Following a nasty clash of heads with an England team mate during training, there were fears that West Ham captain Matty Upson may have suffered a brain injury. After being told to lay still for a second, a number of on pitch tests were conducted to assess the extent of any damage to Upson's cerebral cortex. Happily, the all clear was given after Scott Parker confirmed that the chances of an injury were highly unlikely because, on the basis of Upson's defensive performances last season, the guy is totally brainless anyway!
i suposse you think this is funey i have a brane injury and i cant see the funey side myself HF is a prick.
Yer HF is a pirck and she knows it
Tesco has an offer on this week on Ariel Liquid. A LARGE BOTTLE IS JUST £4 and it is usualy £8.18. I bought 2 today so get down there and save save save. PS HF is a prick
Just to break from the pack
Hf is not a prick and is was merely a jab at Upson who unperformed this season
several months now HF isn't actually a West Ham fan. How can he be when he attacks every player we have.
Bet your one of the tossers in the BML who boos your own players.
Are there "tossers" in the BML who boo West Ham players? All the "tossers" around me cheered the players, even singing songs in praise of Spector. Why don't you join us in the BML next season and announce in person that you think the guys are tossers? I'll take along a dust pan and brush to collect your teeth!
I sit in the BML and have had a season ticket in there for the past 12 years and there are plenty of idiots in there like in all parts of the ground. Im moving to TBL next season as there is more atmosphere. Are you renewing then HF as you had a mini ticket but not a real one????
You might be interested in a facebook group I set up (yeah I know, I apologise for stealing your idea HF).
Make sure you join my group people and help save our club from greedy ****s.
2153, I'm not sure yet. Depends on my son's commitments.
Your sons commitments that mean you have no friends then to go with.
HF is a total PRICKHEAD
LOL you are an idiot 0753. Actually none of my friends support West Ham. It would be very odd for them to wish to accompany me to West Ham games when they support rival clubs. We don't all live in Newham or Essex!
Wow 1243, your English is coming on! You have now learnt how to join words to make a compound word. Unfortunately, you combine dick and head, not prick and head. Still, nice try. See which of these words you could join together to make a number of compound words: less, dunder, brain, head. Sorry if that challenge is beyond you!
Yes there are plenty of tossers in the BML that boo players, I sis in the BML and have the misfortune of having them sit around me.
And no I won't identify myself so you and your mates can knock my teeth out. I'm a grown adult and not a mindless thug. I suggest if that's your attitude to me suggesting that you may be one of those tossers that boo your own players, then you go and watch Milwall and join in with there thuggery.
Me? I didn't say I would beat you up, I'm far too old for that, I simply challenged you to say to the face what you say on the net, and offered to back you up by sweeping up your teeth. They can be reset by accomplished dentists apparently. Where in the BML do you sit? Passionate bunch around me but I haven't heard them boo individual players. Yes there was booing at half time in the Bolton game but that was from all around the ground, not just from the BML.
I loved Zola!
I loved Zola!
Why use the past tense, HF2? We can still love him.
Lets bring him back!
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