For so long, Upson seemed a certainty for the plane. It didn't matter how badly he performed in Claret and Blue or how often he slipped up in an England shirt, he was still Fabio's preferrred replacement for both Ferdinand and Terry. But that was when the only competition for the position was Lescott. Now, with the cheating Scouse traitor Carragher returning to the fold, and King rolling up his death bed and walking, Upson is seriously at risk of missing out on his World Cup dream.
Ordinarily, this would have West Ham fans up in arms! It is a bloody disgrace when you think about it. Neither Carragher nor King played any part in the qualification campaign. No extended season for them last summer. No long flights to the Ukraine or Belaruse in mid season. No divided loyalties between club and country. Isn't it odd that King was ruled out by 'Arry when Tottenham were engaged in the blood and thunder of a Premiership season yet, via a Christ like miracle, King is suddenly fine to play three games in a week now Tottenham's season is over? That stinks.
But not half as much as the inclusion of that cheating Scouse traitor Carragher. Remember, this is the guy who, when there was an injury crisis in the centre back positions, REFUSED to answer England's call for help in that all or nothing qualification game against Croatia. I don't care what he thought of McClaren, his COUNTRY needed him and the Scouse shit turned his back on his nation and the fans who enable him to earn such a fantastic salary. "I'm not picked as first choice so I won't play," he whined like a spoilt ten year old. And as a result, we crashed out of the Euros. Upson, meanwhile, has turned up come rain or shine, accepting his role as understudy, proud to play for his country. Put yourself in Upson's boots. How would you feel if you were left out in favour of either King or Upson?
So why aren't Hammers fans up in arms? Well because we have had the feeling all season that Upson has been looking after himself when playing for West Ham, pacing himself ready for the World Cup. We know that had he felt a niggle, he would have walked off the pitch, no matter how important the game to West Ham. We saw the way Tomkins was asked to mark Doyle, Rooney and Davies whilst Upson marked...well nobody. We also know that he wants out, that his heart isn't in the club because he THINKS he is too good for us. So, in a way, it would be good to see him dropped, so he can feel how we felt all last season, that sense of crushing disappointment, that feeling of being kicked in the bollocks.
There are no rights here, just wrongs. Carragher should not be on the plane and nor should King. Look at the fuss because Terry screwed Bridge's girlfriend, Carragher and King have screwed every England fan for three seasons or more. But take Upson? After his performances for West Ham last season? No way. If you don't make it Matty, don't expect any sympathy from down Green Street way!
CHeating? Really?
Haha you Iron's really are a bitter lot.
King with one leg is still a better choice than Upson, if anything, Dawson should feel the injustice of not being at the world cup.
Withdrawing players from the national team on the grounds of fitness when they are fit to play isn't cheating? What is it? We lost Ashton on international duty. King was fit to play for England but Tottenham wouldn't let him play IN CASE he was injured.
As for Carragher, he cheated in the Cup Final.
bottom line is he is not as good as king or carragher. any attempt to do deny that is small time pettiness. oh sorry, this is a west ham site. silly me
Wow i think someone had a grude on Liverpool. Carra retired because he was told to play in every position in the defence yet he was way down the pecking order, behind the likes of Terry, Ferdinand, Neville, Upson and more. He retired because of Mclaren. And now please tell me how that is cheating you plong.
I agree re Dawson. Before any more Liverpool ot Tottenham fans reply, try READING the article and THINKING first. How would you feel about Carragher and King if Carragher played for Man Utd and King for Arsenal? Put aside club affiliation for a moment and think about the rights and wrongs of turning your back on your country but then still being invited to a World Cup. Disgraceful! And I don't want Upson there if you READ the article!
Carragher is a legend. Club before country. Scouse and proud - not English!!
Ok I've tried "READING and THINKING" first.
Your article is essentially meaningless.
To suggest that King was fit to play for England and opted out or let Harry decide for him, is frankly ludicrous. He could not train and play at the same time and Capello decided that if that was the case, there was no point him being there. Now that Terry has looked slow and Ferdinand has a back that requires injections, he is more amenable to having King play even if it means he doesn't train with the rest of the squad.
