, tell me
LOL I've been mad for a long time now Isaac, now it seems I am in that wheelchair that IronsGermany threatened to put me in! Let's see hw this guy goes shall we?
Pete, I'm not sure which of the anonymouses he was. I have an email for him, that's all. It could be you for all I know; but then you wouldn't want to admit to being in the BMU would you? Maybe it is del bored with the Org? There's a thought!
This will get almost as interesting as the football. Relief for the likes of me and Sav, now that HF will concentrate on someone else.
It's not me before anyone suggests it.
So, indulge me - it goes like this does it?
Some geezer posts as 'anonymous' (what, regularly like?) and takes up a more positive and less cynical standpoint than HF (not difficult!). He then emails you to suggest that he now takes on almost co-editorial status on the site, to which you agree? Except that he doesn't have co-editorial status because he emails the articles and then you publish them subject to a few typo corrections but without editorial interference. You have no clue who the bloke / bloke-ess is and from somewhere we gather he is to be known as Ironside. Curious, to say the least!
It's weird I know headmaster but I have always carried contributions from others. Stani offered kindly to be a co-editor but I felt that was going too far as I wanted to maintain the unique nature of the site. Ironside tells me he has been an antagonist of the site for some time and threw down a challenge for me to carry rebutals of my artcles and an alternative perspective. I'm more than happy to do so.
In fact, I'd welcome contributions from others as main articles, although I will, as with Ironside, insist on tidying up the grammar and polishing the vocabulary if necessary so the site maintains its "distinctive quality". Have no idea who he is. He can't publish directly, it has to come through me and be moderated first. Let's see how it goes. He may lose interest or may become a regular.
Your all tossers
stani - such a shame... you're the only voice of reason.
...I reckon HF is just mellowing and beginning to agree with our views. This is his way of showing us, pretending to be another writer...
(I'm not helping am I HF?)
Now that's nice 21.47, Ironside is "one of yours". He can't spell "you're" either!
LOL Stani, the day I agree with YOU I will convert to Islam and move to Iran! Mind you, 2149 seems to have taken a shine to you. If you fancy giving homosexuality a try, I'll set you up on a blind date with him!
It could be a 'she' HF...a Katie Melua carbon copy, in which case, yes please!
My genuine thanks. Ignore HF, he cannot handle it when people say good things about me.
...and as for Iran, it's a beautiful place. Apparently the site of the garden of Eden, near the North West Iranian city of Tabriz. Yep, the Adam and Eve link couldn't be more apt for your little homosexual taunt :)
Iran? I thought it was in Iraq! Between the Tigris and the Euphrates! Anyway, I wouldn't want to live in either place because of Islamic government mate. You're not telling me you would want Imadinnerjacket to be your President are you?
You are exaggerating. Don't listen to this Western crap. Go visit sometime and you'll be amazed. Take this Aussie for example who visited last year:
"The very nice girls who came up to us and showed us a little of Tabriz, and also shattered a few of the pre-conceptions we had about women in Iran."
When you're done there, go Pakistan too and you will see what hospitality is. Take the Karakoram highway to the north and marvel at the sight of K2, the most dangerous mountain in the world, and more hansom than Everest, though it comes 2nd in height. Go on, you're loaded. You don't even need to work so I'm not sure why you are.
I have a daughter at university mate, so I can't give up work yet! 3-5 years.
Exaggerating? I saw the way student riots were dealt with. I've read eye witness accounts of students being dragged from beds on suspicion of participation and being tortured and beaten. I've seen on the news demonstrators in favour of the opposition party being shot. You can't defend these regimes Stani, they are disgusting and your Muslim brothers are beginning to say "enough is enough" in increasing numbers. Murdoch, Facebook and Apple are the new Knights Templars. Muslims are seeing a better world and want a part of it. Allah or a Merc? "Look at my lovely leather upholstery". Communism has fallen, Mecca is next.
Once NATO have finished with regime change in Libya, where next?
I didn't defend any regime HF, I'm just saying it's not as bad as it is made out to be. Also, our leaders are hardly angels right? Taking us into illegal wars killing thousands of innocent people. And the war, student and austerity riots here haven't exactly been dealt with that much better have they? Ian Tomlinson's family would tell you that.
This is a great country, n doubt, but it has some flaws, just like every country.
I'm glad the Muslims are saying enough is enough. They are beginning to recognise that these leaders that have been propped up by our countries are puppets.
And the reason Nato etc try to get there first is not because of regime change but to stop an Islamic revolution. Thats what they dont want! They don't want Muslims to have a piece of the cake. That's why they dont want Iran to develop nuclear weapons when they themselves not only hold them but use them on people. The hypocrisy is startling. They dont even refuel Iranian passenger jets in their airports! Scumbags. Their hand is everywhere HF. I saw a fact the other day that every U.S president since Nixon (I'm sure they said Nixon) has launched a war on some nation. It is almost a given that whoever comes into office goes to war with someone.
You mean you're paying for your daughters education?
Ian Tomlinson? He was pushed over! You compare that to being shot as in Bahrain, or tortured as in Iran, or ethnically cleansed as in Libya!
Yes I do pay for her education! How else is she meant to meet accommodation costs in London and live? If she took the full maintenance loan, it would only cover two thirds of her rent. Is she then meant to starve? The whole business is a joke and the papers are not revealing the true cost of getting a degree. Take 3 years loss of income at £20,000 a year, accommodation costs of £5,500 per year, fees at present of £3,400 per year and living expenses of £2400 a year and the bill is £94,000! And that's before the fees are raised!
Ian Tomlinson? He was pushed over! You compare that to being shot as in Bahrain, or tortured as in Iran, or ethnically cleansed as in Libya!
Yes I do pay for her education! How else is she meant to meet accommodation costs in London and live? If she took the full maintenance loan, it would only cover two thirds of her rent. Is she then meant to starve? The whole business is a joke and the papers are not revealing the true cost of getting a degree. Take 3 years loss of income at £20,000 a year, accommodation costs of £5,500 per year, fees at present of £3,400 per year and living expenses of £2400 a year and the bill is £94,000! And that's before the fees are raised!
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