I have received an interesting email which purports to show the weekly and annual salaries of players currently on our books. I cannot verify that it is 100% accurate but apparently Sky are reporting it as if authentic. The club have gone to the trouble of issuing a statement saying the document is a spoof and threatening legal action against the paper that published the information but the figures are plausible and are certainly a talking point. I do not wish to endorse the document for legal reasons but, if even close to the truth, there are some stand out inconsistencies. This may be a little complicated to read in this format but basically it claims to show a player's squad number, his weekly wage, his annual salary, when we signed him, the transfer fee paid and the contract term. There's a lot to digest here but a few things stand out to me:
1) The indicated disparity between what our Academy boys earn in relation to the "imported" youngsters. For example, Daprela and Nouble are on 10k per week, whilst Collison is only on £2k per week. Where is the justice there?
2) The claim that Ilan is costing us £20k per week and McCarthy over £38k per week!
3)The suggestion that Spector is on £20k per week!
4) And that Boa has been paid £70k per week for his one goal!
Anyway, here are the figures carried in the email and reported in the national press. I wonder why the club are threatening to use the Press Complaints Committee and lawyers over this but took no action over the Ilan "lies"? Does that suggest that the Ilan story was true or that this story has more truth in it than the club wants us to believe at this stage? Anyway, treat the figures as somebody's best guess for now if you like; that's certainly what the club would have us believe and the club have never misled us in the past have they?
Gianfranco Zola Manager £36,300 £1,887,600 Sep 2008 N/A Contract Sep 2008 - June 2011; Ext Jun 2013 (@Apr 2009) Steve Clark Assist Man £24,200 £1,258,400 Sep 2008 N/A Contract Sep 2008 - June 2011; Ext Jun 2013 (@Apr 2009)Kevin Keen Head Coach £12,100 £629,200 Jul 2002 N/A Contract Oct 2006 - June 2009; Ext Jun 2011 (@Sep 2008)
Kevin Hitchcock Coach (GK) £3,000 £156,000 Mar 2010 N/A Contract March - June 2010 (@Mar 2010) 1 Robert Green Goalkeeper £30,000 £1,560,000 Aug 2006 £2,000,000 Contract Aug 2006 - Jun 2010; Ext Jun 2011 (@Aug 2008) 4 Danny Gabbidon Defender £50,000 £2,600,000 Jul 2005 £1,500,000 Contract Aug 2005 - Jun 2008; Ext Jun 2010 (@Aug 2007) 7 Kieron Dyer Midfield £70,000 £3,640,000 Aug 2007 £6,000,000 Contract Aug 2007 - Jun 2011 8 Scott Parker Midfield £70,000 £3,640,000 Jun 2007 £7,000,000 Contract Aug 2007 - Jun 2012 9 Mido (Ahmed Hossam) Forward £1,000 £52,000 Feb 2010 Loan Loan Feb 2010 - Jun 2010 10 Guillermo Franco Forward £20,000 £1,040,000 Sep 2009 Loan Contract Sep 2009 - Jun 2010 11 Ilan Araújo Dall'Igna Forward £19,231 £1,000,000 Feb 2010 Loan Loan Feb 2010 - Jun 2010 12 Carlton Cole Forward £50,000 £2,600,000 Jul 2006 £1,000,000 Contract Jul 2006 - Jun 2010; Ext Jun 2013 (@Nov 2008)
13 Luís Boa Morte Midfield £70,000 £3,640,000 Jan 2007 £5,000,000 Contract Jan 2007 - Jun 2010 14 Radoslav Kovác Midfield £20,000 £1,040,000 Jan 2009 £3,250,000 Contract Aug 2009 - Jun 2012 15 Matthew Upson Defender £70,000 £3,640,000 Jan 2007 £7,500,000 Contract Jan 2007 - Jun 2011 16 Mark Noble Midfield £20,000 £1,040,000 Jul 2000 Academy (2000) Debut (Aug 2004) (Contract Jul 2009 - Jun 2013) (@Apr 2009)