King has proven himself to be a frak of nature, being able to play on knees with no cartilage without training (this is well documented). On the issue of Carragher opting out because he wasnt getting picked, I have some sympathy with your feelings as a supporter but once again you seem to have a complete lack of empathy for the players position. He was never getting picked to play and it meant he had no time free to recuperate for Liverpool who he had a responsibility to.
If Upson doesnt get picked, its because he is not good enough in Capello's eyes. It has nothing to do with your opinions of an outdated ideal of patriotism, thankfully.
Carra gave you a goal in the cup final that you lost.
Capello persuaded him to come out of retirement - the problem should be with him.
The best players need to go, Upson isn't one of them.
What is this obsession with the phrase cheating scousers - explain brains?!!
Looking for hits again hf.say
something about two big clubs and you no your going two get loads of feedback.no spamers even go on this site so we no your game.let's look at some facts.upsons very slow,shit at reading the game.left ur young c/b out to dry all season(next bob no more your lot said) the boys shite. Even caras on his way out and he's still better(to all Liverpool fans don't fall for this balls ,these dirt are just bitter always have been,every one outside London always think little old west spam,bollox bitter smellbags,kevtheyid
Being a Liverpool fan is not the same as being a lowly West Ham fan, we get European football every other week, and for many of us, En-er-land don't even appear on our radar, other than when we get "heart in our mouth" moments that one of our players could be sidelined with injury while fannying about at this international football malarkey!
And you're telling me that if your boss at work chose someone else who was not even trained at your task over you, you wouldn't be going WTF?!?!?
So to sum up, En-ger-land is not the be all and end all for us scousers, there are far fewer knob heads in Liverpool with stupid St George's flags sticking out of their car windows, and those who do, are more probably Everton fans. We are Liverpool, we are loyal and faithful to our team. Lets use the analogy of having an affair, we have a beautiful, fit, sexy missus, we don't have the urge to be shagging someone else on the side, while West ham are obviously a right minger, because all the fans have gone off to stick their tongue up the ass of the national team.
You're happy to be "supporting" Terry, Lampard and Gerrard??? You think it's OK to cheer on and applaud players you were booing and throwing coins at the other week? How fickle you are!
Seriously: WHO CARES?
Storm in a teaspoon IMO
I would be more worried about Gold & Sullivan if I were you.
Hide your silver!!
Sounds like you don't want anyone there, who would you take instead then putting away club affiliation?
Can I just put you right on one point? It is us Liverpool fans who pay Carras wages, not England fans in general. Yes, the international fee is a nice Brucey bonus but it could be said that Carra retiring from England saved England fans that fee. Also, it allowed him to concentrate on those who do pay his wages. I'd say that is a pretty honourable thing to do!
bloggers with tiny fan base attack the big boys to get hits.preDICKAble stuff these bin dippers will fall for it but we yids won't
11.18 sums it up perfectly! Pregnant at 15 and proud, on the dole and proud, shoplifting and proud, always innocent despite culpability and proud, working in the black economy and proud, nicking from your neighbour and proud, knocking up a 16 year old whilst your wife shags a Derby County player and proud...Yep Liverpol has different standards to the rest of Britain it seems. Perhaps that's why Liverpool bred Venables and Thompson? Liverpool and proud!
Meanwhile, West Ham put country above club and won the nation the World Cup! In the week when we have been remembering Dunkirk, I am proud to be BRITISH, not proud to be a Cockney.
Why are you having a go at either Spurs or Liverpool. Are you that jealous? Or is it that the only player that West Ham could possibly send to the world cup is also a definite leaver this season? If he does not go to SA then his value will drop and someone will pick up a bargain. Either way, it's a childish post.
Can I put you right on one point 1138, if it wasn't for the other clubs, there wouldn't be a Premier League and so there would be no Sky money. Open the box, there's a world beyond that little dark space known as Liverpool!
As a dyed in the wool scouse this is my first visit here. Just wanted to pass on some feedback, this is possibly the worse and most meaningless post I have ever read.
Oh you may not be proud to be a Cockney but you most certainly are a COCK!
Think you will find Green is going mate! Forgot him didn't you? How many players on the plane were made in West Ham? Ferdinand, Lampard, Johnson, Carrick, maybe Cole, Defoe. Have I forgotten anybody? That's more than Liverpool or Tottenham!
