And why? Because "There's not a chance he was last man" as Faye and Reid were covering behind. Derr, he's the keeper you twat! Different rules apply! Take out the keeper and there's obviously a goal scoring opportunity as defenders are not allowed to dive and save the ball with their hands! Some of us remember Di Canio stopping an attack by catching the ball with the opposition keeper down injured - he understood that it was unfair to play on because without a keeper a team can't defend!
Then there's the little matter of the injury to Bednar. Blackpool only had a half man advantage because Bednar could barely run! So Allardyce would do well to shut his gob. A dismissal for a professional foul brings a one match ban, a dismissal for violent conduct, a three match suspension. Given Green fouled Bednar and injured him, how could Allardyce argue if the red was for violent and serious foul play?
Anyway, there is the little issue of cheating. Had Blackpool equalised, they might well have gone on to win the game as our spirits sagged at the loss of a two goal lead and Blackpool's confidence surged. Green actually took one for the team and that deliberate foul was a key factor in winning the game. If that isn't a definition of a "professional foul" then I don't know what is!
I was about to suggest that Allardyce switches codes, but Green would have been sent off for that tackle in rugby too!
Hammer anon
How pathetic are you this is the worst post i've ever seen by7 a "westham fan", you loser
Do you actually support West Ham, I have always defended you from those acussing you of bein a yid but even after a 4 - 1 away win to a side up until last night had not lost this year and a side chasing promotion who were a premiership club last year and still you find fault. You really need to to shake off your negative attitude to all things West Ham and become a supporter again.
I don't know what you want from a manager? How can he come out and say his players are all useless and we aren't good enough to win and then expect results.
I think bashing the manager is a bit much. Other than that yeah you could argue it was a lucky win.
Christ your blogs are awful.
If you havent got anything constructive to say after this then I suggest you go and support somebody else. I read you blog with interest via the links on twitter and you seem like one of these guys in the West Stand who does nothing but run the team down. How about some credit where credit it due....failing that go and watch Arsenal!!!!
Anony-mouse says
Who do you really support HF, cos it shines out that us winning makes you irritable and miserable. You just can't hide that you are annoyed we won leaving you unable to post one of your pre-written doom and gloom threads.
Allardyce took on a massively difficult job and is doing it well and yet all you can do is snipe at him. He's winning people around and that grates on you. You need to be honest with yourself and admit that he's putting together a well balanced, hard working side with spirit and increasing quality. Tell me if you think I'm wrong about anything at all in that last senence.
And as for calling him a twat- if a twat calls you a twat you probably ain't a twat.
We win 4-1 with 10 men, a midfielder in goal for most of the second and completely dominate the game showing great cohesion, determination and togetherness... Yet you still manage to write a deflating article focusing on the smallest of areas... I ask you this famous chant, Are you spurs in disguise?
So, how many games is Green suspended? One or three?
Wow, you even manage to turn an amazing result and performance into a negative. Do you even support West Ham?
Bore off! Honestly you're so embarrassing. If all you're going to do is slag off Big Sam and West Ham why dont you just do one. For the last 3 years (bar Scott Parker) we have had a team of players who didnt give a fuck and every week we got turned over and it was a joke. Big Sam has come in and is rebuilding a new team that has grit and determination and Im all for it. 3 games 10 men and no goalkeeper for half a game under any of our previous manager would result in 0 points, Big Sam 7!
Woah! ok calm down dear, by the way we won the game, are still top after what was a potential banana skin. Blackpool didn't equalise and we galvanised and put them too the sword. Only obvious thing for me is that without Nolan we are a better side.
HF - have you watched the video of the Taylor incident? it seems to clearly show that Taylor pushed Sharpe in the chest. No hands were around his thoat. If you know the source of another video on which you base your anti West Ham comments then please share it with us.
HF you're an absolute nugget that always looks for the negative, I even doubt that you're West Ham and if you are then it's embarrassing
I won't be back
Might I suggest that the strategy of defending your players in public, regardless of the circumstances or what you say in the back room, has been the MO for Fergie for his entire career and it has worked rather well. Wenger too, but he does sound incredibly annoying when Fergie sounds incredibly believable. And in these last three games the team has played like a group on a mission. To not give Sam credit for that is ridiculous.
1048, why didn't we appeal the red card? There was a picture in one of the nationals clearing showing Taylor's hand around Sharp's throat. And why didn't we appeal Nolan's red card? Because it was fully merited.
Bednar was injured by Green's foul last night. Let's say he wasn't sent off. Blackpool would have been reduced to ten and a half men and we would have been left with eleven; how would that be fair exactly?
Take off the claret and blue specs guys!
what a knob of a man!!
FFS HF, that was the biggest result of the season under the circumstance and you come here moaning like a f***ing girl about BFS's post match comments and advocating a 3 match ban for Robert Green instead of a 1.
There are rose tinted spectacles which some of us are guilty of on occaision, and there is the complete opposite - a miserable, never f***ing happy, always findsing the negative in every situation, trying to bring everyone down MORON like yourself.
Get a grip FFS you are a major embarassment to this club.
