But still worse is the conduct of Dalglish. I came out strongly against his original support for Suarez but he has plumbed new depths today. In a truly incredible show of "blind" support, Dalglish said, "I never knew Suarez refused to shake Evra's hand. I wasn't there, I never saw it. It's contrary to what I've been told." Where was he then? May I suggest he checks out the BBC site and watches the video evidence? Or takes the word of those who did see it?
Evra's reaction was unwise, but totally understandable in the circumstances. In fact, if I was Evra, I would say to camera, "I suspect he refused to shake my hand because I am, his his view, a nigger". Suarez has surely left the FA with no option other than to take further action. As Ferguson said, this could have sparked a riot. What it certainly did do is completely devalue the half hearted apology issued by Suarez after he was found guilty of the original offence.
The FA and Liverpool FC must now act. Suarez should be kicked out of English football, Liverpool should be fined for failing to control their players - note the push that Evra receives for reacting to Suarez's snub - and Dalglish should be sacked for endorsing the actions of Suarez throughout this disgusting affair. Terry has lost the England captaincy for much less; how can Dalglish be left in charge of a great club like Liverpool?
Who is this idiot talk about over reacting if Suarez don't want to shake hand it's his own choice. Premier league does not have right to tell a player what to do.
You cant make a comment like this, it will confuse all these people that think you are racist for having an opinion
The conduct of Liverpool FC is really shocking and a besmirching of their great name and reputation. I always loathed the sultry and down-mouthed Dalglish, historically. I had warmed to him somewhat and was, as a neutral, enjoying the romance of his reunion with LFC. That honeymoon is well and truly over now and his previous flaws have resurfaced with a vengeance!
You're a disgrace for writing this article!
I totally disagree about not shaking hands but to go as far and say kick him out is ludicrous! In actual fact Suarez still claims his innocence and refused to shake hands with a player who got him suspended for lying!
Secondly Evra is the one the FA need to look at after his pathetic antics after the game purposely celebrating up to Suarez. It took Phil Dowd to move him away!
Pathetic criticism of Suarez from a pathetic reporter!
Liverpool blinkers well and truly fitted! Running in the National in April by any chance?
fergusion again hes the one who took evera in to get suarez banned becose he wants to upset liverpool football club to knock us off are eff perch so good one u suarez for standing your ground cont wait till uarguy play france soon because i expect it a war not a riot fergusion u crank u started it and we finish it YNWA
When scholes and giggs refused to shake hands with Viera after the old Trafford tunnel bust up shoul they have been kicked out of English football?? When England players of ethnic origin are racially taunted openly are those teams thrown out of Europe ??? When Evra grabs someone and then chases him to confront him and then tries to incite him by dancing in front of him is that not harassment , assault and inflammatory behaviour which can be deemed reckless or inciting not a DISGRACE AND EVRA SHOULD BE KICKED OUT OF ENGLISH FOOTBALL?? He is a troublemaker look at the world cup where he staged a mutiny against the national team manager!!! Actions of an honourable man? There is two sides to every story and rio Ferdinand also refusing to shake Suarez hand goes unnoticed !!!!
What about ferdinand refusing to shake hands with suarez???!!!!! F*****G united C***T!!!! This website is a disgrace!!!! Should be sealed by FBI and deamed dangerous to community!!!!
These Liverpool reactions simply harden the case. You morons will never learn will you? Huge great chip on your shoulders. Nobody from Liverpool is ever guilty. Nobody from Liverpool is ever in the wrong. It's always a fit up! Incredible!
LFC supporters' reactions on this thread only reinforce the commonly held view that they display a lack of class. Suarez's actions were inflammatory and unnecessary and Dalglish, as the manager, further compounds the ugly mess by entering into further discourse on the matter.
