The world is going mad. Now I'm sure Ravel is a thoroughly nasty piece of work, but honestly, in the middle of a spat on Twatter, he called somebody a faggot. Big bloody deal! He's a teenager for pity's sake. Teenagers call each other gay all the time. Teenagers say "That's gay!" Teenagers make homophobic jibes on a regular basis. It's not great that they do it, but they do it, just as we did it when we were young. So bloody what?
Did Morrison incite hatred? Was he encouraging somebody to go out "gay bashing"? Were his comments even targeted at a homosexual? I don't think so. This is what he said: "Crack head? Go suck out u little f****t your a guy that talks if u see me you try slap me I'm in manchester every week."
Now I would charge him for grammar abuse and, as his employer, I would be concerned about what sounds like an invitation to a fight, but, as with Terry's angry words to Anton, the politically correct lobby are blowing things out of all proportion, and the authorities are jumping through their hoops to order.
This is mad. This is 1984 in virtual reality! So what if Morrison doesn't like homosexuals and homosexuality? Nor does the Pope - well officially anyway! I don't agree with Morrison or the Pope, but it's not my right to stop Morrison from expressing his opinion. This is a free country but you wouldn't know it. An insult aimed in anger at an individual is not an insult aimed at an entire community / race / gender group etcetera - unless somebody CHOOSES to interpret it in that way. Yes, Morrison sees homosexuality as an insult but big deal, many of us regard Spud as an insult. How long before Action on Behalf of Single Mothers refers somebody to the police for using the word "Bastard" as an insult? How long before somebody is on a racist charge for saying "This is a black day for the country"? How long before Brains are closed down for selling faggots?
Dear God, look at the insults I collect on here! Does it hurt me? Do I care? No. Why? Because I am a big boy and I feel contempt for those making the comments. Surely that is the way forward!
But I must go now, my mate Everard has just asked me to shut that door. Anybody want to chase me? Come on lovely boys, let's be 'aving' you! Are you free Mr Humphries? What's that Mr Lah-De-Dah Graham? Hello Honky Tonk!
I know we have moved on but honestly, there was once a time when we were allowed to laugh!
Ooh, you are awful!
You,sir,have echoed my thoughts!
Couldnt agree more hammersfan brilliant blog.
Shouldn't be the games gone crazy ,THE WORLDS GONE CRAZY
Correct for once, and you didnt slag Allardyce off at all, slipped up there.
Does this mean Dale will now be giving him low marks for his performances?
A few years back, when I was tobacco addict, I was in the immigration queque at Newark airport in the USA, and hadn't been able to smoke on the plane from UK. I turned to my business partner and said - "I could murder a fag" and three guys in the queque in front of me turned round with 'worried' expressions......I guess something 'Lost in translation' ?
Furthermore, nobody seems to have mentioned the incredibly provocative "crack head" remark he seemed to be reacting to. It showed he is 18, not that he is homophobic.
Well said mate . Best thing you've wrote
Well said
you've been reported to the Just Campaign - prepare to get your collar felt - Faggot like it or not is homophobic language.
Faggot, whether you like it or not is a type of food. The Justin Campaign might not like it, but that is a fact. And I have called nobody a faggot here, I have discussed Morrison's use of the word and said that he is a teenager. You seem to have missed the fact that I say, "It's not great that they do it, but they do it, just as we did it when we were young."
I know this is unrelated HF, but I've read 1984 and animal farm are there any other Orwell books you'd recommend? Thought police just reminded me!
They're the big ones. The others were warm ups.
Down and Out in Paris and London.
19:20 you seem to be editing your posts these days....
Do I? How so? I do correct the occasional spelling or grammar error if I spot them but that's it. What edit do you think has been made?
Do I? How so? I do correct the..... shame you didn't correct that one.. What's the second do all about?
I do correct...your problem is?
I correct sounds much nicer wouldn't you say?
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