Dear oh dear. The Thought Police must be spending all day, every day, scrutinising Twatter comments. Except, of course, we now have a Nazi style network of informants gleefully singing from the rooftops if they see anything that could, no pun intended, stir the shit.
How long will it be before clubs insist that all 'Tweets' be run past a PCS (Politically Correct Sentinel) before they are posted? This is all absurd, of course. Footballers are not role models, politicians, preachers or whatever. They are ill educated morons for the most part who regard the maximum number of characters on a Tweet as a dissertation. Who cares what they say or think?
Something very sinister is happening here. I am insulted on here on a daily basis but shrug it off - what does it matter? The trouble is, in the case of footballers, it is rival fans seeking to make trouble rather than people who have genuine concerns who are making the complaints. We are seeing vengeance working through these testimonies, and the FA are being led by the nose in a Salem style witch hunt.
Everybody needs to get a sense of perspective. If Macheda, Morrison, Ranger and Manny Smith (Who? I hear you ask) have incited hatred then fair enough, but if they have just hurled an insult at an individual, then it has absolutely nothing to do with the FA.
This all started with Ferdinand's tantrum over Terry's verbal abuse. But tell me, what is Anton saying to Howard Webb in that picture above? It certainly aint a compliment - unless he is going in for a kiss!
"The FA launched a new six-year inclusion and anti-homophobia plan last Monday called 'Opening Doors and Joining In'"
Hahaaa! You've got to be kidding me? Hahaaa
It is all absolutely unbelievable. Oh for the simple life of years ago
You are an f★★★ ©nut.
actually he's not saying anything, he's changing into a werewolf.
To be honest mate, footballers are role models to absurd amounts of kids. Ludo was my role model as a kid and that's why I still like going in goal till today.
He has hardly thrown a tantrum, that is all he has said publicly on the incident, and it was originally reported to the coppers by a fan, so yes i agree with your point about the behaviour of players being demonised by the fans but anton didn't make a fuss despite that cumt screaming christ knows what at him!
Handshake? Evra was willing to shake Suarez's hand. What was the name of this "fan"? Was it done anonymously? "Mr Concerned from the Bush?" Fans upset by foul and abusive language? They must spend each and every game with their fingers rammed firmly in their ears.
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