As I have maintained all along, Dalglish and the club behaved terribly when they offered 100% support for Suarez after he was found guilty as charged. Suarez and Dalglish may not have agreed with the verdict, but that was no excuse for those Suarez t-shirts. By instructing his players to wear them, Dalglish put two fingers up to the FA and displayed total contempt for the administrators of the game. Capello was backed into resigning for far less!
When an opposition player was reduced to tears by racist abuse from a Liverpool fan, the full implications of the affair should have been obvious to Dalglish. If a manager tolerates racism from one of his players, and publicly offers support to that player, how can the club expect the fans to behave decently? But did Dalglish learn the lesson? Did he Hell as like!
His post match press interview on Saturday endorsed Suarez's actions - not just the refusal to shake hands but also the original offence. For Dalglish to claim that he hadn't seen it, and knew nothing about it, was absurd. What he meant was that he agreed with what Suarez had done!
Now I support the notion of accepting an apology but what does a Suarez apology amount to exactly? He apologised for the original offence but then undid and ridiculed that apology when he refused to accept Evra's proffered hand on Saturday. So he has apologised again; so what? We all know that he has only said sorry to head off a suspension, and I suspect that Dalglish's apology is as a result of pressure being applied from above.
Liverpool fans, of course, defended both Suarez and Dalglish on Saturday, but then they would wouldn't they? The people of the city even closed ranks when Rhys Jones was shot dead. They look after their own in Liverpool, which is why the city has such a huge crime rate. Scousers stick together and steal from each other at the same time: Neighbourhood Watch is a lookout system in Liverpool, the neighbours are away so let's help ourselves to their 48 inch TV! But be fair, they do issue warnings when a DHSS snoop is in the locality!
Sadly, when he defended Suarez, Dalglish put himself on the same side as the city's hypocrites who claim to share a common affinity yet steal from their own neighbours as soon as their backs are turned. That's not ALL Liverpudlians - the majority are very decent people - but it is far too many of them! The club should ask Dalglish to consider his position, just as the FA invited Capello to consider his; and if Dalglish is an honourable man, he will walk.
As for Suarez, he should be allowed to see out the season and then be invited to find another club - outside of multicultural England.
Meanwhile the FA have Kopped out appallingly. Liverpool are too big a club to take on it seems.
what a simply awful article. you should be ashamed of yourself.
Let it rest u F moron
I don't recall that Kenny has ever defended or supported racism. could you please explain?
I think if you got your fist out of your nose you might consider that the FA is behaving as a legal system all of their own. Beyond the actual event you cannot ignore the fact that the FA has set itself above due process and charged, 'heard' arguments and passed judgement all in one. Although not exactly the same I suspect if the 'crime' was different and the location was Iran you might take another view.
It is worth considering if there could be more than one way of seeing this isn't it?
You must be really proud of yourself for being such a racist asshole!! What gives you the right to mention Rhys Davies and insult the people of Liverpool - you brainless ignorant cockney tw*t.
Anony-mouse says,
3 0f your last ten posts are about WHU, whilst 4 are about QPR. 3, including this insulting, provocative shite are about other clubs. Are you still going to pretend this is a West Ham site?
Liverpool fans- don't take HF to be a typical West Ham fan. He's an idiot and WUM. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Knob head
2154, you seem to have missed the line "That's not ALL Liverpudlians - the majority are very decent people - but it is far too many of them!" Have you seen how your crime rates compare with the rest of the UK? How about your unemployment rates? And rates for drug taking? That's what I mean when I say too many of them. With regard to Rhys, how much help were the police given by the local community.
I quote, "The police appealed to the public for information, stating that they needed help in finding those who committed the crime. The murder weapon was described as a black handgun with a long barrel. More than 300 officers and gun crime specialists were deployed in the hunt for Jones's killer.
Jones' parents made a fresh appeal for witnesses to come forward on 19 September – four weeks after Jones' murder, which was reconstructed on Crimewatch on 26 September, with Jones' mother appealing directly to the murderer's mother to turn her son in. It led to 12 people calling into the programme giving police the same name. Despite reports that the killer's name was widely known and had appeared on internet sites and in graffiti, police continued their appeal for witnesses to come forward.
Seeing her pain and anguish, anyone you would think would be moved to help. But four weeks after the shooting, Rhys Jones's murderer is still free.
Liverpool, the city that prides itself on its earthy humanity, unbreakable community spirit and deeply embedded Catholicism, is harbouring a dreadful, guilty secret.
It is an open secret.
In two lengthy visits to the beleaguered council estates of Croxteth and Norris Green over the past month, many people told me they know who pulled the trigger.
The name has been spray-painted on walls, mumbled in pubs and exchanged in playground gossip.
On Friday night I was approached by a man who had heard I was a journalist from London. He wanted to know if the name he had been given was the right one.
21:01, it is YOU and the entire population of Liverpool that should be ashamed! You are a disgrace to humanity!!!!
How can you go from saying how bad racism is in football to turning on the people of LIVERPOOL, have you ever been here and spoke to people in LIVERPOOL, you are talking about a handful of people who turn to crime but you have turned racist against all the people of LIVERPOOL and put them as one,try looking at your own neighbours at least we speak to ours and look after each other, who was it that opened there homes to travellers when the grand national was cancelled till the monday only the people of LIVERPOOL, SO FIND OUT YOUR PROPER FACTS before you turn on the people of LIVERPOOL!!!!!
Obviously reading is not taught very well in Liverpool. You too seem to have missed the line "That's not ALL Liverpudlians - the majority are very decent people - but it is far too many of them!"
Oh dear! oh dear! You naughty boy HF -stirring up the scousers. For chrissakes nobody mention Derek Hatton, Hillsborough,Heysel or summer 2010 riots. None of those were their fault either. Mind you, they have given us John Bishop to enjoy.........the bastards.
Kevin Manchester writes..
The people of Liverpool are no more or less noble; no more or less inclined to criminality or blind stupidity than the people of any other city.
There is, I believe, a shared cultural tradition of believing themselves to be 'other' in terms of the rest of the UK, part of which can be best summed up as being a sense that if there is a raw deal to be had; they'll get it but as Matthew Sayeed puts it in today's Times : when it comes to LFC there is a contagion of paranoia and delusion abroad in the city.
The blizzard of criticism that has engulfed the club has done so for a reason; LFC has been guilty of crass errors of judgement and action from the moment Suarez opened his trap- accept it; live with it; say sorry.
Amazing isn't it how this story has run We at West Ham should realise how quickly public opinion can turn when the press make of a story what they will despite the truth being out there
Evra also realises how to play the game because he clearly retracts his hand from Saurez's outstretched hand and then turns things on their head by causing a scene (watch the video very carefully very subtle but plain as you like)
Now Kenny and Saurez have had to apologise as they're being pilloried by the press as we had to pay compensation to shafting utd although not guilty Public opinion tho shaped by the press???
By the way I have no love for Liverpool fc or their fans
To misquote someone else I have since my childhood had an irrational hatred of liverpool fc
but I hate an injustice even more and still don't know how one man can be found guilty on the word of one man esp when that man is his accuser and also very very sly
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