In the week of the General Election, isn't it time the fans were allowed to have their say on Zola? I'm pretty certain that Sullivan and Gold would receive a clear mandate to remove Zola if the fans attending Upton Park for the City game were given the vote.
Watching the attitude of fans towards Zola over the course of the season has been very interesting. I have been calling for his head for a long time now and, in the early days, received all sorts of abuse. Recently, only Stani has been defending him on here, and he has been very quiet since the Fulham game. That match was the tipping point for many, with the selection of Spector convincing even Zola acolytes that the Italian really has no idea what he is doing.
Of course, S&G can't organise a vote because that would constitute constructive dismissal; but the fans can have their say anyway. Anybody who cares for West Ham would be well advised to make their feelings clear on the subject of Zola on Sunday. Thanks but no thanks should be the message. I don't dislike Zola - how can you dislike the guy? - but I know he is bad news for the club. We should unite on Sunday and wave him a fond and final farewell, hoping that, as an honourable man, he respects the wishes of the fans and resigns.
West Ham fans generally accept the crap that is continually shoved at them and we don't do anything about it other than shake our heads and moan on internet sites like this one.
Perhaps we are just conditioned to it as thats the way that its always been. Is there any other club that wouldn't have turned on Zola by now? We have bee served up the most awlful performances that I can ever recall.
Anon you obviously weren't around in the 90's when we repelled the hated Bond Scheme.
Do agree though that I found it unbelievable that watching that dirge at Fulham the fans at no stage gave Zola a hard time. It's compounded further when I recall Curbishley's last game at the Cottage he got no end of stick when we actually drew the game.
Funny lot
The thing is that Zola alias Mr. nice guy seems so friendly and most fans like him apart from his lack of tactical abilities. That's the reason for our patience I guess...
I love Zola watching him at Tony Carrs Testimonial was amazing what a player and what a man. Hope he stays and turns it around next season with better players if G+S back him.
Well welcome me back big boy....
And give it a rest HF. The reason I've been "quiet" since the Fulham game is because your posts have just become repetitive. Your criticism of Zola has become obsessive. Your posts used to be varied and humorous but I think Zola has preoccupied you and made you mad. You're spending too much time with...sorry, on him HF. Your constant criticism of him is something which I think you have come to realise yourself which is why this post of yours is clearly toned down. You state "I don't dislike Zola - how can you dislike the guy?", but whether you actually believe that, I'm not sure. Maybe you looking back at your previous posts has humbled you somewhat. Just scrolling down and reading your previous posts would tell you that if you really did not dislike him, you wouldn't have wrote much of that, and that which you would have written, would have been more fair.
If you assume I have changed my opinion of Zola, I haven't. My opinion of Zola has not changed, it has been the same. He is a young, learning manager and we should give him until January with total support. We should be careful what we wish for.......
....As for the selection of Spector convincing people that Zola is not good enough, I have to disagree. He is only one player, so picking him makes Zola a bad manager? Managers do this every week. Yes he could play Daprela there, but do we really know why he is not? No, really HF, we don't, not even you. The perfect example here is that of Stanislas. You have been asking (euphemism) for him to be played on the right and criticising Zola for not doing so. When Stan was moved on the right for two games we all saw the reason he preferred to play on the left. You didn't see that before though did you? Zola was right there HF, and you were wrong.
Some of the criticism Zola gets would make you think he had £50 million to spend in January and he didnt use it. And that he has Ashley Cole, Patrice Evra, Cristiano Ronaldo and Fernado Torres on the bench and he doesn't use them. The guy has hardly had a balanced squad or the money/opportunity to balance and improve it, all his time here.
Then there's the expectations. Some of our fans can do well to bring their expectations down a few notches. We have no right to expect to be managed or attract a renowned manager, absolutely no right. If you think we do, tell me why? We do not have a right to finish in the top 10 or qualify for Europe. The way that some of our fans are going, you'd think we do have a right. Classic Newcastle fan's syndrome, and we all saw what happened to them. What a lesson, and may God save us from such a harsh lesson.
And as for being "quiet"; where was you when Gold stated that Zola has had a lot to deal with; when player of the season Parker, and Noble defended the manager; and when Zola himself said that there are things they've had to deal with that we do not know about. You analysed his every word on other things but why the complete avoidance of that comment of Zola's? Add these three things up HF and what view do you get?
It is very easy to criticise him, that's why so many people are doing it. Us modern humans love it easy.
We all know the guy is going during the off season so there's no need to do what you're doing. Rise above it HF, be dignified.
Oh, and there's no need to call Zola a "c*nt" HF, it's just not needed.
