Unlikely I know, but it's the only way I can explain the rescinding of what looked a nailed on red card to me - be it for a professional foul or serious foul play. Perhaps we should have appealed Nolan's red card too, and Taylor's. In fact, maybe we should have made a case for Collison assaulting Kebe - he asked for it after all!
I admit to being amazed! Now watch Green make a terrible cock up, handing Palace a goal on a plate. That would be our luck all over!
Oh do shut up, you utter, total tedious bore.
Anony-mouse says,
'Allardyce would be be well advised not to argue about the legitamacy of a red' - your quote from yesterday HF.
So are you man enough to admit that as well as being amazed you were also utterly wrong. I know it's going t be tough for you but try spitting out the words 'Once again it is shown that Allardyce's judgement is even better than HF's'. Go on- I dare you.
Oh no:
Why not learn to accept a stroke of good fortune when it comes along. After all it is good news for WHU.
Instead you come up with some unbelievable conspiracy theory, presumably to try and support your previous posts. Using your words these now look like a "terrible cockup".
Hammersfan you are and always have been a complete bender. When I type messages I think beforehand. I wonder whether people will laugh or debate them. But your messages always have the same outcome... Everybody hates you and hopes you die soon.
When I type a message I expect people to debate my views, laugh or be disgusted. But with all your messages it has the same response. We all hate you and want you killed. You just have no idea what people want to read. You need to stop giving your opinions. You are wrong every time. If you are retarded then I apologise you window licking dumb shit.
What a Load of PONY, It was only ever a Yellow Card, The Ref clearly got it wrong as the panel agreed.
Come on HF at least sound like you're happy that we have our first choice keeper available. Green has been excellent this year and his contribution has helped us to top spot without any doubt.
The FA historically does not recind red cards easily and for whatever reasons they decided this time then lets be thankful.
I hope he has a blinder against Palace and an eleventh clean sheet.
Why don't you miserable sods comment on the positive threads? You do get off on hatred don't you? I picture you all maturbating in front of a mirror with "Die you filthy sef abusing spawn of Satan" painted on your torso. Oh the agony and the ecstacy as you reach your climax and reach for the windowlene!
Anony-mouse says,
You picture us all masturbating!?!?! F*ck, you're not quite right in the head HF. You need professional help.
Oh Dear HF:(20:56):
I am afraid we have come to understand the words "positive" and "HF" to have opposite meanings.
Mind you WH fans have every right to feel positive this week. The rescinding of Rob Green's red card is excellent news bearing in mind his current form and the alternative choices. I tend to agree that it was an instinctive professional foul and had the Blackpool striker not been brought down he would have been odds on to score. Fortunately the FA called it differently. However, with hindsight it was the right decision to appeal and most fans will be delighted.
Like it or not you called it wrong HF. The first problem is that as a supposed WH fan you should be directing your efforts to defending and not attacking matters that affect the well- being of the club.
The second problem is that when you called it wrong there is no attempt to apologise, offer any constructive defence of the position, or even try to enjoy the favourable outcome.
All we get is a load of unjustified abuse..mirrors, tattoos, windowlene. What is all that about? Sounds like you have issues.
HF .. you have dealt with FA.
But if you don't stop anonymouse, you will need a golden retriever!
I went to the Opticians two weeks ago and was told i had to stop masturbating, I ask if i didn't stop could i go blind? They said NO, you are upsetting all the other customers waiting in reception...
LOL Very good!
I can't believe the red card was rescinded. It was a shocking challenge and more worthy of a serious foul play charge than a pro foul, leading to a 3 game ban. Maybe your theory has legs, HF!!
You're freaking me out a bit now HF- you need to stop thinking of me, and others on here in a sexual way. It's erm, very flattering but will never ever be reciprocated.
Mind you at least now it's plain to see why, for no good reason at all, your posts have soft porn pictures to illustrate them. And it's now obvious that your miserable, angry, demeanour is due to severe and prolonged sexual frustration. Methinks you need to re-establish contact with Mrs Hammersfan forthwith (sorry Mrs HF- I'm sure he won't keep you long).
It staggers me Batman. And Mark Noble! Watch the video highlights and he is clearly pointing for Green to be sent off! And O'Brien joins in too! Love the Allardyce rant on the touchline!
The Real Hammers Fan.Come on mate your comments are a bit harsh,you've gone too far!
im not sure its getting a bit confusing hamersfan and real hammers fan this needs sorting as harry hill would say settle it with FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT and the winner if its hf can take on anony mouse
Anony-mouse says,
Cracking idea JmWHU!
