Nothing like a day out at Wembley to help fans discover a passion for the home town club is there? Dagenham and Redbridge have scraped by on average gates of just over 2,000 all season, despite making it into the playoffs, but a play off final at Wembley saw the good denizens of the town of Dagenham exchange their BNP rosettes for the badge of the Daggers in their droves. Nick Griffin, of course, secured 6,620 votes in the last election in neighbouring Barking, three times Dagenham's average home gate!
I wonder if BNP Councillors Steed, Doncaster and Bailey were at Wembley to cheer on their "hometown" team? Jolly unfortunate for them if they were, given Jon Nurse (pictured above) scored the winning goal. Not exactly the BNP ideal of a perfect Dagenham resident is he? Still perhaps he will now bugger off back to Barbados where he belongs eh guys? Along with all the other black and Asian nurses (and doctors) who keep our National Health Service running eh?
The politics of the region apart, it is great to see a little club like D&R punching above their weight; although that term is perhaps as unfortunate as the club nickname given the high profile of the far right in the town. I'm afraid I can't hear the town's name without thinking of that great gag on Have I Got News For You..."The leaked details of BNP membership revealed 2 teachers, 3 policemen, 1 doctor...and Dagenham!"
I think Jon Nurse should now be given the freedom of the borough personally!
One rule for you and one for the rest of us eh? And I quote from the right hand column of your blog, in RED would you believe?
A few rules: no racism, no obscene language, and nothing that could see me or you in court!
mate, there's a whole bunch of us who grew up in a multi-cultural dagenham that are just over joyed to see this result and the success a club built on the area's tradition of hard work can achieve. we don't even acknowledge race, religion or politics as an issue worthy of a comment in that success. as a fellow hammer i think you would be better served being gracious in your congratulations rather than attempting to provoke some kind of racist, bigoted response and then side show argument to what has been a great day for the east end.
Erm, 1857, how have I broken any of those rules? Please explain.
1902, I'm sure that is very true. What a shame you didn't show up in enough numbers to prevent the BNP getting seats on your council. You no doubt see their election as a terrible blight upon your community, but the sad truth is that they are there and that the BNP target Dagenham and Barking because they know there is a greater ground swell of support for them there than in 99% of the country. Griffin didn't just stick a pin in a map to decide where he was going to stand did he? I hope Nurse's goal will make the idiot racists think a bit. Mind you, Hitler didn't rethink anything after Jesse Owens and the Berlin Olympics did he?
Im a Daggers fan and I also vote BNP so whats ur point Hammrsfan???? I love the BNP and I love th Daggers and my Ex Local Team Leeds United.
Well thanks for proving my point 1958. So tell me, how do you feel about Jon Nurse taking the job of a white footballer? I expect he can even afford to buy a house, a house you and your white friends might otherwise be able to afford to buy! Shouldn't be allowed according to your lot, should it?
I vote BNP but I am not racist i just like their policies on imigration. Why do you consider me a racist then??? I am married to a woman from Uganda anyway. How does that make me racist????
Well maybe it has something to do with needing a legal challenge to FORCE the party to allow non whites to become party members! Dear God, you must be stupid if you don't understand that the BNP are a rascist party. How about Griffin denying the Holocaust happened? What does you wife think about you supporting a party that would, if ever allowed into power, deport her or send her to a gas chamber? Or isn't she allowed an opinion, being a woman and black?
She has no political interest as long as the free benefits keep comming then she is happy. BTW I am Jewish as well so no need to go on about gas chambers etc. HE BNP are not racist and I like ther ideals.
Hmmm, you are Jewish and have a Ugandan bride and you support the BNP. If my aunt had bollocks, she would be my uncle. Moron.
Why would I care if you believe me that is my situation and we have 3 beautiful children between us and we are very happy. We actually follow the Christian faith for your information.
It gets better and better! BNP supporting Jew who believes in Christ and is maaried to a Ugandan. Presumably your brother is a Shia Muslim?
No my brother died 12 years ago from a rare blood disorder but my sister has converted to Hinduism to honour her husband and his family.
Quality posts on a quality site - keep up the good work!
Cheers mate
HF you really are a nob. im a west ham fan and i went to the dagenham game yesterday and had a fantastic day seeing dagenham go up. because they are my local team. why on earth this has got anything to do with racism is beyond me. it did not matter wat colour the player was as long as he was wearing a dagenham shirt and scored the winning goal. in fact it was the last thing on my mind going to the game yesterday. i just went for a good day out and hoped dagenham would do us proud and go up. just like everyone else did at the game yesterday. and they did make everyone proud and go up. so stop talking rubbish as usual. and bringing up things about racism. when all everyone cared about was a good day out and the mighty daggers going up. ps good luck to the mighty hammers and the mighty daggers next season. from a very proud dagenham man.
Are you as proud about having BNP members on the local council? More people voted for the BNP candidate for Dagenham than go to D&R home games! Don't you think there is a delicious irony about Jon Nurse scoring the deciding goal?
I do say I'm pleased for the football club and call for Jon Nurse to be given the freedom of the borough. Why not campaign for that to happen? Maybe they could build a statue of Nurse in the town centre?