Yeah why is Zola a cunt HF???? What an ignorant comment you must be a total arsehole mate. Zola has more class in his pubes than you will ever have. Total wanker HF
Despite being justifiably very unpopular lately, if the vote is taken in the framework of the British electortal system, he may actually get to stay on. There are more similiraties than meet the eye between Brown and Zola!
stani you really are a dumbass! you say "Then there's the expectations. Some of our fans can do well to bring their expectations down a few notches". Zola has the lowest win percentage in our history! ONE away win all season, the lowest points total to stay up in the history of the top tier! 6 defeats in a row..yea thats another record. Do you watch the games stani? Lets not expect to win because thats asking for way to much eh???, you prat!! So HOW FAR should we bring our expectations down then stani? you mug!! What about No away wins with a big 0 in the away column. Lets go for at least 7 losses in a row or more eh Stani! Or how about relegation next season...is that low enough for you stani!
stani your the man with your lowered expectations!! awesome post.
I do like Zola, and so do the players. Do I respect his abilities as a manager? Nope. Do the players respect him as they should respect a manager? I doubt it. Zola protects them, makes them feel good about themselves as failures, puts the blame elsewhere. That's why the players like him. He stands up for them against that nasty man Sullivan.
I am taking everything Sullivan and Gold say about Zola with a pinch of salt. As I've said, they have one eye on a constructive dismissal claim. They want Zola out. Why else freeze him out of transfer target discussions?
The selection of Spector was absurd. Why pick Daprela for Arsenal, Chelsea and Arsenal again, but leave him out of a game against a quasi Fulham reserve side? Makes no sense. Could he have played worse than Spector? And why play Noble wide on the left and Diamanti wide on the right after the substitutions Stani? Are you telling me now that Noble sees himself as a left winger? And why take off Faubert instead of Spector? And why leave the substitutions until we were 2-0 down? And why did the team look disinterested? And why have we managed only one away win all season? Crap management Stani, pure and simple.
yea your right stani we should be happy with zola. The wee fella has done wonders for our little club. 4th from bottom is an achievement not to be laughed at. We should all be grateful just to be in the premiership and to play against the likes of stoke,wigan and wolves. Whats more of an honour is to get spanked by the big boys...makes me so proud to be a hammer with my lowered expectations, thanks Stani
If there was a vote who would the other contestants be? You wanted an British manager in an earlier blog so start naming names. What experienced manager would come to a bankrupt club who just avoided relegation by being less crap than three other teams? Who would come to a team who's publicity hungry joint chairmen do not know when to shut up? Hughes, O'Neil, McClaren? No chance. We would end up with another rookie Premiership manager who would be using us to learn his trade.
I didn't say I wanted a British manager, I just pointed out the Brits had done pretty well. I think we will appoint Grant personally, but if we went for a Brit, I'd favour Pardew.
I am sorry Stani, you are alone on this one. The evidence is overwhelmingly in favour of what HF says and the majority on this blog seem to agree with. Zola's record is dysmal and his incompetence in selecting players and in team tactics are poorer than you would expect from a complete amateour. He has a nice smile and was great player but that does not cut it for me. We need a manager (you know someone who does a job like Mourinho and as much as I hate the guy, Harry). I don't want another year like this again. Moreover, it will not be so forgiving the next time round.
You mean they're not English :)
Anonymous 1652
What a fine example of the human creation you are. It's nice being able to p*ss you off with just words. It's good to have such control over people...although I must admit, you do demonstrate the autonomy of a zombie.
Do I watch our games? Hahaha, do you? Have you seen our players play? And yet you think we should be higher in the table with more points? Who is the dumbass now? If that is not raised expectations then I don't know what is. A miracle worker couldn't get them lot up the table, so I don't know how you can expect Zola and Clarke to.
Had you not been busy penetrating your behind with your own head, then you would have indeed realised that my argument all along has been that it is the players that are more responsible for our situation than the management team. So you can quote me all the stats you want, but you won't be addressing my argument genius. I know we're rubbish, it may do you some good to accept that too and accept that we deserve to be where we are. Expectations!
Anonymous 1656
I think I could do with lowering mine of you a bit more! Full of surprises you are.
If you're saying that another manager would do markedly better with those players in those circumstances then I would have to disagree. I will not lose sight of the inadequacies of Green, Upson, Behrami, Noble, Tomkins....the guys that are supposed to be our top players. They're simply not good enough.
Anonymous 1709
Pleasure. Where do you want us to be then? And why not justify your argument?
Anonymous 1714
Indeed, we could do worse than Zola.
I notice you miss out Cole and Parker from your list Stani, and Diamanti.
Of course our team is capable of better. Virtually the same side finished in the top ten last season! With organisation and the right tactics, we are good enough to finish on 45 points. We are 11 points below par! That's the "Zola factor". I maintain that Cole, Parker, Upson, Diamanti, Ilunga, Green, Behrami and Noble would all be regulars in any side in the Prem outside of the top 7.
