How odd is it that Chris Huhne will remain an MP until his trial whilst Terry has been sacked? What's the more serious offence, perverting the course of justice or insulting an individual in the midst of an argument? True Huhne has resigned from his position as the Energy Secretary, but that was his decision, and if he was assisted in arriving at that decision, at least he was afforded the dignity to tender a resignation rather than being publicly sacked. No such courtesy seems to have been extended to Terry.
This is the second time Terry has been stripped of the captaincy and this time Capello is definitely not behind the decision. Who replaces Terry? Ferdinand isn't even worth a place in the team and has said he doesn't want the job. But he had to didn't he? Otherwise there would have been a huge question mark over the motivation of Brother Anton. As it is, the Ferdinands are content with knifing Terry in revenge for him replacing Rio.
So if not Rio, then who? Gerrard? What a great captain he has been for Liverpool! How long is it since they won anything? Imagine him delivering a motivational speech in the dressing room.
Sorry Steve, we have to start the second half! Anyway, Stevie might not start, even if he is fit for selection.
Parker? Barry has been preferred to wear the armband by Capello and Upson was considered a better captain than Scottie by both Zola and Grant.
So Barry? Or Lampard? That means they have to start! Rooney? No captain for the first two games!
All this because Anton shat his pants over an insult and somebody who hates Terry, because of who he plays for, made it an issue! This is trial by lynch mob!
This argument's pathetic HF.
The England captain was not only racist, but he then lied through his teeth. You'd have to be a racist, a Chelsea fan or unaware of the serious effects of racism to believe otherwise
you Piece of LOW LIFE SCUM! What a shit blog blaming the victim. how vindictive is that,any excuse to have a go at a QPR player.What goes round comes round and one day something really bad will happen to you and when it does ask youself one question. WHY? because you are evil and a nasty piece of work .
HF i was begining to like your blogs but you have reached the lowest lever now and i find you repulsive. i sugest you remove this blog as all it does is show you up as a Racist. you are not olny defending TERRY your agains the incent peson FERDINAND.
How do you know Stani? Did you hear him? Has he been found guilty? You WANT to believe he is guilty because of your prejudices. You hate the guy. But we don't operate in that way in this country do we? We don't punish and investigate later do we? (Except for those suspected ot terrorism before you say it!) I know that's the way it happens in some countries of the world, but not in the UK.
The thought police belong in 1984 and in other nations of the world; you know, certain countries that operate Sharia Law, for example. Let's take Terry into a football stadium and in front of a baying crowd, cut off his head eh? And then, perhaps, find he is innocent at some point in the future.
Anyway, I still contend that words said in the heat of battle should not be taken literally. Ferdinand should have extended the hand of friendship; if Terry had accepted it without washing his hand afterwards, then job done. The fact is, he has black friends, he captains a multi racial Chelsea team. It is unlikely he is a racist therefore. He was probably raised by racist parents, he almost certainly had racist grandparents - but that's true of most of us born to white parents in the East End. Of course that leaves its mark, but it is arguably to the credit of Terry that, for the most part, he seems to have risen above that.
Racism much...
Im sorry but this is the biggest load of crap you have ever wrote and boy have you wrote some crap in your time.Forget most of the crap you have written in this article because most people dont give a toss whether Terry is captain or not its the stupid comment at the end saying that Anton shat his pants over an insult and called it pathetic.Well for one he has not shat his pants because he is standing up to Terry and is not backing down like a lot of people would have done even though it meant getting abused and threatened for doing so.Hopefuly Terry will be found guilty for his actions.And if you think it is ok to racially abuse someone then you are not much of a man.
As usual, knee jerk responses. I cannot publish replies using the F or C word, so why bother?
Three points:
1) It is Ferdinand's word against Terry's. Why should we assume Ferdinand is telling the truth? The guy has a dodgy record of his own when all is said and done, and because Terry replaced Rio, Anton has "motive".
2) We operate on the basis of innocent until proven guilty.