How many D&R games did you get to last season? Congratulations to your home town club, I wish them well next season.
are you only saying that jon nurse should be given the freedom of the borough because his a black man. because if you are then is that not being racist. somehow i dont think you would have brought this up if it had been a white man who scored the winning goal yesterday would have you HF
No, I am saying they should build a statue of Nurse because he scored the winning goal. Do you think the BNP members of the council will support the idea? If not, why?
yes HF i am proud to have BNP members on the council. because i vote for them.
Do you 1544? And you can read and write! You'll be on the Executive Committee of the party before you know it! Personally I think we should change the voting system, putting an X is an unfair advantage for the BNP, that's the way the majority of their supporters sign their name!
And 1544, do you think Nurse should be "over here" taking a white man's job? Shouldn't he be sent back to Barbados? How do you feel about a statue of him in the town centre?
so just because i vote for BNP you class me as a thick twat do you. is that not some kind of racism then. everyones entitled to their own opinion. it does not make me any worse then you or any better. and vice versa.
I credit you with being able to read and write!
in fact by your childish remarks i think i got my last post wrong. i am better then you. because i pity people like you. your so sad. you need to grow up a bit.
and one other thing HF you twat just because i vote for BNP it does not mean im a racist you know. just in case you cant get that in your thick head.
so who do you vote for HF labour. the worst party ever that has ruined this once great country of ours.
Now hang on, you vote for a party that would not allow non whites to become members until a court case forced a change of policy; but you are not a racist? You vote for a party that supports repatriation of non whites; but you are not a racist? You vote for a party that favours forcible relocation of people based on ethnisticity; but you are not a racist? You vote for a party led by a man who claimed the Holocaust was a Jewish invention; but you are not a racist? And you call me thick?
1737, another 13 years of Tory rule and we wouldn't now have a National Health Service or state education. I'm not saying Labour got it all right - they got a hell of a lot wrong - but I dread to think what our country would now be like had Labour not won power when they did. But I did not vote Labour at either of the last two elections.
i vote for BNP because of their immigration policy. not because i dont like the colour of peoples skin colour. has ive said you twat ive got loads of black mates. so no im not a racist
And what do you like about their immigration policy? Explain the policy to me.
HF why do you have to link everything to racism. like the dagenham game yesterday. you know that game yesterday had nothing whatsoever to do with racism. it was all about people going for a fun day out to support their local team at a great stadium. but no you had to bring racism into it didnt you. you cant even fart anymore without being called a racist by people like yourself. i think you have to much time on your hands if you ask me. people like you make me sick. you should be talking about wat a great day it was for the mighty daggers. but no you have to link everything to racism you twat.
Look at how many daggers fans are admitting to being supporters of the BNP! I didn't elect the BNP Councillers did I? I think it merits a mention given Nurse scored. Remember, these guys wouldn't have him in the country, yet look at the pleasure he gave to all you daggers fans. Can't you see a certain irony there?
so i vote the BNP so what. and so do loads of other people in dagenham. so what. thats how choice. and if you have a problem with it. so what. we are entitled to vote who we please. and if you have a problem with it. then its your problem. just because we vote BNP doesnt mean we are racists. i dont tell you who to vote for do i.
Is this the same non racist BNP voter or a different one? The BNP are a racist party so why would you vote for them if you weren't a racist?
because labour has let in to many immigrants into the country and it has to stop. because if it gets any worse then their is goner be to many people here and not enough jobs. we are already struggling now. wake up and smell the coffee HF. it has nothing to do with skin colour.
my mate worked for a plumbing company and last year was made redundant because the council told the company that if they did not have more dif nationalitys working their that they would loose a lot of their contracts with the council. so my mate had to leave his job because the company couldnt afford to keep him on. and even the manager told him that he didnt want him to go because he was a good worker but he had no choice but to let him go. and my mate has two kids and a council house. lucky enough for him hes got another plumbing job now. so wat do you think of that HF do you make that right. and for the record im not a racist but a realist. and thats why i vote BNP
1923, 80% of the immigrants come from the European Union and we can't stop that, irrespective of which party is in power. You may not have noticed but last year more people left Britain than came in.
Now, do you now an unemployed Pole or Czech living in Britain? I don't. How about a benefit scrounging Asian? Nope, all the Asians I know have jobs, as do the Poles and the Czechs, and that means they are paying tax, funding our NHS, pensions, etcetera. The majority are in their 20s, hard working, healthy and childless. They don't draw much from the state but pay taxes, unlike lazy, layabout Brits who are part of the scrounger society.
1959, your mate must be a moron. He's a poor plumber? Tell him to move to Berkshire! Set up his own business over this way and he won't be living in a council house for long!
"but last year more people left Britain than came in" my god I always wondered what kind of person would believe a statistic like that and now I know..........
I hope that stat is wrong! As a landlord with one Czech tenant and one Indonesian tenant, I want as many immigrants as possible to push up my rents! Sadly, the stat is right. I know two Poles who have returned to Poland, three Aussies who have gone back to Australia, a Kiwi who has returned to New Zealand, a French guy who has gone back to France and three Brits who have emigrated over the last 12 months. Meanwhile, immigration has slowed dramatically.
more people left britain last year then came in. only a donut would believe that. oh i was right Hammersfan believes it.
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