Nope. I don't think I'm alone, I think there are people who share my view but are not speaking. It may be to save themselves from getting insulted like I have been by the Zombie up there but this does not make me alone or, more to the point, my view incorrect. I don't blame them for not speaking though...I mean, it's not worth it is it? I don't mind though because with the intelligence demonstrated by genius up there, I think he'd struggle in a deabte with a garden tool. I'm surprised your happy his type are of your opinion Sav! :) I certainly wouldn't be showing that off.
People with differing views are marginalised and bullied on Dale's blog, and this is heading in the same way because people cannot tolerate a differing opinion. HF should guard against this to bring balance and make it interesting.
Apart from Spector, which selections irritate you and who would you put in place instead?
What part of what I am saying on Zola do you disagree with?
I missed them out because they're not rubbish HF. They are 3 of the 6-7 players only, that I would retain. I disagree with your view that many of them you named would be regulars outside the top 7. Not one of them, apart from Parker, would get in the Everton side as a regular and the other teams are littered with players that are better than them. Get the squads of the bottom 13 clubs and pick a team HF. I think you'll be surprised how few of our players make it.
Rise to the challenge Stani, name your 22 man squad from the teams in the bottom 13 clubs. I haven't done it but will respond. I woulkd be AMAZED if that squad did not feature Upson, Parker, Cole, Behrami and Green.
And Stani, you are man enough to dismiss the morons who throw childish insults, you don't need me to protect you. You know where I draw the line - racism isn't tolerated.
Poor stani, throwing his toys out his pram, crying like a baby. Everyone is picking on poor little stani!! Getting his knickers in a twist and trying to justify his pathetic support of Zola. Knock knock idiot, the team play crap because of zola. The buck stops with the manager, its that simple. Maybe you are just to dumb to figure that out. Now stani I think its time for you diaper change. LOL
Stani, I don't enjoy having to agree with HF. Like everyone else, he has his strengths and weaknesses. I don't want to make this about HF. We all know that he can be a little stubborn and sometimes his comments and even pictures are not in the best of taste. But really, although he is a bit of an egocentric (trying to prove to us that he is the successor of Nostradamus in football) you have to grant it to him that his analyses are thoughtful and to the point - and well written. I find myself in agreement with most his comments and views regarding Zola. Sure, there are others who still believe that he can be a great manager. I am not one of them. You know why? Because he has not got the right personality to be a manager. All the rest one can learn but the character thing is fatal. HF's points criticizing his tactics are in the main correct. But, I respect you having a different opinion, and I am sure you are saying so because you believe this to be true. I just disagree. At the end of the day, we all want what is best for West Ham.
Me, stubborn Sav?
Do I watch our games? Hahaha, do you? Have you seen our players play? And yet you think we should be higher in the table with more points? Who is the dumbass now? If that is not raised expectations then I don't know what is. A miracle worker couldn't get them lot up the table, so I don't know how you can expect Zola and Clarke to.
Yea your right stani, we should not expect zola and clarke to do anything. Who cares Zola is the manager that doesnt mean a thing. Who needs a manager anyway, let the players do what they want. NEWSFLASH....Stani you really are biggest dumbass, its offical!!
Childish insults...Had you not been busy penetrating your behind your own head...demonstrate the autonomy of a zombie...What a fine example of the human creation you are... I think he'd struggle in a deabte with a garden tool. (poor stani was all flustered and upset he misspelled debate) Just some quotes from the hypocrite stani who engages in the same behaviors he condemns others for. Its you stani who cannot tolerate a different opinion. We are all sorry that he called you a dumbass and a prat, now grow up!
Glass houses! It's behaviours isn't it?
How about addressing the argument? I don't agree with Stani on the subject of Zola obviously but I want to defeat him with logic and reason, not name calling.
Yeah, bloody stubborn. He must be a pain in the behind to live with, unless he holds himself back in which case he must be living a nightmare himself having to be so patient. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy his writing, which is why this is the only West Ham blog I contribute to, and I'm sure he appreciates my contributions.
Yes, I'll cope with them, just saying you should be concerned for the blog.
As for our players, you said regulars, that means team not squad! But, nevertheless I will name my 22 from the bottom 13. Don't be biased HF.
Anonymous 1847, 1905, 1947
Aaah, holding hands, how lovely. Wrong blog though boys. HF is right though, you are morons.
Glass houses! It's behaviours isn't it? NOPE your DEAD WRONG HF!!
In your haste to protect and support your cry baby buddy Stani, you failed to release that maybe people from the USA may post on your blog. Someone calls stani a dumbass and he wets himself in anger and throws his toys on the floor. Its okay stani your boyfriend HF will always protect you against the posters with different opinions to yours, oops I mean the bullies!!
00:34 Aaah, holding hands, how lovely. Wrong blog though boys. HF is right though, you are morons.