3) I say if Terry is proven guilty then fair enough, so how is thts racist? As I have said throughout, Ferdinand has made more of this than he should have done. Words said in anger do not a racist make. Look at the Chelsea dressing room and ask if a racist could be an effective captain of that team. Surely his racism would have been exposed by now?
I don't think it is ok to racially abuse somebody which is why I called for Suarez to be kicked out of English football and why I called for Blatter to be sacked. But Terry did not use the N word. He allegedly called Ferdinand black. And Anton calls himself black.
You dont let the facts get in the way of your poison racist writing do you....
Anton never I repeat never reported Terry to the FA it was a Fan and then Anton when asked by the FA said he would like them to investigate.
Like Chelsea fans you only see Black as you are so obviously white and dont understand what racism is, if you did you would not have put this nasty statement out, I wonder what your fellow fans and West Players would think of this but by the looks of the comments you get very little West ham following on here.
Maybe think about that and start writing about your own team instead of trying to annoy QPR fans.
I am writing about my own team, England. Who do you support? Germany? Iran? North Korea?
Ignorance is bliss for you HF, you will never understand why people dislike you.I pity you. as the previouse person said it wasnt Anton that made the complainet. so you complete story is Sh#t. Like you .
Let's leave the obvious aside for the moment and get straight to the headline!...England with or without Terry, will win F&@k all!!...EVER!....that is not Ferdinand or anyone elses fault, cutting to the chase England are S:; I usually find your blogs pretty good even amusing from time to time, but this is plain wrong..Ferdinand has done nothing wrong..and without a shadow of doubt in my mind if he wasn't an ex West Ham player you would never have brought it up in the first place......disgusting...
Change of the name of the article please... Ferdinand had nothing to do with the series of events and was as much a spectator as you or I.
Guys, Ferdinand could and should have nipped this in the bud. He chose not to. Had it been anybody other than Terry, I doubt this would have happened. We are dealing with vengeance here, because Rio lost out to Terry for the England captaincy. And if you don't believe this will negatively impact on our chances in the Euros, you are as blind as Terry claims he called Anton!
1/ The clip from SKY Sports of Terry saying what he said went viral within an hour of the final whistle.
2/ It was a fan that made a complaint to the police, NOT Anton.
3/ Anton is purely helping the police with their enquiries after he was asked to. He is cooperating with the police - would you tell them to f**k off?! No, of course not!
Get your facts straight.
On a side note, do you really think Terry is a role model and should be captain?! He is one of the most despicable human beings in the public eye! As are his family - bunch of chavs.
This is one of the worst blogs I've ever seen - consistently inaccurate in everything you write, and always having a pop at QPR - because we're in the Prem and you're not, I assume?
Pathetic! Anyway, enjoy your hoofball under Allardyce, and maybe we'll see you next season (in the Prem).
Title amended as requested.
LOL Glenn, how can you write this when you have Barton as YOUR captain? If Terry is, in your words, a chav with a bunch of chavs as family, what is Barton? I don't think Terry's brother murdered a black guy because he was black did he? I would saying pot calling the kettle black but that would be racist!
LOL Glenn, how can you write this when you have Barton as YOUR captain? If Terry is, in your words, a chav with a bunch of chavs as family, what is Barton? I don't think Terry's brother murdered a black guy because he was black did he? I would say pot calling the kettle black but that would be racist!
we all know what terry is. we will win nothing with that low life in our squad , he is a lier, a cheat and most of all a trouble maker who is up hes own arse... ps he is now just a has been .... come on lets drop this little shit....
What a crock of shit!!!
Hi Fanno,
Can't agree with you on this one.
In particular you make the point that Terry is not necessarily a racist for making a racist insult in the heat of the moment. That is irrelevant. Terry is being prosecuted for committing a racist action, not having a racist disposition. The law only cares about what people do, not how they think. If a teacher fiddles with a kiddie only once then he cannot say he isn't a paedo because he has worked with kids for twenty years, was a popular teacher and has no past offences.