Oh Dearie me!
Trousers a little tight are they? This is buffoonery talk . Upson is absolutely not national team quality. Fact is he is not even club quality! He finds it impossible to read the game of football he is engaged in so let's leave it to someone who does. We are talking about trying to win the world cup for Heaven's sake!!!
Actually, when I started reading this, I though it was a mild piece of satire, ironic, humorous etc. Then I realised it was serious. Capello has a duty to pick his best team - end of. sadly Upson has never ever fulfilled his early promise and is a long way down in the pecking order. Express frustration by all means, but cheating? Get a grip.
Great ratio, every comment is a negative, well done you have surpassed yourself on this one, a 100% success rate you must be so proud.
You're not really very clever are you?
Perhaps if Upson got a handle on consistent and efficient Premiership performances(look at Wet Spam goals against) ,then he could be thought about as a limited performer at International level.
Hammersfan you complete bigot. What was John terry's first club. Answer that then talk about morale fibre of your club you utter idiot. If i could be bothered and thought a small minded moron was worth it i could find plenty of other stuff about the morales of west hams players, in fact didnt Bobby Moore cheat on his wife?. Crawl back down your shit hole and accept the fact upson is complete wank and not fit to wear an england shirt
You see how many the moderator has deleted. Tottenham and Liverpool fans seem to struggle to put a sentence together without the f or c word!
talk aout morales of players at other clubs two questions John Terry's first club was? Bobby Moore was completely faithfull to his wife?
Upson is shite and just cause he has been available doesnt mean he should be in the squad.
I'm not sure, but I don't think Bobby Moore knocked up a 16 year old. As for Terry, he left us before he grew pubic hairs!
Off to watch the game. Enjoy!
This blog is always pathetically stupid and bitter!
This time is no different, though I agree on Carra there is no way you can blame King for what he has been through and what he can still do.
IF he could have played for England before mark my words he would have done, but the truth is it has taken Spurs and Leddley 4 years to work out how to manage his knee properly!
The new contract to me indicates they think we can get more out of him going forward!
Thank makes it all ok then, anyway do you know this 16 year old that got knocked up, how about defoe and his antics an other old boy of west ham. Oh sorry he was a golden boy till he left. Muppet isnt the word to describe you.
If you are not proud to be British you should clear off abroad. If a player feel the greatest honour in the game is beneath him he should be hounded out of the country.
Yes we all support different clubs, but we all support England, it is the pinacle.
If you Scousers don't give a toss for your country don't watch the World Cup, but I guarantee you will and cheer on England. Hypocrisy.
King has never refused or been stopped by his club from paying for England, Carragher showed himself to be the lowest of the low. You deserve each other.
Noblelox (Nobollocks??) 11:34, Sorry, just had to bring you up on your 'work' analogy! It might be a fair point if it were a 'rookie' in a seasoned pro's position, but it isn't is it?! They're all experienced central defenders for Prem clubs! It's simply a case of ahhrr Jaymeeee not being picked so he chucks his toys and takes his casey 'ome!
Work? If 'you' (JC) retire/resign (for whatever reason) from your job...a few months down the line when you see your old firm (England) making increased profits and giving out lucrative performance related bonuses...you can't just expect to say 'I fancy a bit of that' and walk back in to your old job after you've already had the carriage clock and handshake! No chance! They've already replaced you with someone far more efficient and productive which is why they're now doing so well!
A tenuous analogy maybe...but it reflects Carragher to a tee!
Our Jamie Lee Duncan is 32 now. He's certainly not going to any more World Cups, if any future International tournaments, so he's realised he's been a bit hasty and decided to brown nose the new boss by telling him he's 'available' again!
Our Jamie will no doubt be getting his solid gold carriage clock from Liverpool before long...only thing is, it'll be the one off Ian Rush's mantlepiece!
if i was matty upson i would just be grateful that king and carragher didnt or couldnt play in the qualifiers because he would probably have no caps if they had. he is nothing more than a mediocre player at a poor club those caps are all he will ever win at west ham.