Hey stani, you feel better now? You getting all those warm and fuzzy feelings because HF has his arm around you.
Fact...Stani is an idiot because of his love for Zola. That makes him a worldclass DUMBASS!
Fact....HF is biased towards his 3 regular contributors. Hey I get it, you dont want him running away because that would leave you with just 2.
I mean realize! LOL
Stani, can you please supply some POSITIVE reasons why Zola should stay. Not negative ones such as key players were sold under him, or off field uncertainty. What have you seen that makes you think, 'yeah, he's going to grow into a top manager'. I can't think of a single one, but am desperate to be enlightened. Seriously, I've never turned against a West Ham manager before, and especially over Curbs I came to loggerheads with HF on many many occasions.
So, positive reasons why he should stay please.
Regular or not, and I understand he is very regular thanks to the bran, I do value Stani's contributions because they address issues rather than name call. There are many contributions I value, some even under an anonymous banner, because the posters sound like intelligent adults instead of "It's not far, I hate you" style stroppy teenagers.
Our club is in trouble and for some fans still to favour zola as our manager really is a slap in in face. The facts dont lie, under his leadership every record has been broken for the worst. How can some people defend that is beyond me. To blame the players and not the manager is laughable. In any form of business its the manager who is held accountable. Nice guy or not, its results that matter. Sorry stani.
@14:59 hear hear stani - the shine has gone - I can't be arsed to read or visit anyone - it's boring, it's repetitive and it's obsessional.
Of course Zola is staying you only had to go to the testimonial to note that he received the biggest cheer of the night.
Then why are you still posting then? bye bye cry baby
In all seriousness, from the outside, that can be a very difficult question to answer. I mean, if I asked what are the things Ancelotti's done to enable Chelsea to win the title, it is still very difficult to clearly say even though they're going to be Champions. And this has been a point I have made before, that the manager can only do so much. I am not exonerating Zola, as he has made mistakes, but certainly he is not most to blame for our situation.
Nevertheless, I think Zola has showed enough in his first year, when things were more stable on and off the pitch, to deserve another go until January. Everyone was commending us about our style of play then, and it was lovely to watch. I don't think I'll ever see another goal like the one we scored against Wigan away, top teams don't even do that.
Then there's what he did for one of our most important players, Carlton Cole. I think this is being forgotten easily by many. Zola has helped transform him into a vital player for us and an international. This has been Carlton's hard work, but were it not for this manager, would it have happened? Cole credits him too. Which other manager in the league has helped improve a player that much? We do not even look like winning a game without Cole.
The form of Scott Parker; why is this guy prepared to run through brick walls for Zola? Which ever way we look at this, it is a good thing and hence good management. Once again, not many players in the league are prepared to do what Parker does for their manager.
Zola held the squad together in testing times. With what has been in the media about our club, and most of it from our Chairmen, I think he did very well to keep the players united (Ilan apart?!) and behind him. How big a call was that 3-day break and he got it spot on. People may laugh but put yourself in his position.
But, we mustn't ignore what you referred to as negative reasons because they are facts and he has had to work with them and that is commendable. The sad thing for Zola is that many people do not empathise with him, maybe because they do not know the true extent of it.
Give Zola better players and support from the board and I think he'll do a much better job. If he doesn't, I'll be the first to say it hasn't worked. I think we've been lucky in a way to have an honourable guy who didn't pack up and leave our team in dire straits, especially with all the shoving the board has been doing. He could have gone during that 3-day break, and we would have been dead because the players would have been deflated to lose a man they supported.
Anonymous 1658
No worries, you're entitled to your opinion but I think you're looking at it too simply which is why I said it is easy to blame the manager. Our performances have been littered with individual errors. Green, Upson and Tomkins used to make them in every game and they were a vital part of a our defence. Not only that, their errors cost us points because they often lead to goals. What does a manager do from the sidelines about individual errors? It's difficult. I'm not saying Zola has not made mistakes. I do not believe he is more to blame than our players though.
If he does stay, though I think it will be difficult with G&S, especially S, the he would get until January I think. If things dont improve, they will sack him. Fair enough.
Stani, you surely don't think the break was Zola's idea? He was "given time" to think things through by Gold. There were a series of meetings after the Stoke game, when, I suspect, Zola was close to despair. Gold feared the consequences of him walking at that point whilst Sullivan was pushing for him to go. I reckon Brady sided with Gold and somebody said, let's all have a break to think things through. Zola was told to go back to Sardinia to clear his head and decide if he wanted to go on.
"Give Zola better players" and he will still be picking Spector or picking Tomkins ahead of Da Costa, or playing most players out of position and so on so forth. And as for Cole, yes, I admit he improved him. That is why he is a coach and not a manager. That is why he has to go.
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