Meanwhile the hacks seem intent on driving a wedge between Capello and the FA. I thought his comments were spot on personally, and if he was not consulted ahead of the decision to stand Terry down from the captaincy then he unquestionably had the right to voice his objections. He is the coach / manager and all matters relating to the team should be down to him alone. Can you imagine the Man Utd board sacking Ferguson's selected captain against his wishes? There would be hell to pay! But the Press are coming over all sanctimonious and high and mighty, claiming Capello is in breach of contract and insisting he should resign if he doesn't like it.
So once again, as a major tournament approaches, the press are stirring things up, doing their level best to undermine the manager and derail the campaign. Why? Because it sells bloody newspapers of course! Who cares about the national team when there's huge issues like name calling at stake? What a farce!
Anony-mouse says
Do you play golf?
LOL no! I play football. I hate golf.
Anony-mouse says,
Oh- my mistake. Sorry. It's just that you sound like one of them G&T quaffing, ramblingly apoplectic, ill-thought out golf club house bores.
I wouldn't know but you seem to. Do you have checked trousers and two tone shoes by any chance?
If he'd taken his wife's 3 points he may have had to leave his prestigious influential position so why shouldnt he step down when facing the more morally abhorrent and socially divisive racially aggravated public order charge?
The entire set up, from the FA through the manager and coaching staff down to the players, is a shambles in my view.
Terry should never have been a captain of this fine nation of ours. Once the Bridge affair came out he most certainly should not have been reinstated. Now, with the whole world knowing exactly what he said to a fellow professional, it would be an absurdity to leave him as captain. From a playing point of view he is slow and surely to God not one of the two best centre backs in the country. I'd drop him on form grounds rather than because he stands accused. Apparently he is 'considering his international future' so why not consider it for him?
It's all meaningless in the context of this summer which will inevitably see the same basic crop of failures go to yet another international tournament and get played off the park!
The FA should have taken the German lead and discarded all but about 3 of the first teamers following the abject display in 2010.
I wouldn't care if I never saw Terry's ugly mug again!
Enough of your rubbish about terry."Innocent until proven guilty". This is not a complicated case that needs expert witnesses etc. The evidence is there for all to see. His slimy lawyers have pushed back the date of the hearing. If he wanted this solved before the euros, it could have been.
Capello is so out of touch I dont think he appreciates the serious nature of the charges against Terry
The humiliation against Germany should have been the end of his position as England manager.
As we are supposed to be leading the way with the ' kick it out' campaign,theres no way Terry can carry on as captain without making a mockery of ourselves.
I am just so fed up with this, why is it racism in this instance but call a Scot a Jock or a Welsh man a Taffy and that's OK. Are Aussies now to be referred to as Australians only. Are the US going to be banned from calling us Limey's? FFS it's on the football field in the middle of a mans game and we get the "He said this to me" well grow up the lot of you. As a 5 foot nothing I deal with height jibes all day evey day, I wear glasses on occassion and the jibes get worse. Christ if I were Ginger I could be suicidle. Oh yeah no I wouldn't be cos I am an adult that takes it and dishes it out. Get over your self anton and Evra and do the decent thing, leave it on the field where it should be left.
I wouldn't be surprised if HF and Anonymouse were elected to the executive board of the FA on this evidence... what a pair of dinosaurs! "G&T quaffing, ramblingly apoplectic, ill-thought out golf club house bores". (Ill thought out bit grammer there by the way). "Check trousers". You're about thirty years out of date.
A football blog being perjorative about golf is a joke in itself. I regularly see kids displaying good manners, a healthy competitive spirit and the honesty to call a penalty against themselves during golf instruction and then the same kids going to football training and displaying the petulance, cheating and abuse of officials so common these days.
And since Englands moment of glory in 1966 the national game has gone backwards. Half of the top ten golfers in the world however are British, a sport we excell in and which teaches children values and develops character. Get a grip chaps; I'd suggest the Vardon version.
Headmaster; I agree Terry should never have been captain in the first place let alone re-instated, he's a very over-rated player and a rather unpleasant individual. However, he's innocent until proven guilty and as the current captain shouldn't have to resign just because of an accusation. If however he knows he is guilty he should resign,but then he's a footballer not a golfer so there's no chance of that!
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