I'm glad Terry has been stripped of his captaincy. You mention we live in a country where one is innocent until proven guilty. We also live in a country where the combination of words that Terry himself admits to have used is deemed unbefitting of the captain of our national game - even in the circumstances Terry claims to have used them. A fit and proper England captain would never have gotten into this position. Just as he would never have alienated a team mate by sleeping with his bird.
Terry dishonours the role that our Bobby made every Englishman - and especially every Hammer - proud of. And your comments dishonour you mate.
My Old Man
I guess you think that a man accused of abusing a child shouldn't be kept away from children until proved guilty at a trial. Some things just don't apply to the rule 'innocent until proven guilty'. Besides, we all know he is guilty as we saw it on tv and there is no excuse whatsoever.
We won't get out of the group stages anyway with that Chelsea scumbag or without him why because England aren't good enough in short were shite and if u think terry is a better captain than Gerrard hf you truly are a Muppet pal
im sorry mate, but you have totally lost the plot. i dont care what terry said. i am a qpr fan, i hate chelsea and jt has got away with murder through his career he has been nothing but trouble.i am sick of all this racism shit as well. football is not of my mates who can lip read as he is deaf said that jt called him a blind c__t.but what frustrates me is everyone is knocking anton. this guy did not even make a complaint.but he is being threatened. the chelsea manager even had a dig and prats like you are jumping on the bandwagon why dont blokes like you get off of his back and concentrate on the ffotballfootball
My Old man, Bobby wasn't a saint was he? Had some dodgy friends, liked his drink and was arrested himself for something worse than insulting an opposition player. Mind you, back in 66, the England manager called the Argentians "animals".
I believe everyone at the FA is white - so "You're no longer captain you f***** white c***!" is acceptable. However, and here's the bit you you don't seem to be able to get your noggin around, if the person who says "You're no longer captain you f***** white c***!" is not white then it becomes an issue. kapish?
"LOL Glenn" have a look HF no one is laughing..... or are you blind to that as well?
Strange I thought Huhne had resigned (Terry didnt) he remains as an MP because only the electorate have that right to remove him unless proved guilty just as Terry is allowed to play football and unlike Huhne will be able to continue even if he is proved guilty. If yo are going to make comparisons at least have the sense to chose ones that dont make you look like an idiot.
Equally it was Chelsea (didnt Terry have a say there) who changed the Court date which put the FA in a no win situation that would have proved a disaster had they let it run. Quite right that people step back until they are cleared or otherwise gentlemen do that willingly scumbags do not and have to be removed.
I am black and a QPR fan and object to your latest rascist blog. You must live in a cave (and it would explain your neaderthal rantings) not to know that Anton Ferdinand was UNAWARE of the supposed remark made by Terry until AFTER the game.
It's the FA and the police who are pursueing this matter and it is the FA who stripped Terry of the captaincy. The only truth in what you say is that Terry is innocent till proven guilty. However the FA are his boss and they are ALLOWED TO DEMOTE HIM.
PS. Chris Hulme was accused of perverting the course of justice and voluntarily chose to stand down. NOW SHUT UP ABOUT QPR you West Ham cockroach.
This has nothing to do with Anton Ferdinand. He has not made a complaint to FA or the police. Terry got caught out by the TV cameras and his excuses after the event were so varied and without substance that he drew more attention to himself. He is a prick, everyone knows it and so are you for posting such a piece of utter shit.
I'm a hammer and you make me sick. Shame on you!
I'm black and you've managed to offend me. I'm also a west ham fan but will never read another of your blogs. Afraid you've overstepped the mark this time.
it's a difficult one because if he is found innocent, the FA will look stupid but not as stupid as it would look if he played as captain and was then found guilty!!
The thing for me is that it should never have been an issue anyway. In my opinion JT is a vile nasty f&£#€$ who isn't even a good player anymore. He should never be the England captain in the first place! 70% of the squad hated him before the race issue
HF; it's not Terry's word against Anton''ve got your story completely wrong.
