Ok there was Grant! And Upson couldn't be arsed. And neither could Bridge. And we had Spector. And Tomkins was up and down. And we had to pick Gabbidon. And Cole couldn't hit a barn door from five paces for much of the season. And Hitz was out until January. And Green's confidence was shot to pieces. And Jacobsen was past it. And Kovac played a few games. And Ba was played out of position. And Ilunga played 10 games. And Keane was on a bonus from 'Arry to relegate us. And Obinna flattered to deceive. And Behrami wanted out. And the Barrera we signed was working in Taco Bell. And Boa started NINETEEN games. And then there was Piquionne and Sears and Stanislas and...
But still! How?
Dear God, Wolves are shit! And so are Wigan! And so are Blackburn! And they have all STRENGTHENED since last season! Dear God, how did we manage to finish below all three of them, not to mention Blackpool?
This is why the decision not to replace Avram Grant in January was the worst ever. Anyone else could have saved us. Sam could for sure. O'Neil would have probably done a Sunderland on us just by taking over. The worst ever decision by the West Ham board was to stick with AG until the bitter end. Stani and I and many others kept saying that. You kept saying, give the guy a chance...
kevin in manchester writes...
I don't think Blackburn are shit .. they're just channeling Grant through Kean; N'zonzi, Samba, Hoilett, Yakubu, Pederson, Dunn, Dann, Vukovick .. then remember last season they had Jones.. half decent squad .. I wonder who built that!
You know the answer.
If not, ask Stani. Its right there.
Sav adds the details.
Anony-mouse says,
That's a question that doesn't need asking. Your man Grant was the main culprit. O'Neill, Allardyce or just about anyone else half decent would have kept us up.
Next question.
Wolves, Blackburn, Wigan last season all had 'moments' and ''real' football managers. We had none of that - two good[ish] games in cup tournaments and that's about it. After every match, AG would spout the same nonsense - 'first half we play good, second half not so good'[or vice versa].Demba Ba and Parker couldn't do anything about it on the pitch either. They seesm to be doing better now though.....
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