After reading that Liverpool's manager, whoever that may be, will only have £15m to spend this summer, it appears that the club are now cutting their cloth to suit a position in mid table. Apparently, they only need three players to turn them from Europa League semifinalists into Premiership Champions elect! Who the hell are they kidding?
I wonder how much longer the Liverpool fans will stomach this? At least their hated rival's fans have displayed some spunk, organising the alternative scarf campaign. The Scousers seem to be submerged in torpor. They can't see that Benitez is at least to much to blame as Hicks and Gillete, after wasting a King's ransom on duff players. Sure they want the Yanks out, but what are they doing about it?
Now Yossi is on his way, leaving them even shorter in midfield creativity. Gerrard and Torres will return tired from the World Cup, assuming they return of course. If you were Torres, would you fancy hanging around with "Going nowhere" Liverpool, or would you fancy joining Jose at Real Madrid?
And as for Gerrard, if the rumours are true, he might fancy Spain to get out of reach of the Child Support Agency. And of course to put distance between his wife and the city of Derby. Not that I am suggesting there is any truth whatsoever in what is being said. Surely the stand in England captain wouldn't be so stupid, would he? But even leaving all that aside, a deal taking Gerrard to Real might make sense for both Liverpool and Gerrard. Stevie G will want to win trophies and that's more likely to happen under Jose at Real than under Rafa at Liverpool. Meanwhile Gerrard's legs aren't getting any younger and his all action style can't be sustained for many more seasons. Liverpool would probably do well to cash in while they can.
But if Gerrard, Torres and Yossi depart, where do Liverpool go from there? Who would fancy joining a club in turmoil with no world class players? Upson perhaps? Even Carlton Cole is begging us not to sell him! Liverpool might have the funds to buy replacements but can you replace Gerrard and Torres? Would Rafa hang around if his best players left? And if he went, wouldn't Reina follow?
I predicted last summer that Liverpool would finish outside the top 4 and warned then about the implications. Liverpool fans hurled abuse in my direction then but it has all happened, just as I predicted. The money spent last summer was spent unwisely, just as I said in August. As good as Johnson is, Liverpool's needs were elsewhere. You can get by with an average right back; you can't get by without a forward line or a quality midfield.
Liverpool's best hope is perhaps Woy Hodgson because he knows how to get the best out of Average Joe players...and by August, that may be all the Liverpool manager has to work with. Moores has been critical of the Yanks but he sold the club to them so he has a lot to answer for too! Be warned, if you support Liverpool, 2009-10 may yet be remembered with affection given what may be about to follow!
15m net is still a decent chunk of money. with the sale of mascherano, riera, benayoun, and some fringe players the new manager could have 55m to reinvest in wide players and strikers. until torres leaves liverpool still have a shot at making the top 4
It is £2m less than was paid for Johnson!
HF wat have you got against liverpool. as a west ham ive got a lot of time for liverpool football club and their fans. especially after the 2006 f.a cup final when i had a great time with a lot of liverpool fans that day. and even after we lost on penalties that day the liverpool fans were still brilliant towards me. they was not gloating or anything. they were just proud to be their like i was to watch a fantastic match between 2 proper and fantastic clubs. i for one hope they do get back to the top oneday because its such a shame seeing them where they are at the moment. and like how fans the liverpool fans are fantastic and im shaw alot of liverpool fans have nothing but nice things to say about west ham united as alot of west ham fans do about liverpool. so stop slaging them off Hammersfan and making west ham look bad.
2044 What have I got against Liverpool fans? Nothing. Except for their Little Liverpool mentality. Look at the comments on the Upson on the brink thread. These guys boast about how they hate England! Why? Because their team is packed with Spaniards, Argies and the like. I am proud of my country and proud that West Ham won the World Cup. Scousers don't give a shit about anything outside of Liverpool and are happy to boast to that effect. I always cheer on English clubs in Europe but this year, actually cheered on Athletico Madrid. I'm sick of the "God Given Right" attitude of Liverpool and their fans. It's easy to be a great fan when you are winning, lets see them go thirty years without winning a trophy like we have and see how great they are then. And and ask yourself how friendly would they have been if we had won the Cup?
Mate, if you would like to resubmit your comment minus the c word, I will publish it. As you say at the end, kids. Down south, we don't encourage them to use that language!
i agree im a west ham fan and for all the top clubs your man utds and your chelseas you can stick them up your bum. liverpool are a proper club with proper fans. and i would like to see them win the league everytime other them other scummy teams at the top.
How old are you 2059?
How many trophys you won in he last 30 years hammersfan???? Im a mighty Red (and BNP supporter). Sad pathetic little club west ham
This blog is like west ham. Total crap
Torres = more than your entire club
im a hammers fan and all i want to say is if their are any liverpool fans out their who come on this two bob site please dont think its us real west ham fans who are putting your great club down. its the donut who calls himself Hammersfan or i would say Spursfan. who runs this two bob site. most of us real west ham fans know wat a great club liverpool football club is. so please dont take no notice of this donut because he is always putting the great name of west ham united down. ps wats the odds you dont put this up on your site Hammersfan.
2113, I suggest you read what the Liverpool fans think about our club!
2108, read the comments section, I say we haven't won a trophy for 30 years. We would have won the FA Cup had Carragher not cheated of course.
Oh and 2108, be careful, after the BNP have got rid of the Blacks and Asians, it will be the Irish and their descendants next. Mind you, given the influx of black people into Liverpool because of the slave trade, there must be a good chance that you have some black genes in you. Dark hair by any chance? Seen "True Romance"? Maybe your great great great gran got it together with an African fresh off the slave ships!