17 Benni McCarthy Forward £38,462 £2,000,000 Feb 2010 £2,500,000 Contract Feb 2010 - June 2012 18 Jonathan Spector Defender £20,000 £1,040,000 Jun 2006 £500,000 Contract Aug 2006 - Jun 2010 20 Julien Faubert Midfield £30,000 £1,560,000 Jun 2007 £6,100,000 Contract Jul 2007 - Jun 2012 21 Valon Behrami Midfield £30,000 £1,560,000 Jul 2008 £5,000,000 Contract Jul 2008 - Jul 2013 22 Manuel da Costa Defender £20,000 £1,040,000 Aug 2009 £2,000,000 Contract Aug 2008 - Jun 2012 23 Hérita Ilunga Defender £20,000 £1,040,000 Sep 2008 Loan / Fee Loan Aug 2008 - Jun 2009; Contract Jul 2009 - Jun 2013 28 Péter Kurucz Goalkeeper £5,000 £260,000 Feb 2009 Loan / Fee Loan Jul 2008 - Jun 2009; Contract Jul 2009 - Jun 2014 29 Marek Stech Goalkeeper £3,000 £156,000 Jul 2006 Academy (2006) Debut (Sub only) (Contract Jul 2006 - Jun 2010) 30 James Tomkins Defender £4,000 £208,000 Jul 2005 Academy (2005) Debut (Mar 2008) (Contract Jul 2009 - Jun 2013) (@Apr 2009) 31 Jack Collison Midfield £2,000 £104,000 Jul 2005 Academy (2005) Debut (Jan 2008) (Contract Jul 2008 - Jun 2013)
32 Alessandro Diamanti Forward £30,000 £1,560,000 Aug 2009 £6,000,000 Contract Aug 2009 - Jun 2014 33 Fabio Daprelà Defender £10,000 £520,000 Jul 2009 £500,000 Contract Jul 2009 - Jun 2014 34 Oliver Lee Midfield £400 £20,800 Jul 2009 Academy (2009) Debut (Sub only) (Contract Jul 2009 - Jun 2010) (@Apr 2009) 36 Anthony Edgar Midfield £400 £20,800 Jul 2004 Academy (2004) Debut (Jan 2010) (Contract Jul 2009 - Jun 2010) (@Apr 2009) 41 Zavon Hines Forward £400 £20,800 Jul 2006 Academy (2006) Debut (Aug 2008) (Contract Jul 2009 - Jun 2010) (@Apr 2009) 45 Jordan Spence Defender £400 £20,800 Jul 2004 Academy (2004) Debut (N/A) (Contract Jul 2006 - Jun 2010) 46 Junior Stanislas Midfield £1,500 £78,000 Jul 2000 Academy (2000) Debut (Mar 2009) (Contract Jul 2009 - Jun 2014) (@Apr 2009)
Released (March): 35 Josh Payne, 44 Bondz N’Gala, Nick Barrett, Davide Ferrari,
£178,462 £9,280,000 Peter Loveday, Danny Kearns, Conor Okus, Jack Lampe.
PLAYERS ON LOAN 19 Freddie Sears Forward £4,000 £208,000 Jul 2000 Academy (2000) Debut (Mar 2008) (Contract Jul 2008 - Jun 2013) (@Feb 2008) 24 Frank Nouble Forward £10,000 £520,000 Jul 2009 £500,000 Contract Jul 2009 - Jun 2014 Hólmar Örn Eyjólfsson Defender £400 £20,800 Jul 2008 Academy (2008) Debut (N/A) ~ On loan to Roeselare, Belguim (to May 2010) Matt Fry Defender £400 £20,800 Jul 2001 Academy (2001) Debut (N/A) ~ On loan to Gillingham (to May 2010)
Of course, this may all be fiction but somebody has gone to a lot of trouble to put this together and you have to wonder why they would bother.
Leaked by Sullivan?
To ready the fans for the bloodletting that will follow as soon as the season finishes?
ad the main site, they've come out and said this was complete rubbish and it is made up. It is now in the hands of their lawyers and the press complaints commission.
Good for them.
As I say, I can't verify if it is true or not. However, I have heard from another source that Collison is only on £2k per week and that there was resentment in the squad aboubt the multi tiered salary structure which bore no relation to performance. How can Collison share a dressing room with Boa given this salary disparity? How can there be harmony in the dressing room with Behrami earning less than 50% of Dyer's or Boa's salary?
