If we win against Unreal City and Wigan, Wolves and Bolton all lose, we could leap up to 14th tomorrow, which must be just about our highest position all season, if we ignore the table compiled after our opening game of the season victory at Wolves.
So, 14th place beckons if we beat Man City tomorrow, Sunderland win at Wolves and Bolton lose at home to Birmingham...and if my Aunt had bollocks, she would be my Uncle!
More of a chance of a snowball freezing in hell than west ham getting a result against City. Hows that for lowered expectations. In Zola we trust, remember its not his fault, what is he expected to do with such a crap team! You may think tactics and a game plan? nope not important, motivation? who needs that! pride in wearing the claret & blue? of course not!! All that matters is we keep our beloved manager smiling. Lets break that record on sunday with the the lowest win total EVER in the top flight for the hammers. Zola! Zola! Zola! come on stani sing it..Zola! Zola! we love you Zola! It all brings a tear to my eye and a pain in my heart that the season ends tomorrow.
I have no doubt that your auntie does indeed have bollocks in the same way that I think you're a C***
I have loads of aunties, perhaps one does have dangly bits. But we didn't end up in 14th did we? In fact we ended up fourth from bottom!
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