I'm routing for RealHammersfan obviously, but I'll begin a training regime just in case I get a shot at the title (I may be 16 stone but I'm fully prepared to admit that at least half of it is. shall we say slightly blubbery).
Hang n though, what am I saying? After HF's shown his true sexual feelings on this post I'm not sure I want to be in the same building as him, let alone the same, errr, ring.
HF in not being able to accept that he might have been wrong shocker.
HF in proving himself to be an absolute mong shocker.
HF in making up a pathetic bullshit story in order ignore the truth shocker.
The list goes on...
"Why don't you miserable sods comment on the positive threads?"
Because they are few and far between
06:36 Jim that's the best idea I've heard in the a long time - I'd pay £100 to see it.
Kevin in manchester writes..
Abuse, rightly, has its place in the arena of opinion and strong views but blimey: bender, knobhead, etc. I mean really.
Anony-mouse.. clearly suffering from penis .. sorry.. website envy as you make some good points , occasionally. Bother us by all means but perhaps not quite so often and with rather more elan.. that's elan and not Ilan.
The only whispers are coming from you HF. They are a very feeble attempt to cover up your tracks from a previous article where you said that Sam is on another planet. Just admit you were wrong. You wrote before you even saw the incident and you were wrong. We all make mistakes.... you just do it more often than most.
That's what I like to see....going down gracefully
Now hang on Anony-mouse, two things. Firstly I don't go for the fuller figure so you would be perfectly safe on that count, and secondly there is no place for homophobic comments like that in football now. Mr Dale was very upset by comments about him on another West Ham forum that shall remain nameless, and I don't want him upset by what you write on here - especially as he isn't slim himself! Show some respect please. Just because you shop in Morrison's, there's no need to be rude about those who prefer the local Deli or Waitrose!
HF you are a complete T...er
I have never tweeted in my life!
Anony-mouse says,
Kevin in Manchester- Not 100% elan-ful from you there but point genuinely taken- i respect what you say as you come across as one of the most thoughtful contributors on here.
In mitigation, HF would rather have this reaction than none at all. That's why he churns out so much negativity. People shouldn't constantly be feeling they have to defend the club from someone calling themself Hammersfan.
You may be relieved to know I'm out of here come the end of the season anyway, so try to put up with me til then.
Sorry HF- Not even a nice try. I wasn't being homophobic. From your musings on Morrison, Terry, etc it's clear that at best, (and I'm being generous to you here) you have a limited understanding of what constitutes discrimination.
For what it's worth I have complete respect for Ian Dale as an intelligent, articulate true supporter. A person's sexuality has nothing do with me or anybody else. Live and let live= happyness. Here endeth the lecture.
"After HF's shown his true sexual feelings on this post I'm not sure I want to be in the same building as him, let alone the same, errr, ring."
Now that's pretty homophobic my friend. It suggeests that homosexuals will force themselves upon you if they find you attractive. Why else wouldn't you want to be in the same building with me? (Given your inference that I am homosexual?) The "ring" joke belongs in the C16th. I know Shakespeare made a huge deal out of it in The Merchant of Venice but we have moved on. It is precisely this sort of misinformed, homophobic attitude that forces homosexual footballers to hide their sexuality for fear team mates will refuse to share a dressing room with them. Shameful!
Anony-mouse says,
I'm taking no lessons on discrimination from someone who thinks it's fine for Ferdinand to be called a 'f*cking black c*nt'. And don't think that your subtle yet puerile references to Dale's sexuality on this site haven't been noticed, so don't even try to claim the moral high ground. You lost any right to any such claim with your posts about dead Canadians, sick comparisons with the Italian cruise ship and your defence of Terry.
Rant over. I'm boring myself now, so ffs let's leave it there eh?
Dead Canadians? Which one was that? As it happens, I defend your right to make the joke, my point is that making that joke DOES NOT make you homophobic, but you have walked into the trap. You defend yourself, but condemn Terry. It is double standards like this that I object to. You will note that your comments have been posted no matter what you say about me. Why? Because I respect freedom of speech and consider it more important than the sensitivities of any individual or any sector in our society. Providing it does not provoke hatred, then anything should go in my view. As soon as we police words, we have a police state.
" It is double standards like this that I object to.", .......bit rich coming from you HF!
I think we should all just accept that HF (sic) is hated and despised by all and then we can move on and just comment on the football.
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