The Police were called because someone phoned them when watching the match on tv. Anton did not hear the comment and never claims to have done. If you do some research you will see that the first Anton is aware that Terry made a racist remark was after the game. As someone else phoned the Police and the seriousness of the allegation, the Police had to investigate. Anton has no say in whether or not he wants to bring charges against Terry. And before you say otherwise HF, I'm a Police officer and know what I'm talking...unlike you I'm afraid. Must say I find this post even more repulsive than the last vitriol you launched at Anton. You are an indiotic individual who clearly gets kicks from trying to be controversial. Unfortunately you've crossed the line here. Hope you realise this...
Anony-mouse says,
Yet more cr@p from you on this subject. You're an embarrassment to my club and your ancestors. Be a man, apologise and shut up. COYI!
But Terry and his solicitor have admitted he called Ferdinand a N***er, he has never tried to say he called him black? Terry is defending the way he used the words claiming he was telling Ferdinand that 'i never called you a n***er'. We all know that he's talking a load of bollocks as he has so much at stake.
Terry is a nasty piece of work and it doesn't excuse people like Joey Barton, but you have to start clearing up racism and the image of the game somewhere and i think the England captain who represents us all is a very good place to start.
Either a, you haven't seen the uncensored tv clip of said incident b, you're a jealous and frustrated WH fan or more likely c, both.
the thing that really irks me the most is that terry would of instructed his lawyers to try and get them to postpone the case until after the euro's meaning all he is interested in is himself and his own self worth. he will be happy having the chaos and spotlight being put on the England team from negative press right from the start he has no interest in what is best for his country only himself.
Getting very heated as usual. I will again set out my position:
1) All this could have been knocked on the head by Anton saying it wasn't an issue. If Anton wasn't supporting the campaign against Terry, why was there all the fuss over the handshake?
2) The evidence based on lip reading seems incredibly tenuous. Black, blind, how do you tell the two apart. If he said "blind" isn't that as insulting to blind people? But would there be all this fuss? Of course not! So what does that tell you? That hypocrisy is at play and that the lobby campaigning against racism is stronger than the campaign against discrimination based on disability. How many of us have said, "Are you blind or something?" or called a linesman or referee a blind so and so? Is that an issue? Nope. You wouldn't be thrown out of a ground for that. Why? Double standards!
3) People are taking the insult out of context. They were words spoken in anger. We all say things we regret when angry and when under pressure. Think about times you have lost your temper at home. Would you want to be judged on what you say in that situation?
4) I have little or no time for Terry. I suspect he is "scum" but he is no more "scum" than many football fans up and down the land, and is typical of white London working class from the East End. Anton aint a saint himself. He has been in court on an assault charge.
5) The hypocrisy of Anton and QPR fans is incredible given Barton is the QPR captain. His family truly are scum. How does any black player share a dressing room with a guy whose brother has been convicted of racially motivated murder? Amazing! How can QPR fans posture about Terry's captaincy of England when Barton, with his record, captains QPR? Remember too that Anton shared a dressing room with Bowyer after the assault of the Asian lad. He's really principled isn't he? Just as long as it's not in my black yard eh Anton?
6) The Ferdinands have an agenda with Terry based around the England captaincy.
7) Who made the complaint to the Met? How does anyone know for sure that Anton / Rio weren't behind it?
8) Why hasn't Rio come out and said he has played alongside Terry nearly 50 times for England, trained with him, shared a hotel with him, and can testify he isn't a racist?
9)Our courts have bigger fish to fry than this. But Terry is a big fish and the case is because of who he is, not because of what he did / said. Far worse is said every day and no trial results!
