With journalists falling over themselves to break the story that we are in for Henry, Sullivan has burst the bubble before is has properly left the plastic blowy thing (what ever they are called!). After initially telling the World that we were after Mr Va Va Va Va Va Vahoo Vahoo Vahoo Vahoo (Anybody got any jump leads?) Vahooooommmm, Sullivan has now admitted that "Yes, of course it is very unlikely that we will get him - but we can only try!"
So, when this is all proved to be so much Red Bull, expect an announcement that we are also hoping to sign Messi ...then Ronaldo, Fabregas, Tevez and Rooney; followed a little later by a confession that, "Yes, of course it is very unlikely that we will get him - but we can only try!"
Keep trying Sulli. Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that Mido might yet start the season in Claret and Blue?
For Christ's sake don't even joke about Mido, Spector and so on staying around for another year. As far as Henry is concerned it is not so unlikely as you might think. Henry has a choice of joining the New York .... what ever they are called in the American League or to come to London joining a Premier League Club like West Ham. I would definitely choose the latter I was in his shoes. We are not talking about the Henry at the prime of his career. We could also get Ronaldhino if we put our mind to it. He wasn't even selected in the Brazil team to play in the World Cup.
Guys please give me your opinions. Are you truly happy with these new owners? To me, they seem like a pair of lying morons.
Well based on their CVs I would not recruit them for a job but who knows how these things work out in the end? We may all be pleasantly surprised. It is too soon to tell. But HF and a few others, including myself, are not taking anything they do for granted. We are all looking out for them to prove their good intentions by deeds not words.
HF is a total prick
Agree, blatant PR bullshit by Sullivan.
It's all part of the game for him, when we start with Mido and Sears up front next season and he is getting stick, he will throw this in our faces....well I tried to sign someone, remember we were in for Henry.
If Sullivan was a master tactician then I would think he is doing this to big up our reputation so that other big players might think about signing for us if they think we are about signing other big players. Somehow I doubt this is the case.
Zola oh how sad - I've changed my mind he was the best xxx
How jolly clever Hammersfan, and just as I was reading The Satanic Verses, with Mahound and Gibreel locked in an embrace, the one working the jaw of the other, but who operating who's jaw?
Hi there, it's Thierry. I hear you folks are keen on me playing at the Boleyn next year, however, I will not be. I have won numerous titles in my career, champions league, world cup, premiership, la liga, fa cup, spanish cup, eufa cup, came runner up twice in world player of the year, man..too many to mention. Anyway, the offer on the table is flattering, but what New York are offering is mind blowing, not to mention I'll be playing in New York where the women are hot and so is the weather. And whilst i'd love to secure premier league football for the hamsters? for two years, I would prefer to have Americans drooling at my footballing ability, picking up millions in advertisements along the way. Sorry guys, Thierry.
Oh dear, two hammersfans. How very confusing.
LOL Hammersfans are everywhere. Some love Zola, some think he useless. I know understand all the "HF is a prick" messages, they were referring to the other HF!
Would the real HF stand up and be counted?
Straumur, please do not give the remaining 50% to these clowns. Even if he was going for Henry, why couldn't he just keep his gob shut?
G,S&B out.
out? man...tough crowd. I'll remain to campaign they've done nothing wrong as of yet, and am looking forward to an active transfer window.
Come on T.I.S, don't let 'em take us "customers" for a ride. They have no class, no sensibility.
The West Ham I know has nothing in common with this scum. They may have money but money is not everything. Any half-wit could have made money from the industry they were in. Clearly, these half-wits have.
Guess I'll have to put up with it. Feels like I married the wrong woman and now have to live with her.
Just be wary.
Have faith Stani, have faith. Anybody would think Lat, Uzza and Manat were running the club!
Unfortunately, Gold, Sullivan and Brady are real HF.
I never thought you'd be the one telling me to have faith :)
Stani, We all have our doubts. But let's not be too quick to judge them. The jury is still out and will be out until we can finally see what actions they take over the summer. Based on previous ownerships and managements we had they will not have to do much to be better!
We didn't have many other options to be fair, Tony Fernandes was the fans favourite but what did he do that Sullivan didn't? didn't show as much dedication in getting the deal and would've backed the man who has recently become a hate figure. That Italian bloke was a joke from day 1 and the intermarket group were a bit dodgy from the off. I can honestly say their publicity stunts haven't annoyed me the slightest, and I cannot for the life of me understand why they have annoyed so many people. Didn't we want everything out in the open after all?
I've been forced to marry her now, but I will sleep in the spare room.
I think Straumur did not give it to the other potential buyers, Fernandes in particular, because there was nothing for Straumur in their plans in the long term.
The randy boys said to Straumur that they'll purchase 50% and keep the club as a premier league one whilst using various avenues (e.g stadium) to make money. This making of money would then be beneficial to Straumur also so they kept their 50%.
You may say that premier league status and making money is a good thing for a club but the way I see it is that the randy boys are going to use us for the attainment of personal wealth and are not going to be putting all they can into the club.
They're going to be doing just enough whilst pocketing the rest. Just enough is not enough for me.
As for the openness, that's fine, but when you're lacking in eloquence and common decency (Sullivan), it's better to keep quiet.
Valid concerns by Stani which are shared by me. But, it is still a theory and we all hope it is proven wrong. There is nothing else we can do right now anyway. But this is exactly the thing we will be watching out for. We do not endorse the 2Ds but we can't condemn them simply on suspicion.
Innocent until proven lying, money making bastards!
Yeah, something like that HF.
After the Satanic Verses I shall be reading The Kama Sutra followed by Mein Kamp, I like to get a reaction so is there anything else that my friends here can recommend?
South Park?
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