Lol what a bitter twisted Hammers fan with a gay Im forever blowing bubbles anthem. What has West Ham ever won, stop hating and get behind the England team if Upson doesn't deserve to go, Dawson, Lescott, Jagielka, Shawcross, Gary Cahill should be pissed off at not being in the frame, im a Liverpool fan its not Carraghers fault if Capello beggd him to come back Capello has alwas been a fan of Jamies coz he gives it his all and has played at the top level for along time, whats Upson ever done???? and King would do a better job than Upson even if he was in a wheelchair, KIngs by far the best centre back in the Prem when hes fit
To the Spurs fans, Ledley WANTED to play, 'Arry blocked him. That's cheating in my book. The guy was fit to play for England but that risked him not being fit for Tottenham - well that's the risk whenever somebody plays for England. Upson has played with paper padding in a boot for 3 years now due to an injury problem but West Ham still allow him to join up with England. Cole played for England (albeit only 10 mins) despite his knee injury. Bellyache only turned out for Wales when with West Ham! And Collison and Gabbidon were also allowed to join up with Wales when unfit for West Ham.
And to all you idiots who cannot understand what you read, I do not want Upson to be selected!
No-one can blame King for being in the squad, was not down to him, Capello and Redknapp made the decision for him. Capello didn`t want him because of his situation of not being able to train, and Arry didn`t want to risk him while we chased the fourth spot.
It`s irrelevant really, the same old shit underachievers will get the nod any way, Fabio (bottled it) Capello will go with the same old same old.
He should have played today (Upson) He`d have looked right at home with that shit out there today. LOL
Dry your eyes you big skinhead poofter.
Carra is infinitely better than Upson,he's vastly more experienced too.
So your point is what exactly ?
If West Ham weren't relegation fodder season in,season out maybe your players might get recognised by one of the best managers in world football and for the record I'm pretty damn sure Carra was pursuaded to come out of internation retirement because prior to Capello he was 3rd or 4th in the pecking order behind the likes of Wes Brown (FFS) despite playing in two CL FINALS in close proximity.It's hardly his fault you muppet.
oh yeah and Upson IS CRAP
King is the best centre back. upson is shit.. king couldn't play and train. you're an idiot for thinking king shouldn't go. i believe carraghar is a load of shit though. and he is a cheat. but no.. upson shouldn't go ahead of King. the only hammer that should be at the world cup is carlton cole.. and he wasn't even picked.. yet parker, green and upson are chosen. ridiculous. oh well get over it.. most hammer team is too shite to go world cup. only cole should have gone from ur team
If you dont want Upson selected what is the point of the "article" ( for want of a better word)?
Read it and see if you can work it out for yourself!
No hang on, you support either Liverpool or Tottenham so comprehension is probably beyond you! Shall I give you a multiple choice option?
I have read it and its pointless, good job you didnt waste anypaper writing this. You dont want upson to go, however you dont like his replacements. How about looking at the bigger picture, Carragher has come out of retirement after being asked 8, yes 8 times. Maybe the man being paid £6 million a year thinks he is one of the best along with King. Its not like either has been banging the gaffers door down and saying pick me. Both have answered the call to help the country.
no im a football and england fan not a small minded bigot
Or look at this way. Carragher has selfishly and unpatrioticly excluded himself from the hard graft of the qualification phase and now fancies a bit of glory after others have earned the right for England to perform at the tournament. It's like going to all the hassle of arranging a marriage and saying "I do" to your bride, only for her to shag a stand in on the wedding night. Oh sorry, that probably happens all the time in Liverpool!
Oh poor deluded Hammerfan, what glory is this? Do you honestly think that a side as bad as England can do anything glorious??
We are three weeks off all you cock-er-ney barrow boys ranting how it should be a English manager in charge of the English team, and how 'arry should be manager. You'll all be there, after England have slumped out in the quarters, by your cock-er-ney fruit and veg stalls banging on about how wrong it was to have one of them foreigners managing the team, and no wonder we never win anything...should be 'arry!!!
Upson probably isn't going to the World Cup because basically he's crap. He's been under-performing in a mediocre relegation dodging team all season, so why on earth would Capello take him? Upson needs to play for a bigger team like Tottenham, Bolton or Fulham before he can be considered for the national team again. If you play and under-perform at a TINY club like West Ham then you don't deserve to be rewarded.
Enjoy your last season in the premier league hammers.