You lost all credibilty when you suggested torres should go to real Madrid, shows you know f all!
Real Madrid, Barcelona, Chelsea, Man Utd...take your pick. Which would you prefer?
I'm a liverpool fan and i agree with 20:44 a lot of fans that i know have know hatred of west ham and if we had lost in 2006 sure i would not be happy but i would not go slagging of other fans personally i wanted west ham to stay up because there a great club with decent players and did not deserve to go down
Ask yourself this hamers fan how would you have reacted to liverpool fans if west ham won the 2006 F.A cup Would u have paid respect towards them or would u go celebrating and gloating in their faces. Not all liverpool fans act the same way i will admit there are some that wanted west ham to go in to administaration but there are others who like west ham
Dude, you spend of lot of time worrying about Liverpool. As far as I was aware, NO ONE knows exactly how much Rafa will have to spend, and NO ONE has yet left the club despite the media stories suggesting otherwise.
I'd suggest you take a look at the bizarre plans your owners have for west ham - Henry, Beckham!!!! Rather than a manager having the final say.
And just to add, Rafa took a team to second. You would expect some solid investment to back him to get first. It never came. He actually made a PROFIT in last summers window.
well done hammersfan you have just put the great name of west ham united down once again. how many more enemies are you goner get us. we must be the most hated club in england because of you. i can only say sorry to any liverpool fans who see this rubbish. and on behalf of all true west ham fans we know liverpool are a great club and we wish you well for the future.
I'm sure there are Bazer, and I'm sure, on a one to one basis, I would like the vast majority of Liverpool fans. I've been to a wedding in Liverpool and everybody I met was decent. And I liked the City. But I don't like the attitude of your fans in general and I don't like your club I'm afraid. I detest the way Liverpool fans rubbish England and I will never forgive Carragher for refusing to play in that Croatia game.
But this article isn't about the fans is it? It's about the club and the mess it now finds itself in. When this blog carried articles warning about what was going to happen, the abuse was incredible. Instead of hurling insults, Liverpool fans should have campaigned to replace Benitez.
LOL 2130, the power of Hammersfan! Never mind the Tevez affair! Never mind Sullivan and Gold! Never mind the ICF! The whole world hates West Ham because of Hammersfan!
Hammersfan you cant blame some liverpool fans for slagging us off. because all you do is slag them off. you are not a proper west ham fan. you are a disgrace. sorry liverpool fans from all true west ham fans.
Most of us Reds love the BNP as well as we are sick of all the ethnics comming into our great Rafa the gaffer is God
Hammersfan all west ham fans hate you as you stir up trouble. Good luck Liverpool as you are a real club wth shite owners thats all
HF why do you hate liverpool so much????
Hammersfan you are not a true west ham fan. you are a disgrace. do us a favour and go and support tottenham and take them down with you.
Tell me, what is there in the article that is anti Liverpool? All I'm doing is commenting on the situation they face. Do I say I hate Liverpool in the article? Is the situation of my making? I predicted last summer that they would not qualify for the Champions League and was accused then of hating Liverpool. Telling it how it is does not ammount to hatred does it? Rafa GUARANTEED Champions League qualification in February. Why hasn't he walked?
How can I not be a Hammers Fan? I had a season ticket last season! Ha!
my mate had a season ticket last season at upton park and he supports arsenal.
Did he? What a mug! Imagine buying a season ticket to watch the crap we produced under Zola when he could have been taken up the Arse! It's a bit like choosing to drive a Kia when you own a Porsche!
but when you cant afford a porsche or get your hands on one you tend to go for a kia.
Good luck west ham from Zimbabwe
Ferne Cotton is a hammers fan. My Brother is dating her now for the past 6 weeks and she has the shirt and sexy underwear. Lucky So and So
the reason west ham fans like myself like liverpool and vice versa is because west ham and liverpool are proper clubs with proper fans. not like chelsea a fake club with plastic fans. i just pray we both do well next season.
If Rafa Benitez instructed his squad to push a pineapple and shake a tree...what would Agger do??
as a fifty year old i remember the great liverpool sides and think it is a real shame what has happened but you have 2 world class players and thats it stevie g torres rest are average at best or past it like carragher come on you yanks give them cash or get out but remember this the table dont lie you like us finished where you deserved to it could be worse we got dell boy and rodney owe us
I'm a Liverpool fan, I like West Ham, I think West Ham has got a fantastic youth system, it's how football should be, you should build your club and instil the club's ideals and values into the players. Not pull a Man City or Chelsea; buy superstars and expect instant success.
When it comes to you Hammersfan, I think you've lost your marbles. Torres to Real Madrid, have you gone absolutely mad? That is like Gerrard going to Man Utd. You may just try to illustrate a point, but at least use an illustration that doesn't discredit you. Surely Reina will leave as well, because he just signed a new long-term contract a month or two ago...
I think we need players, but I don't think we need too many actually, it was the same squad as the season before minus Alonso. So how can you argue that we're miles off for at least a challenge? We are going the wrong direction, but if we're able to turn that we won't be too far off. The key would be to solve the ownership situation and get some stability and Torres playing for 10% (or so it seems) of the matches.
You didn't have a season ticket - you had a MINI season ticket.... which isn't like a Kia at all. more like a one roller skate you low life pikey.
So a mini skirt isn't a skirt? Does that mean my wife is just parading around in her knickers?
A MINI brain makes for a retard - which means your wife is possibly parading around with a moron.
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