Look at the fuss over renaming St James' Park and Anfield. Rename the ground and fans go mad! But Brady wants to go one step further. Never mind uprooting us from the Boleyn, she's now suggested changing our name. West Ham Olympic? Or 'WHO?' for short!
New ground, new name, new owners, perhaps they will decide on a new sport at some point? Brady explained: "Soccer is dead, with the ethnic base of the local area we have decided to play hockey. The Asian communities love their hockey and we have entered the new Trans Asia League. The advantages are obvious. We will be serving the local community better and hockey players command much lower salaries than footballers. Hockey is the future, soccer belongs to the C20th. We have signed a muti million pound television deal, exploiting the huge market on the Indian sub continent. West Ham Olympic fans can look forward to seeing the greatest players in the World playing at the Mayfair and Penthouse Olympic Stadium from the start of next season!"
According to Brady, anybody opposed to the changes must be just "a little bit crazy or blind". Well check out the name of this blog Karen and hold on a minute whilst I get my white stick. My family comes from Newham has supported WEST HAM UNITED for generations and the family home of our family club has always been the Boleyn Ground Green Street. Some of us value tradition and object to flippant, off the cuff comments about selling the soul of our club.
But hang on, I've just realised, it isn't OUR club anymore is it? WHO do we support?
Maybe the name change is for when they declare us bankrupt?
9 point deduction vs 110m debt?
just a thought.
oh stop being a baby. yes they were stupid comments, but I as a Hammers fan don't object to a stadium change in the slightest, the new name is ridiculous and will never happen, but as for your slightly dubious Asian comments, stop acting like a baby crossed with a trapped fox in a corner, she's just making her mark and pissing on the ground, so she's a silly woman, so what? yeah I was annoyed by the comments, they seemed very over the top and I'm a little suspicious how they came about and were generated, it isn't a good start for her, I admit, but you go for such easy targets, one question for you - were you the playground bully or the bullied?
LOL Look at your anger! Calm down, calm down, it's only a name. Who ever says West Ham United anyway? What's the big deal? And the hockey idea sounds great to me. Given a move to Hackney, surely we should follow the MK Dons model. West Hackney Olympic has a good ring to it don't you think?
If you actually took the time to read the piece and not just try and sum it all up from the headline than you would see what Brady says makes sense. She doesn't want to change West Ham UTD to West Ham olympic, if we get the olympic stadium she wants to create a sports legacy or club (maybe not the words she chose but this is what she was getting at) that will bring through and train young athletes in all sporting aspects and that centre or club will be called West Ham Olympic, West Ham UTD will stay as they are and rightly so.
i think you have the hots for her.
i think you have the hots for her. Katy Perry basque...I know you're thinking it.
personally I look forward to being able to chant WHO are we? WHO are we?
Dream on spooney100.
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