I can remember reading a report in one of the red tops, about 18 months ago, that collison had been rewarded with a new contract boosting his earnings from 2k to
20k per wk.
Personally I dont think this has much truth about it & has been put together maybe be sullivan to get there agents to find new clubs for some of the players.
Last week the whole squard was up for sale.
Can anyone tell me, has there ever been a strike at Upton Park?
Hines on 400 quid a week?? AND ANOTHER YEAR WITH DYER I'm going to cry.
That Yank on Radio 5 Live confirmed Collison was only on 2k per week after the Stoke game. I think the figures are plausable personally. The Faubert salary is lower than I thought, which also suggests this may not be a spoof.
I've also heard that Collison earns 2k and the D's refused the new contract with 20k a week...just can't remember where I read it. The wages seem realistic to me. You have to say, Boa was pretty succesful at Fulham so it's logical he earns more. But Dyers wages just hurt...it is understandable that he wants to go on with playin'. Working probably 90 Mins on the pitch each season and getting 70k a week and more than 3.5 mio each year
All in all it wouldn't surprise me if the porno queen published the list...
It seems unbelievable sums of money are paid for a very pathetic return or for no return at all. It makes it easy to understand why the chairmen want to do something about it. Surely there are terms in a player's contract that reduce earnings in the case of long term injury or none appearance for lack of form or effort. But then, looking at Wesst Ham's efforts this season probably not.
HF... This 'Hammers Wage Bill' story has been carried by various other sources, most notably one of the more reliable broadsheets, and most of the figures quoted differ massively from the figures you have been sent and posted!
For example, your 'list' states Luis Boa Morte is on an incredible £70k/wk, whereas it is reported elsewhere at £31k/wk!! Your list says Upson is also on £70k/wk, contrary to the £50k/wk elsewhere! Notable others include Cole: yours - £50k/wk, other - £30k/wk. Parker: yours - £70k/wk, other - £60k/wk. Green: yours - £30k/wk, other - £23k/wk.
Substantial variations wouldn't you say?! Had they been very similar, one may be inclined to believe your information was accurate?! I'm not saying the other figures do in fact relate to the correct player salaries, but I'm inclined to believe the more reasonable lower numbers.
Also let me ask you or anyone else a question...what gives the 'other' publication, or yourself (albeit second-hand) for that matter, the right to bandy about the incomes of these professional sportsmen without their consent. Do you honestly think they'd be happy at disclosure of their salaries? Surely that's a personal matter between themselves and their employers/agents? I mean, come on mate, if I was to rudely ask you in a pub how much dosh you were raking in per annum, you'd either tell me where to get off for asking such a taboo question or deliberately inflate your worth, depending on how many you'd had. I'm not having a go at you...it's typical alpha male behaviour...'you don't need to know that information mate, so don't bother asking! (NOYFB in other words!)
As Anonymous 18:24 said, it is also now a legal matter, stated on WHUFC.com, after being carried in one of the lesser red-top rags, and well it should be!
Your figures are actualy quite interesting though. I did the math (in my head!), and the annual wage bill of the players listed came to a grand total of £41,402,000 P.A. A lot of teams not even in the Prem top 4 would be happy with that! That gives a weekly player average of £21,518 or thereabouts, based on YOUR list...the 'other' would be substantially lower! Now, hasn't it been rumoured that Mr Sullivan is intent on a weekly wage cap of between £20k and £25k per week at West Ham? Well hey, guess what, we already have that average!! Therefore, we can conclude that it doesn't add up, hence underlining that these figures are pie 'n' mash in the sky with Lucy and a few paste diamonds!
Ummm....how much are you on anyway, HF?!
£44,864 per annum mate. That's the salary. I don't care who knows it. Actually, if you look at the public sector, the majority of the salaries are public knowledge so why shouldn't we know what a guy earns for kicking a football if we know what a nurse earns for saving lives?
I have seen the "other list". Boa-Morte is definitely earning more than £50k per week so those figures look dubious to me. The wage cap does not apply to the average wage but to the maximum wage. If aplied, Parker would be off!
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