What a bloody disgrace! A fine of £115,000 just because a Millwall fan was stabbed and our fans invaded the pitch twice, bringing back memories of the bad old days when football in this country was nearly brought to its knees. Have the idiots who set this punishment no sense of perspective? £115,000! Don't they understand that £115,000 is what we pay Kieron Dyer for 11 days of lying on a treatment table? How can you compare a stabbing with the money earned by a footballing superstar to compensate for the agony of hamstring injuries?
Apparently the club are considering an appeal and I say, the sooner the better! I'm sure our lawyers deserve the opportunity to feed from the trough a little bit more - I mean they have a 100% record so far; every time we go to court, we lose!
Let's get up a petition, let's protest. The police have spent a fortune of tax payer's money trying to track down the culprits and there was probably a hefty cost to the NHS too as they treated the worthless Millwall piece of scum who got himself stabbed by turning up to a football match to see the team he supports; so why should we pay a huge fine like this? As if paying Ljungberg £4m to tear up his contract wasn't enough; as if paying Quashie £20k a week to train with the kids wasn't enough; as if agreeing to pay Shafting United £25m for playing Tevez wasn't enough; now this!
£115,000 for a stabbing and two pitch invasions? That must be a proportion of the gate money for the game! Bloody absurd!
You should have been fined millions.
I'm not being funny mate but i'm a west ham fan and i believe our fine is way too small. let's face it our fans were outragous!!!
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Don't make waves. Enjoy a piece of outrageous good fortune for a change. God knows we haven't had too many of late.
Who knows, perhaps this signifies a change in our luck at last.
Blow me (as Junior Hicks might say) I feel lucky, I might even buy a lottery ticket on the strength of this!
sorry but i wonder if you would feel different if you had been stabbed.
your fans behaved like animals and reading your message makes me hope the sooner West Ham go down the better,because the premiership will be a better place without u
Perhaps even the FA have realized that they can't keep squeezing us for yet more and more cash.
Maybe £115,000 is all we've got left to pay a fine!
The original FA fine for the Tevez/Mascherano illegal contract, the Sheffield United settlement, the 'hush' money to Joorabchian, Curbishley's constructive dismissal.
I mean let's face it, we've been screwed over so many times in the last two years that there's f*ck-all left to give. We've borrowed against future earnings as far as the eye can see.
There have to be so many interested parties now in ensuring that we don't go under just to make sure that they get their blood money. It's the only thing that gives me hope that we'll, somehow, survive.
We paid Neill that a week!
Are you all that stupid to realise that this is all written as a sarcastic joke? Honestly the general IQ of most football fans has really taken a dive. We are really quite lucky that it's so low.
Truly frightening isn't it 2256? No wonder the country is in such a bloody mess!
I'm with Mike
Immature comments there, Fanno. Keep posting. :) COYI
Its not much of a fine but lets hope its the straw that breaks the camels back.
Don't mention camels as you might get Kareem a bit over excited!
Zola is the our greatest manager to ever grace upton park. We should be grateful for this. He played for Chelsea so he was our number one fan!, he has many years of experience as a manager in many leagues, we now play "nice" footie and it looks soooo good. We should thank the heavens that we didn't get DiCanio or Billic as they played and sweated blood for the hammers!! Zola is a true blue hero and they loved him...thank god for Zola.
Bilic sweated blood in just 53 games before buggering off to Everton because they were a "bigger club". Di Canio would leave Keen to manage the team for any away game north of the Watford Gap!
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