"In our point of view the major decisions have gone the wrong way. I don't want the officials taking away what we are striving for and I thought the officials tried to do that today, which was a shame."
The problem lies in Allardyce claiming that the officials "tried" to disadvantage West Ham in the game. Now that is a very serious charge indeed. It's one thing to say they got it wrong - and most agree that they had a bad game - but it is quite another to suggest that the "errors" were by design. That is an allegation of cheating and that should land Allardyce in very deep water indeed.
Anony-mouse says
You want that to happen don't you HF?
I have written to the FA to make an official complaint. Can you imagine Greenwood or Lyall accusing a referee of cheating?
Looking at some of the decisions made by referees over the past couple of seasons it is difficult to accept that they were all decisions made in error and not by design. Lets face it big money is involved not only with club success but also betting,if big Sam thinks the decisions were "bent" what is wrong about him expressing this? surely it is better than keeping quiet about it.
Anony-mouse says
You're sounding like a broken record again HF. You need to look at yourself and ask yourself why you want bad things to happen to the manager, and as a consequence to West ham.
BFS is doing a sound job, just the one that he was brought in to do. And you hate it don't you? Rather than us going up, you'd prefer that we were mid-table so that your unchanging, unyielding view of Allardyce would be proved right. No need for you to answer that btw: the answers clear already.
And I don't have to imagine Johnny Lyall going apoplectic about a referee's performance. I was at Wembley when Clive Thomas cheated us in the League Cup Final and Lyall went bolo. And how we loved him for it.
There's a huge problem with that John as I am sure you realise. If Allardyce genuinely feels that is the case, he should put his concerns into writing to the FA and invite an investigation. By ranting to the press in this way, he encourages people to think there is corruption in the game - and that brings the entire game into disrepute.
WTF? Do you write official letters of complaint to the FA when any manager steps ever so slightly out of line HF? Or have you completely lost the plot? I thought HF stood for Hammersfan. I know you like making provocative posts, and I have found your blog to be entertaining, but take your head out your arse mate, for heavens sake!
I was joking planetman. It waas in response to the silly comment made by Anony-mouse.
What a misleading link, he hasn't been charged at all
HF you're an utter clown and an embarrassment to West Ham's real supporters
Grow up
It sats "To face" not faces. Accuse me of being two faced if you like, but the headline does not say "Charged". I expect a charge.
If he 'encourages' people to think there's 'corruption' in the game by his comments, then I just think he has 'inside' knowledge about that 'corruption', seeing as he's been in fotball for so long. As for formal complaints to the FA, why complain to that bunch of backscratching blazer boys ? Good for you Sam !!
"and that should land Allardyce in very deep water indeed" Yippeeee you must be over the moon! I can hear you salivation from here you pervert.
Moronic as usual - well done!
first thing Allardyce has done that I'm pleased about Still won't pay to watch the dross Come on Di Canio come home and make West Ham a proper football club again
Well done Sam! We should congratulate him for having the courage to tell the truth and put himself on the line for the team. What is the matter with you HF? Are you really a West Ham supporter?
kevin in manchester writes...
morrision charged by FA for 'gay' slur .. unbelieveable
Don't analyse it. The problem is you. Full stop. Sam has been fantastic and has my total admiration as a West Ham fan. Well done Big Sam.
Maybe I don't like his tactics or his style of play but I can't fault Sam for speaking out for us and finally letting the officials know what we think of them and their decisions against us. I can't believe you are criticizing rather than praising him for it. Mind boggling!!!
Anony-Mouse (11:07)
Excellent response which mirrors my thoughts.
Yes, John Lyall did get reported to the FA for his remonstrations with Clive Thomas after the 1981 Wembley final.
Perhaps HF should change his blog name along the same lines as your own? How about "Annoyed-Rat"?
Sammy Lee did duck under the ball and we was robbed. But I don't remember Lyall calling Thomas a cheat. Thomas got it wrong, based around the "interfering with play" rule. Of course, as the offside rule is now interpreted, the goal would have stood. Anyway, words to the ref are one thing, words to the press about the ref is something else.
Woww, i thought he only hated QPR ,looks like he even hates his own team.
Anony-mouse said
Cheers 21.05- I didn't think I was going mad re: Johnny Lyall. I can still remember a picture of him at Wembley looking absolutely livid. Googled it earlier just to make sure and a KUMB article said that in his match report to the FA Thomas reported that Lyall had called him a cheat. And who could blame Lyall for that. Goals like the one Thomas gave that day were never allowed to stand back then. He was an arrogant showman who seemed to deliberately make perverse decisions just to court publicity. He was famous for it.
HF- Two things. If you are going to bring up the names of greats then at least make sure you know what you are talking about. And I love the last sentence of your 22.33 post- its the very definition of churlishness.
I'll dig out my John Lyall autobiograpy "Just Like My Dreams" and see what he says about it. Note though, no quote from Lyall to the press!
Yes - i still remember that day at Wembley and Ray Stewart's last minute penalty.
John Lyall was livid with the ref that day. I can't see what difference it makes who he told. It became public knowledge and was highlighted in the media/on tv at the time. He said what he thought just like BS did yesterday, Good for them.
Mind you BS's explanation of "hand to chest" looks a bit dodgy today. At the match I suspected it was a hand to the head which seems to be confirmed by the photo in the Times today. Never mind it was a good try in the Ferguson/Wenger style.
14:32 yes I've always thought him a pervert that gets some sort of sexual gratification from his antics on this blog.... it can be the only explanation for his bizarre and warped behaviour.
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