It was not because Evra is black that Suarez refused to shake his hand. I can say this because you clearly see Suarez shaking the hand of the other Manchester players with the same skincolour. He most likely did it because he feels he has been treated unfairly, and maybe because he feels Evra gave false testimony. And in some ways, I can understand Suarez. An 8 game ban for some bad words being thrown at each other, is way too hard. I am a member of several anti-rascism organizations in Norway, and on the basis of that I can say that what Suarez said is not particularly rascist. What we face in day-to-day life, at least in Norway, is much worse. Yes what he said was stupid and in some part rascist, but put into context you can not draw the conclusion that Suarez is a rascist based on it.
That being said, what Suarez did today was out of order, but what Evra did after the match was just as much out of order in my opinion. Personally, I don't like either of the players. They are decent footballers, but have they behave on and off the pitch is not to my liking at least. Here I am thinking mainly about Suarez' tendency to dive, and Evra's conduct during the last World Cup.
Finally, I would just like to ask you too keep up the good work with the blog! Even though I often disagree with you, I appreciate reading what you write, and you make a good case for what you believe. COYI
despite the enraged rantings of some LFC supporters on this site, the commonly held view is likely to be reflected here:
Completely agree HF. This was a chance to put football back in the headlines but he's made it worse. Disgrace.
I think Evra's done remarkably well so far, even with that celebration.
it is his decision who he shakes hands with, not liverpool fc's and not the FA's, suprised you have not tried to blame this on the BNP
HF, you're even getting BNP lovers to comment - hopefully that will include Stuart Pearce's brother, a member of the BNP himself. Pearce should be ashamed ofthat a meber of his family is so backward. It shows you that there are still plenty of ignorant 'English' people about, completely 100% racist, and unable to accept anyone of another nationality or background, unless they are 'white'. Fortunately, most of the white racists moved out of Forest gate and Upton Park years ago - and good riddance too. It's better without them.
Amazing that somebody in the BNP can reed and rite mate!
...and only if you weren't this bloody blinkered over Terry, HF. Is he your love child or something, from an old flame when you were at uni in Southampton? :)
I will say it again Stani, and will keep saying it. Terry was angry and was speaking in anger.
Despite that anger, he avoided a word he associates with racism - the N word. In spite of his anger, in spite of the couldron of emotions he found himself in, he used a word that he perceived as the opposite of the racist N word, he used a word that Anton would use to describe himself, he used black - note not coloured like Hansen - but black!
You want him to be guilty; I genuinely think he had no intention of being racist. He was insulting Anton with the F and the C word. I agree he saw Anton's colour - but journalists who refer to "the white Pele" or the "black Beckenbaur" see colour in the same way - but he did not insult Anton's colour. Had he wished to do so, he would have used the N word. He insulted the man with the words F & C, he labelled the colour but avoided insulting that colour.
Maybe that logic is too sophisticated for you as you just want to see all these issues as black and white?
Suarez has been found guilty. His actions yesterday inflamed a situation which is about our society and not accepting racism. This is bigger than football. He is paid enough to show responsibility. Having said that it would be shameful to see this unsporting behaviour in a park match.
By their tribal support dalglish and some liverpool supporters are bringing more shame on the club. Sad state of affairs.
Keep up the good work on the blog. I don't like some of what I read but that's largely due to our form or lack of it!
R's fan
Regardless of the 'crime' is Liverpool's support of Suarez any worse than Man Utd's support of Cantona, the thug who attacked a member of the public?
Glass houses, stones?
Incidently, the pre-match handshake thing is a total sham, a large percentage of players don't care for it and it would seem that when it suits them, the football authorities dispense with it. Nobody at the top of the Premier league hierarchy saw yesterday's incident coming?
HF I have to say, your Terry argument is just cobblers. In a street confrontation, as a black male, it would make your blood boil to hear the words 'black cunt' no?
The FA would argue that racism be kicked out of football altogether, and therefore cannot accept what Terry said.
If this is the reaction for refusing to shake his hand, God alone knows what it would be had he given him a Glasgow Kiss. And no I'm not a Liverpool fan. Just tired of media spin hyping up the racism rows out of all proportion to the crime.
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