That's an interesting interpretation of events I must say! What was the score at half time? Three nil to Blackburn. And what was the score at the end of the game? 3-2. So which team weakened the longer the game went on and which team came on stronger in the second half? But why allow the facts to get in the way of prejudice?
Boot camps are the last resort of the desperate. Bowen has talked of the "moans and groans" of the players which tells you something about the mood inside the camp. Warnock suggested that he was a victim of player power and, by dancing to the jig played on Joey's Twatter, Fernandes has empowered them still further. Hughes hopes to sweat rebellion out of them but at what cost? Wouldn't it be better to work on defending and scoring rather than putting in the "hard yards"? "Let's yomp our way to victory" isn't a very inspiring rallying cry is it?
Look out for a Barton Twatter anytime soon!
Thanks so much for the email and web reference.
We see so much of this kind of stuff that we basically don't chase every incident up. Rather we focus on the bigger picture and the clubs, associations, schools, colleges and hope that it trickles down (and up) to the people who post such appalling comments.
If we were to deal with every single case like this we'd never have time to sleep, no matter do anything else! It's sad but true, as I'm sure you'll understand.
I guess the only thing to do is to email the web master and also, blogger.com, and complain there?
So sorry we can't be of more help but that kind of "banter" is unfortunately rife.
I'd love it if you could keep in touch with us, and if you do complain to anyone, that you keep us posted?
Thanks again for all this!
**** *****
Director of Communications
The Justin Campaign
Roughly translated as "Fcuk off you tme wasting twat"! Do see my Morrison article and refer that one too!
Yeah, maybe you're right Hammersfan... perhaps it will all be a waste of time. I suppose we'll find out as the season unfolds.
Mind you, I did notice your team had a bit of slip up the other night late on against Southampton! 1-0 up with home advantage; not really Championship winning form. Perhaps West Ham would benefit from the 'Boot Camp' experience? Oh when the Saints go Marching In!
Language Timothy.
Ah HF, your clutchin at straws here. The spine reference is a mental one.Ever hear the phrase 'grow a spine'! The camp is not about physical improvement but mental toughness. That is what is lacking at qpr and the fact we have so many new playing staff it is a great idea to develop relationships that allow for a united 'die for eachother' attitude that we has last season in the championship. One of the biggest advocates of this was Orr last season and to see him celebrate so gleefully with the yak last weekend shows how a players mindset can so easily be changed. He would not be at rovers only for his chance given to him by the Rs. So this 'camp' is about togetherness, a realisation that we are truely in a dog fight till last day of season and that it gives coaching staff a chance to brainwash these underperforming players into a team that undoubtedly has the talent to get out of this mess. Easier said than done I know but at least they will give it a go. Thats all i ask. Did you see the reaction of the players when mackie scored his second, amazingly their heads dropped, it was the strangest reaction to a goal I have ever witnessed by a team who obviously need a boost and a kick up the aRse! I did not bite, I have not abused you and never will, I just want to point out when you are wrong and enjoy doing so. I enjoy a small percentage of your articles but I am starting to enjoy this new found love to put you straight.
Irish R - Galway
So what would you do dipshit, Give them the week off? How is a week away desperation. People arrange these things in all types of work for team bonding and socialising togther.Its a good chance for Hughes to get to know his squad better both on and off the pitch. I know if I having a shit time at work you wouldn't hear me moaning about a free week away in the sun, same as i can't the players. How can that harm anything? please explain your deluded rambling.
You read this HF?
You really are clutching at straws with the shit you are writing now aren't u wanker stick to the hammers blogs your boring us with your drivel it really is sad grow up u twat
Yep read it Stani. Hugely ironic because the guy is right. Surely his idea would suit everybody down to the ground. Happy to share the stadium with Orient. Give anybody who attends an Orient game £5 off the next West Ham game if they pay £15 to get in and they might muster crowds of 20,000. Everybody would be happy!
PS Stani, why are you so quiet these days? No comment on the Morrison thread despite the Muslim stuff - very unlike you! And what the form of Bopara? Ignored for the Tests but playing well in the one dayers.
Shame the fella didn't think about the legacy and speak up against it in the consultation process for the design... looks like he was just happy to take the money instead.
00:14 you've worn the poor fella out - even with your "muslim stuff"
I think the guy's a West Ham hero, personally. Just saw his interview on sky, and his solution of warm up track converted to athletics stadium and Olympic stadium converted to football stadium is something I would back. Don't want to share with Orient though, unless pitch will be 100% unaffected. Not sure Hearn would like your discount idea!
Yes, I did read the Morrison thread and thought I'd irritate you by saying nothing. It's worked :) Regarding Bopara...well I was right about him wasn't I? But unlike you, I don't show off and rub it in when I'm right....I let it be. It's called class HF and it leaves the person you've proved wrong (like you) uneasy thinking 'why on earth has he not said anything?'
Plus you hardly write about West Ham these days. I know it's your blog, which is why I've not complained, but you should weigh up the danger of losing the interest of West Ham fans against the cheap thrills you get from winding fans of other teams up.
01:44 HF has great admiration for Muslims :)
Unfair Stani, there is at least one thread a day about West Ham - the other threads are supplimentary, not replacements.
Anony-mouse says,
Spot on Stani- this has become a general football/ rant blog now rather than just about the irons. Like you say it's HF's blog so that's up to him, but it explains why there appears to be less and less West ham on here.
And yes HF, before you say it- I know I come on it, but not as much as I do on other West Ham sites. I do it cos I wouldn't like random fans around the world chancing on this site and thinking that your views were typical of our fans.
You live on the site mate, you're on here more often than I am! Glad to keep you entertained!
HF, I realise this is your blog but you have completely avoided the original topic by purposely side stepping with Stani. What has muslims and cricket got to do with this blog. Once a few Rs responded to set you straight including myself you decide not to interject or reply. You obviously realise how wrong your blog is hence your abstinence. What is the point of blogging this article in an attempt to provoke response yet you avoid the point. You may say its just your opinion but that is lazy and have you noticed the gRs are not biting either. This is not the first time I have noticed this type of blank response and that you rather interact with thise that just abuse you. If we cannot get an intelligent response/reply to our comments what is the point of this site. Please explain HF and perhaps start with a new blog quoting me and let the football blogging community react to that. Otherwise there is no reason for you to continue your ever increasing obsession with QPR
I suspect you will either ignore this or make another deluded comment.
I await in anticipation
Irish R - Galway
I'm not being unfair HF, just giving a caring word. You must notice all the regulars hardly ever here now?
But it's up to you of course.
You have a hard on for the R's and no mistake.
I's so excited HF I can hardly contain myself.... I won't say more though so as not to spoil your surprise. Mmmmwwwwwaaahhhhaaaahhhaaaaaa
Anony-mouse says,
It's me again HF!
You should be grateful for my custom- judging by the lack of responses to your two posts today it looks like it's just me and you. And I don't consider that I live here by the way- i'd call it slumming it.
And yes you are entertaining but not in a way that you'd want to be. I come to this site rather like Statler and Waldorf went to the Muppet Show.
Anyway must dash. I'll leave you in peace to write your next borderline-racist/ Allardyce hating/ or QPR baiting shite.
19:17 apparently it's not border line......
13:18 it's a strange one Stani - I remember once when you were on side. For all his clicks he has only 40 some followers, which is a bad ROI. I'm not sure I can think of many that actually support him though - he seems to want to alienate everyone, which is of course very sad.
Nicely put anony-mouse
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