You're a complete retard. You are consistently wrong in everything you write. You talk about agendas, whilst you clearly have one against QPR. You have shown yourself to be an ignorant racist c**t. Terry has called Ledley King a "black lippy monkey", Peter Odemwingie a "black nigger", and if you had actually bothered to go and look at the readily available video clip, you will clearly see what he's calling Anton Ferdinand. The trial should have been going ahead in March, yet Chelsea and Terry asked for the delay, on ridiculous grounds, however it was granted as they don't want to give him any chance to appeal. The CPS and Judge will only do that when they know he's guilty and will be proved so. You're a complete mong and I won't be reading your lazy, uninformed, intellectually inept drivel anymore, because the thought of you earning a penny from advertising makes me feel sick. You're a bigotted piece of shit. Mug.
Can you see any advert on the site? Tell you what Jankroville, why not supply your name and address, I bet Terry's lawyers would like to get in touch. Your allegations are news to me. If true, why was he the England captain?
I'd like to make a point about one of your points that you left in the comments. You say "we all say things we regret when angry". I agree with this point in its basic form but I can categorically tell you that I have never and will never use(d) racist language to anyone when I'm angry. Regardless of the other person's race, colour or ethnicity or indeed my mood, I would never use that sort of language. You see HF, if someone does something wrong or something that pisses me off, I know that the reasons for this weren't because of the colour of their skin. If you are for one second suggesting that when angry, or otherwise, you have insulted, someone based on the colour of their skin then that is racist and do are you. I truly believe that if you're not racist then you wouldn't say it, in anger or ever. Your attempt to make a mockery of a serious issue disgusts me, as it does everyone else here. Not only do you write vitriol but you don't get your facts straight either, even when told otherwise. Even if Anton came out and accepted Terry's apology/handshake (which no self-respecting person would do), the Police are conducting the investigation in its entirety and therefore Anton cannot force them to stop. And finally, do you really believe there is some kind of Ferdinand brother conspiracy against Terry regarding the England captaincy?! If you do you're even more stupid than I thought. Grow up HF, you're just showing yourself to be a racist could be Terry's cousin if you carry on at this rate.
I see u don't post any comments we make about your shite football team not making the play offs hit a nerve have we you prick we will climb our table while you slip down yours eighth for westham there's a prediction for you cock
'Words said in anger do not a racist make.' In my experience racist words are always said with a degree or anger, even when they are used to denigrate or poke fun at.
I, unlike a few of the commenters here, don't think your a dickhead and enjoy the blog enormously, but you really have made a bit of a meal of the Terry-Ferdinand fiasco. You started from an indefensible position and then tried to defend it tying yourself in moral-political knots in the process. You probably should have just held your hands up and said: I called it wrong and moved on. But you keep coming back to this issue and picking at it, inflaming it while accusing others of making too much of it.
But I'll give you one thing, this whole debacle has been badly handled from the start, and I suspect that this is because there are few people of sense or integrity involved in the football circus.
If Terry called Ferdinand a 'black cunt', then there really isn't hiding from the fact that the insult was racialised. Trying to argue otherwise just doesn't have wash.
Since the incident is now a matter of legal process there are two things that could have happened in public but didn't that might have improved an increasingly poisonous atmosphere.
1. Ferdinand as a simple matter of course could have shaken Terry's hand. No need for any warmth or bonhomie, just a pre-match professionalism
2. Terry should have been advised to resign the England captaincy pending the outcome of the legal proceedings.
What is depressing about the whole affair is the determination of those close to it and the commentariat that circle and feed of it, to take a sad and sorry incident and make it worse.
No, I don't think I have ever used a racist word in anger, but I don't think I have ever had an argument with somebody who is black. Actually, I did once have a barny with an Asian guy over parking but I didn't use any racist insults because, as you say, it wouldn't occur to me to do so. But we again boil down to this word black. Suarez was alleged to have used the N word; Terry to have used the word black, and there is a world of difference. I believe a racist, in anger, would shout you F***** N***** C***. There is a moron who leaves comments on here who types N***** every time I run a thread on a black player. I delete his comments of course. But I have just used N***** and black in the same sentence, and one denotes racism and the other the colour of somebody's skin.