Off topic, but will you neanderthals be doing the gas chamber hiss at us next season considering who your new manager will be. Oh and worst piece I have had the misfortune to read in a while.
Nah No Bollocks, that lot will be calling for Zola. Meanwhile, you lot will be lining up in the dole queue saying how Benitez should get the bleedin' job. By the way, white shirt and tie in Liverpool? When was the court appearance? ; }
2000, I sincerely hope that with Gold in the Board Room and Grant in charge of team affairs, genuine efforts will be made to identify the culprits and ban them from the ground for life. Your club could help when we come to White Hart Lane of course. Believe me, the hissing disgusts me every bit as much as it disgusts you.
Fair play, and Dawson is the one who should feel most agrieved if he's not on the pane.
The Internet: Allowing every village's idiot to have their since ever it was invented.
It's a World Cup, so pick the best 23 Englishmen available, who cares about the qualifiers?
King and Carragher are better centre backs than Upson. Carragher is a great defender at right back too.
And yeah, I am a Hammer, but you just need to face facts sometimes.
If England lined up in the World Cup final with Carragher playing i'd have no problems
As it happens, Harry never stopped King being played by Capello, he simply told the England manager that he would be unable to train....just the same as he doesn't train at Spurs....and Capello didn't like it, so dropped him.
It's now clear to Capello, and almost everyone else for that matter except for the simpleton writing this article, that King has since proved to be a top class defender, regardless of his inability to train during the week. Which is why he has forced himself into Capello's selection pool.
And, since we're talking about Upson not making the England squad....it's because he's no good. And I would be very disappointed to see a player of his ilk in a Spurs shirt next season.
You're a complete moron.
Spurs have been denying themselves a top defender every other game because they didn't want him to toddle off to internationals for a couple of weeks out of every few months?
And Capello asked Carragher to come back. What can't you understand about that? If it's so immoral to go to the World Cup after missing the qualifiers (it isn't, but you're an idiot) then your problem is with Don Capello. Carragher can't return if he isn't invited. England called; Carragher answered the call.
What it comes down to is so simple, even someone so simple-minded could understand it. If Upson hadn't been unconvincing throughout qualifying then there would be no need to turn to both King or Carragher and Upson's place would not be under any threat. Hence, if he doesn't go, it's his own bloody fault.
Happy Hammer, dont make me laugh
The only thing that I'm getting from this article and your responses to posts are that you hate spurs fans and people from Liverpool.
Childish nonsense...
As a Liverpool fan from Liverpool, I for one am disgusted that Carragher, Johnson and Gerrard choose to play for your rubbish third-rate club. I only hope they come back uninjured and Engerlund get knocked out as early as possible so I don't have to watch their horrible players ruining a decent competition. The diving, rolling around play-acting by England disgusts me.
While I agree with you about carra, you are way way off the mark with King. The man is willing to play for his country despite the fact that each game causes him immense discomfort afterwards and will almost certainly cause him problems later in life. You're an idiot, which is highlighted quite simply by there not being any other hammers fans backing you up.
Wow, there really is something wrong with the schools. You lot can't read can you? Oh yes, you can sound out the letters, but you can't actually understand what is being said can you?
Do I, at any point, say Upson is better than King or Carragher? No. Do I, at any point, say Upson deserves to be on the plane? No. In fact, if you read the final paragraph, you will see that I say that Upson will get no sympathy from West Ham fans if he is left out. The article is about the injustice of allowing the cheating Carragher and the lame King back in because they have put self / club above country, whilst Upson has answered every call to the best of his limited ability. Read the last paragraph again before you post a reply. I'll even carry it below for you!
"There are no rights here, just wrongs. Carragher should not be on the plane and nor should King. Look at the fuss because Terry screwed Bridge's girlfriend, Carragher and King have screwed every England fan for three seasons or more. But take Upson? After his performances for West Ham last season? No way. If you don't make it Matty, don't expect any sympathy from down Green Street way!"
