So the silly season is well and truly upon us. I look in on News Now and find stories linking us with former Arsenal great Thierry Henry. Apparently we are prepared to pay him £75k a week, despite the £30,000 wage cap I thought S&G were looking to impose. Henry is also supposedly keen on the deal too. Well, £75k per week is a good pension plan isn't it?
Any truth in it? I doubt it. A deal taking Fabragas to Barcelona, with Henry loaned back to Arsenal, with his salary met by Barcelona for a year, seems much more likely to me. Should we actually buy Henry, I'd expect us to buy Thomas, Edward, Gordon, Toby, James and Percy too so Sullivan has the full set. Well, it might be one way of keeping him amused!
its true sullivan was the one who came out with it in the first place an d admitted to offering him a lucrative deal
But that doesn't mean Sullivan thinks there's any chance of getting him. Don't you remember the same happened with Van Nistelrooy? Did he join? No, we ended up with Mido instead! So, we try for Henry and end up with Jo? We try for Henry and end up with Heskey? We try for Henry and end up with Harewood? Or maybe Mido signs an extension!
Well, we've already got the Fat Controller. Might as well get the rest of the cast.
Oh god no...this is going to be the repeat of Ljungberg! Sell Upson and Behrami...get a real center back, a real rightback, a real striker, and move Faubert up to the right wing in midfield!
From the ridiculous to the sublime eh?! Would it be aesthetically correct to mention 'Fletcher' and 'Henry' in the same sentence, let alone imagine them as a striking duo?!
Yep, Sullivan conveniently forgets his previous comments regarding 'wage caps' to announce HIS latest coup! Ol' Ruud Van Nistlehorse didn't fancy the last 'coup' and I'm sure Terry 'Enry won't fancy this one...although £7.8M over 2 seasons isn't to be sniffed at! That's £75K a week! Sullivan stated that would make TH the highest paid player in West Ham's history! Well, at least it now proves that Kieron Dyer's £83K/wk is a myth...which is some consolation!
TH has allegedly set his sights on New York and the Red Bulls in the MLS anyway...and I'm sure that deal is worth more than £75K/week?!
...and peeerleease, ANYONE bar Heskey HF!! I'd have Marlon with a broken leg and even keep Mido before him! Shouldn't need to worry on that score anyway, as I've heard he's trying for a reconciliation with Dawn French rather than concentrate on falling over for a living...ahem, sorry, I meant playing football!!
You missed the subtle distinction Shaun. Henry would be our highest paid PLAYER. Dyer is an employee, he never actually PLAYS!
LOL Bet he's leading our line in the World Cup Final Shaun. Rooney enjoys playing slongside him!
'World Cup FINAL' you say HF?
Rather presumptuous of you mate...although it would be great to have another THREE West Ham players with World Cup WINNERS medals?!
...and believe me, Rooney only likes playing with Lenny...umm, I mean Emile...because he makes him appear good-lookin' and intelligent!!
I apologise, of course you are right - I did do a hatchet job on Zola and now of course my biggest fear is that Grant turns out to be worse - in fact it's got so bad that it's causing a few sleepless night....
World cup final - another prediction HF?
Oh dear hf you fall in to the trap with open eyes - it's to sell season tickets - that's what this is all about, all teams do it to one degree or another....
ORGster - you know nothing.....
Kareem - I forgot you mate - how about that pub crawl through Brighton?
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