Following the announcement that the club are to be renamed West Ham Olympic, Karen Brady has revealed plans to change the club colours. The sexy Vice Chairman said, "Claret and blue is very passe and lacks orginality. A number of other clubs such as Barcelona, Aston Villa, Burnley, Scunthorpe and Weymouth share the same colours so there is no unique branding."
She added: "The club has therefore decided to adopt the colours of the Olympic Rings. From the start of next season, we will wear green shirts with yellow sleeves and red piping around the neck and cuffs. The shorts will be black and the socks blue."
She continued: "Our new sponsors, The United Colours of Benneton, are very excited by this change. Anybody saying that this will make us the laughing stock of football must be a little bit crazy and a little bit blind!"
what a twat you really are. wasting your time for writing this shite, and our time for reading it!!!
calm down...its suppose to be a joke...get over it and yourself..
The fella ia a total cock - that's why I come here......... he has issues, he takes the bait no matter how big and obvious the hook - you can't use the word Olympic - it's a trademark
This website is like sickelcell.
3 strikes and this joke is out
Mate. you're a wanker and obviously not a Hammer in any respect. Jest or not.
1301, I take it that you approve of Brady's renaming ideas then?
I need a shit like this crap webiste
So do you have to spell it like this Olympique Lyonnais, so that its not a trademark. Or don't you follow football very much.
I worry about myself cos I like this site does this mean I'm a spud? If so can someone please get me deported cos I immigrated here under false pretence
Nice one. I don't see how something like this should upset anyone. No sense of humor!
HF may not be saying the nicest things a supporter wish to hear but although I don't know him I respect his analysis; he writes brilliantly, his commentary is thought provoking and very well written. I don't see why anyone should feel threatened by it!
Keep it up HF despite the ignorant fools that try to put you off.
LOL Quite 1410.
You take alot of undeserved flack but I've got to say you're jumping on a silly bandwagon with this. Brady suggested the name change she never said it was definitely going to happen, sadly alot of her good points are getting ignored while a throw away remark like this one is getting all the headlines.
you are a right wanker
1812, I'm left handed actually.
1709 I think Karen is testing the water. No reaction, it will happen!
brady can sod off
we dont need a women running west ham
it will always be west ham united
whatever that little blind crazy women thinks
For starters you've spelt her name incorrectly (or correctly depending what way you want to look at it), secondly has anyone seen the interview? No they haven't. It was said tongue in cheek and the media have taken the bait. Complete joke.
Do you have any idea about the legal action which can be taken against you for your comments which are a misrepresentation of an employee from a company.
You seriously need to take this story off your website.
Oh dear 2126, the same lawyers are taking Have I Got News For you to court every week. To be actionable, it has to be plausible. This is clearly a piss take based on KB's kite flying name change suggestion. You seriously need to get a sense of perspective.
you lot r a bunch off pricks that need to get a life lol,
Lol i thought west ham supporters had a sense of humour, bloody hell it was a joke. If you dont like whats being written on this website, dont click on it when you see it on news now. I personally look for it in particular on news now, keep up the good work hammersfan
Cheers appy!
i meant the pricks that left the messages moaning lol not the site lol
I like this site......it's a bit of FUN (you remember that surely)......Oh and give the swearing a rest.....kids read this (and get the joke. I have absolutely no problem with Karen Brady or women in business; they do tend to have a direct approach and this is because it has been hard to assert themselves in a male dominated world (or it's natural selection and only tough cookies make it to the top)
As for changing the name, I don't see any need and surely G&S won't allow this, not if they are fans like us
Thanks 903 and 929. I think REAL West Ham fans have the ability to laugh at the club; there is this new "breed" who seem to be all bristling aggression. Ian Duncan Smith would guess that their fathers left home before they were five. Certainly the hatred conveyed through their comments to this site suggest a broken society.
Nope. 21,000 shirts still in stock per DS, so expect the same kit next season...
Pity because it would be nice to have the light blue sleeves back .
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