I still don't understand how your jelly eel'ed addled mind can figure Carragher to be a cheat?? The man clearly and honestly called it a day. Is it his fault if the manager begs and pleads for the best centre-back in England to come out of retirement and shore up a very ropey defence? Capello has been begging him since he got the job. OK he could have come back earlier, but as he said, he has been putting everything into the ultimate cause, Liverpool. But here he is, the real football is over for the summer, Capello is still crying down the phone at him, why the hell not, he's still the best in the country. Go have a fully paid for holiday in South Africa, play 4 or 5 games, and still be home to watch the semis and the final. I mean who wouldn't put their name down for a bit of that? And because he has, he's a cheat? Sounds like he has his head screwed on right to me. I mean who in their right mind would say no, so that some lesser player can go out and enjoy the free bar?
Welcome back no bollocks. As per all Scousers, you are confusing two different things. Yes I know it's a car, but it's your neighbour's car! And his TV! And his wife! And his bloody daughter!
I will set it out clearly for you. Tottenham are cheats because they wouldn't let King join up with England. Carragher is a traitor because he put himself before his country. Carragher is also a cheat because he instructed his team mates to close down Scaloni when the ball was returned to play after Scaloni had sportingly put the ball into touch because a Liverpool player was injured (FA Cup Final, llast minute). Had the ball been thrown behind for a goal kick, as it should have been, rather than, on Carragher's instructions, to Scaloni who was then closed, Gerrard would never have scored that equaliser. Follow?
If you want England to do well then King will do better job than Upson.. Simple as that. Even 70% fit King's still a mile better than Upson. Don't rate Carra but he is versatile and who can blame him for getting frustrated under Maclaren IMAO
Who is cheating who? If Carra and King would have agreed to wear the England jersey in the qualification rounds - where would Upson be? Still cap-less.
McLaren is long gone. There's a new sheriff in town. Don't blame King and Carra. Blame the England manager... Or actually, blame Upson for not being good enough.
Carragher's a traitor is he? And just WHO exactly are the high and mighty fans of those residents of the Boleyn Ground; West Ham United to pronounce what a LIVERPOOL player is or is not?
Fact is since you fools like YOU want to argue so much about your beloved England then it goes like THIS. Your great Engerland and it's manager not only snubbed Carragher repeatedly in his BEST position (centre back at which he's better than ANY other England candidate bar probably Ferdinand and Terry).
They played him Holding Midfielder (?) against Hungary before the LAST World Cup, they then PROMISED him games in the qualifiers for Euro 2008 AT Centre Back only to put him at Left Full-Back (where he NEVER plays) and replace him with the less experienced internationally King. So who are YOU to question HIS decision to retire after England and the spineless Tw*t Mclaren LIED to him? By God, did he take his revenge - do you think England REALLY would have lost on that awful night to Croatia back in November 2007 IF Carra' had played? I don't. Jamie was only replying kind, That's all.
And as to now? It's a FACT that Capello has BEGGED him SINCE he came INTO the Job to come back!! He's on record as having asked Jamie at LEAST 5 times.
Once he'd helped Stabilise LFC where he himself didn't have the best of starts, Jamie simply said 'yes' eventually that's all.
To claim he ran poor Upson out of an England Job is ridiculous when Upson did a PERFECTLY good job of that HIMSELF by writing a ''How NOT to defend'' Manual on truly ABYSMAL defending ALL season LONG at West Ham whilst Carragher? He went back to being one of the best FOUR English Centre Backs in the Premier League.........
Oh and incidentally if you want to be an even BIGGER fool and argue about whose produced great players, violent criminals and the like? Then I'm MORE than happy to take up the cudgels and give you a joust on these subjects. To begin, you've the sheer GALL to mention Venables and Thompson have you? Well what about those loveable Cockerney born and bred THUGS the Krays? OR the mother and her sick, depraved lovers who KILLED Poor little Baby Peter Connelly a few years back? Then There's Dennis Nilsen - ALL these monsters were London born AND bred or lived there for YEARS - Didn't see you mention THEM in your risible excuse for an argument did I? I personally believe it was PATHETIC to even Bring THAT into the arguments on here as it had NOTHING at all to do with FOOTBALL.
Now then, whilst we're on the subject of great players? West Ham won the World Cup did they? Funny but I could of sworn players like Charlton and Stiles (Man United), Hunt and Callaghan (Liverpool - We had Gerry Byrne in the squad as well), Banks (Leicester City), Bonetti (Chelsea), Greaves (Spurs), Springett (Sheffield Wednesday), Eastham (Arsenal), Wilson (Everton) and Cohen (Fulham) ALL were involved as well.