That is my core argument in relation to this. I will reiterate my contention. Had Terry called Ferdinand a F****** C*** there would not have been an issue. Had he termed Ferdinand "a black Bobby Moore", there would not have been an issue apart from wholesale derision about his judgement. Combine the the three words which, if used separately would not raise an eyebrow, and we have a storm that leads to Terry losing the captaincy.
Now had he called Ferdinand a "N*****", the F & C words would have been irrelevant, he would be up on a racism charge. So, there is the rub for me. Yes he used the word black between two insults, but the word black in itself is not an insult. He avoided the word "N*****" despite his anger, which suggests that the word is not in his common vocabulary - and believe you me, I have been around enough Eastenders to know that the N word is common parlance for some.
Now, why would "no self respecting man" seek reconciliation afterwards? Does this mean that Nelson Mandela is not a decent man? He sought reconciliation with de Klerk and the white thugs of South Africa, and he was a victim of much more than name calling. What did Jesus teach? Wasn't his message about reconciliation and forgiveness.
Go back to the game. Drogba was sent off for a horror tackle which could have ended a career. That's forgotten. All that's remembered is that Terry spoke in anger. So what? An apology from Terry, a handshake with Anton, move on. Terry has campaigned to kick racism out of football. Ever heard the saying "Actions speak louder than words"? Wayne Bridge has!
Good points Rab. I'm not sure we are a million miles apart actually. I do say if found guilty, Terry should be punished in the article. But he hasn't been found guilty.
what does bartons family or barton himself got to do with any of continuesly link stuff together to try and justify your self important are a fanny of the highest you think its fine for kids to look up to an england cptain like terry do u.lets face it nobhead, you only wrote this shit cos after the whole 'you was made to look a complete bell-end with your fernandez is a fake blogs' u thought i know what will upset rangers fans,support racism all you want mate but dont use it to provoke us,,my god, you are one sad loser arnt you.
I wrote this because I think our National team's chances have been damaged by this whole business. And I am an England fan. Why wouldn't I be, given West Ham won the World Cup?
Anony-mouse says,
Just a couple of points. You keep saying that Suarez used the N word, implying it was the repulsive 6 letter one. But it wasn't. He called Evra a Negro, which apparently means black in his language. He like Terry (if found guilty) was using it as an insult, not a description. You wanted Liverpool kicked out of the Premiership and the FA Cup over the Suarez situation. Yet you expect Anton to shake Terry's hand and continue as captain. No consistency from you is there HF?
Also do you think the likes of Spain are worrying about England as a threat? I don't, regardless of Terry's presence in the team we won't win t, so forget that 'our chances are damaged' arguement.
Try thinking before you type.
I do agree with you on one point though- West Ham did indeed win the World Cup.
I couldnt be bothered to read all the comments but read about half way down. I just wanted to say I agree with you HF.
I even had a disagreement with my wife over this and it boiled down to the fact she didnt like him and she hoped he would get done. Regardless of the fact Terry is innocent until proven guilty.
Im not sure I agree totally on wether Anton should of dealt with this by nipping it in the butt early.
Maybe he was offended and needed someone to say something on his behalf but then that would go down the line of what you said needing some balls about the whole thing.
20:01 great point! unfortunately hf seems to have "accidentally" missed it.
2001, is it? Let's say Ferdinand had said "You f***** white c***" to Terry, would Ferdinand be in court? Not a cat in hell's chance. Had a white MP said that black people like to divide and rule, his career would be over; Diane Abbott says it about white people and she doesn't even have to resign her shadow role!
This blog is the first reasoned comment I've read on the affair. If Terry is found to have uttered a racist remark he must be punished - but as you say, in this country we used to be innocent until proven guilty. Yes, we need to kick racism out of football, but the assumption that discrimination has happened if somebody perceives themselves to be discriminated against - which cuts courts/tribunals out of the process - is setting race relations back decades.
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