The point is that this is not a debating society and we are all comfortable with our "claret and blue specs". One day you will praise West Ham and not find a negatives in everything we do. Do us all a favour and set up a site for the team you really support, be it Spurs or whoever. All true West Ham fans are over the moon today with our performance last night and re-taking the lead in the Championship. To use the scouse vernacular, "Do one!"
You seem to forget that the result of a foul is not to be taken into account at the time of distributing a card - yellow or red- . The fact that Bedner got hurt could have been for a host of reasons. Maybe he was already fragile before the beginning of the game, maybe he fell badly, maybe he had already taken a hit before collidinbg with Green, etc. With your reasoning, there would not be any card ever unless the fouled player is injured in some way.
Now to the last man part. I agree with Allardyce. The picture (and the video I have seen) clearly show that Faye is running back to cover Green, and is already behind both his goalie and the attacker. Thus, Green is not the last man. Plus, the foul is not committed in the axis of goal, but on the right front side of the box. I think the red card was excessive.
And by the way, I do see a predisposition from the referees to pull out red cards very hastily against West Ham players. It is something that already comes from last year. I have seen tons of bizarre decisions agaisnt WHU, and I even summarized all the referee's mistakes last year (not awarded penalties, imaginary off sides ending in goals not granted, penalties erroneously granted to opponents, red cards not given to opponents, etc), and it turned out West Ham would have ended the season with.... 13 points extra...
Does anyone have an interest in West Ham NOT being in the premier league, or have the Englisrefs become that calamitous ?
Food for thought.
(I live abroad, I am not British, I became a fan of WHU in the late seventies, with the generation of Billy Bonds, Frank Lampard, Pat Holland, Mervyn Day, Trevor Brooking, Tommy Taylor, etc, and after many years of "blackout" because of distance, I am fortunate to follow WHU again through internet and satellite TV. Looking forward to the Irons playing again in the premier soon!).
Now where do I say that Green should collect a three match ban? I say it could be a three match ban if the red was awarded for violent conduct rather than a professional foul and that, for this reason, Allardyce would be well advised not to argue about the legitimacy of a red.
As for those arguing the toss about Green being the last player, do stop and think a moment. The last player normally has a keeper behind him, so there are TWO players involved, the man making the foul (the last man) AND the keeper. In this case, therefore, Green WAS the last man, given there was only Faye behind him, as Faye becomes, in effect, the keeper! Derr!
How can you possibly argue that Green DELIBERATELY committed a professional foul? 11 players on the pitch is always better than 10, there is no advantage to being a man down.
Anony-mouse says,
Wow HF- you've got the response that you deserve to your West ham hating shite. No other supposed West Ham blogger inspires this level of sheer contempt and ridicule.
I see you didn't put up an argument to me saying Sam's put together a spirited, hard-working, well balanced side. I'll take it that you agree about that then.
A better title for this post would have been "Hammersfan on a Different Planet', cos you are so out of tune with how the vast majority of us feel about West Ham. And that's cos you ain't West Ham.
So come on and tell us who you really support. Due to your miserable demeanour and negative attitudes i'd go Spuds first, then Chelsea or Arsenal. Come on HF- you'll feel better once you've come out of the footballing closet. Be proud of your team- whoever it is.
Yes, HF's argument about the last player is logical and correct. Green was the last player, even though Faye may have been behind him.
But I am confused; how many days is Green likely to be suspended if we accept his punishment? One, or three?
One game I think Sav. Q&A with Lansbury on the site suggests it's just the one game:
Q: " There will be a spot up for grabs with Robert Green being suspended for Saturday's visit of Crystal Palace...
HL: "I'm going to take my gloves into training! Hopefully I can make the squad as a goalkeeper!"
Thank you Sav! God some people on here haven't got the brains they were born with! One game at the moment, three if he is charged with violent conduct which is why Allardyce should shut up and we shouldn't risk an appeal.
No - It is HF who is on a different planet.
You should have gone to Spec Savers HF and got yourself a pair of those claret and blue tinted glasses just like the ones Big Sam and genuine West Ham fans wear. Save your black ones for the summer holidays.
Do you know who the top 3 most successful managers in the club's (recent) history are?
1. Allardyce
2. Bonds
2. Pardew.
Sorry - BFS is at the top at the moment, if you just count the percentage of wins....
Bad vibes man...... coming your way in droves.
Look at the number of games as a percentage each of those managers' teams played in the second division of English football. Easy stat to explain!
Thanks HF. I agree, no appeal. One game ban is not a disaster. Three may very well be.
ROB GREEN'S red card has been RESCINDED!!!....repeat....appeal is upheld and red card is RESCINDED!!!
Big Sam = RIGHT!
Now man up and post a thread admitting that you got it wrong!!
I think you can change this post - its silly and following recent news even the FA back Sam! Now i look forward to you admitting you were wrong!
"Green appeal upheld by the FA".
He can play on Saturday. Thank goodness no-one takes any notice of HF.
Its been overturned.
Squirm away HF!
Shouldn't appeal HF????? Pleased allardyce didn't take your advice. I hope this makes u realise that actually u know nothing about football. U mate are a mug, in fact u have loads of people on here calling u a mug so please just leave our club alone. U ain't part of it.
18:45 I suspect HF will appeal to have it revoked again.
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