Now that's what? NINE different clubs OTHER than West Ham that supplied more than HALF the squad with Liverpool (with 3) having AS MANY players involved as West Ham did with Moore, Hurst and Peters. Yes, your players played an important role but DON'T overegg your pudding my Friend.
It's clear after all that WITHOUT the likes of Hunt, Callaghan, Charlton, Stiles, Banks, Cohen, Wilson and Greaves there in the SQUAD - Do you REALLY think England would have even REACHED the final? Never mind WON it? Of course not - It was a squad game back then in the BIG tournaments for National Sides - The only difference NOW is that's true of Clubs as WELL.............
To conclude; If you want to argue about CURRENT footballing talent from the City of Liverpool? Then explain to me just WHO has come from West Ham recently and their 'Academy' possessing levels of talent even CLOSE to that of Wayne Rooney and Steven Gerrard who are not only BOTH Scousers born and bred but also THE best two Footballers England has produced in the past decade or so by FAR? And West Ham can offer whom precisely to match THAT?
With regard to what we've done for England NOW? Well, let me see, we also have the current England Right Back in our ranks (Johnson), his probable replacement (Carragher - Who CAN play Right back as one of his TWO specialist positions), the Probable England Goalkeeper James spent Much of his main career at Anfield, Peter Crouch who is England's Next most important striker AFTER Rooney was moulded into the international scoring force he now is BY our manager Mr Benitez circa 2005 - 2008 (remember when the WHOLE country - including no doubt idiots like YOU laughed at him for not scoring? I do and guess WHO gave him the confidence and support he NEEDED to SMASH that drought?), Stephen Warnock whose a valued squad member as backup for Ashley Cole on the left spent MANY years at Anfield as well and I think it's safe to say THIS time that IF England win the World Cup (and it's a bloody BIG If) then THIS time, Liverpool can safely be said to have had a FAIR bit to do with it.
THOSE my friend are the facts of the matter this time. I suggest YOU deal with them as You seem VERY reluctant to accept that well as West Ham have done for England in the past - Liverpool have done EQUALLY well for the national side and currently have a GREAT deal of influence on the England Team, FAR more than YOU'LL ever admit anyway. You may not like what's clear to everyone else but you'll just have to accept it won't you? As it's not going to change ANY time soon.............
The fackt that King with one good leg and Caragher after his worst ever season are better addition to the England team says a lot of Upson.
Capellon is not an idiot, anyone who takes his head out of his ass can really see what a player Upson is!
Dont get me wrong I like Upson to play at the WC, becouse I'l be supporting Portugal.
Oh I'm sorry hammersfan, I totally forgot about the FA Cup final ;-)I wouldn't call it cheating, and neither would you if you were on the other side of the fence. You too would see it as not letting the opposition waste time. If you expect the same level of take it up the arse "fair play" as Paolo Di Canio, then you are living in a dream world.
So I think we can all agree that we are all delighted that Carra is off to the world cup, as he is a hard working, no nonsense player that we all love and support.
So I expect you to support him, as you drive around the east end in your white van with your flags sticking out of your windows, and when you are applying your face paint for the USA game, remember to put a 1 and a 3 on your cheeks!
Good man!
P.S. how much for a pound of apples from your barra'?
You're back no bollocks! I don't live in the East End mate, parents moved me to Somerset when I was 5. I don't have a white van and don't sell fruit, I'm a rocket engineer, working at the University of Surrey and for a company in Farnborough. Sorry to disappoint! And yes, I will cheer on Jamie the Traitor because I am a patriotic Englishman but if somebody has to miss the penalty that puts us out, I hope it is Carragher!
Your wynning is misplaced.
Anyone can say "I want to play for England".
It means you can make yourself available for selection as long as you are English, it doesen't mean Capello must call you to play.
You should leave Caragher and King and teke it up with don Fabio.
His work is really been unaccapteble.
Maybe England should have an English manager like Mclaren, than you wouldn't have to worry who is called to play at World Cup and who isn't.
he he
You're such a rocket engineer!
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