Here we go again, the great British press trying to undermine our World Cup campaign by "exposing" John Terry's affair. So bloody what I say. If anything, it proves he is captain material because the stupid tart that Bridge was dating was attracted to the alpha male in the group. Terry didn't rape the woman did he? She went willingly into the relationship and managed to fall pregnant whilst about it. Odd that isn't it? In this world of implanted contraceptives and the pill, she still contrived to get a bun in her oven whilst sleeping with the England football captain. Amazing!
It seems pretty obvious what her game is, doesn't it? As for Terry betraying Bridge, what nonsense! He has done the guy a favour by showing this tramp in her true light. If she is so shallow that she will bed Terry and fall pregnant, then abort her unborn child (leaving aside possibly making money by selling the story to the press), then why on earth would Bridge want anything to do with her? Terry wasn't dating Bridge, the woman was! Yes Wayne's pride will hurt for a while but so what? If he is really hurting he should land one on Terry's chin. I suspect Terry would take the blow and say, "Fair enough mate, I deserved that." He might even say, "Why not come round to mine and have a dip in my Poole?"
When all is said and done, if Bridge can't share a dressing room with Terry then so what? He isn't exactly a key member of the team is he? Capello should ignore the whole business, except to use it to say why the WAGS should be nowhere near the players during the tournament! Who should be England's captain in South Africa? John Terry of course!
If inside rumours are to be believed, it was wags that undermimed our last world cup. Posh strtting her stuff like a stuck up cow upset so many other wags such as Gerrard's, Lumpards, Coles and several other partners that the players had had enough and turned on Becks ... if we wanna win the WC its no wags ... they are more egotisticla than half the players
Would u really want to see that scumbag emulate the great bobby Moore and lift the world cup. John terrys name should never be up there with the legend.
we wont in the wc anyway and i dont think that terry should ever have been named captain anyway.
It's surprising you support Terry on this one HF. A real man, a real leader would never have done what he did.
Silly point. Moore was no saint. He was a boozer and a womaniser himself. He led his wife a merry hell. Why do you think the FA ignored Moore after he retired? He was a great footballer but a well dodgy geezer, as the bracelet in Bogota incident showed. He never had it, but he was lookout and allowed himself to be arrested to enable another member of the team to get away if rumour is to be believed. Don't forget Blackpool in 1970.
I would love Terry to lift the World Cup because I am English. I doon't care about anything else personally.
Stani, Clinton was a great President, Moore had affairs and was a boozer, Mitterand had a mistress, Hitler had Eva Braun and some weird sexual fetishes, Ghengis Knan spread his seed so far and wide that 20% of us carry his genes - Alpha males are attactive to women and often sexually predatory - look at Beckham and Loos. Big fuss over nothing. Men will be men, end of. And tarts will be tarts too. Terry let his dick rule his head. What man hasn't?
I'm pretty sure bobby Moore didn't sleep with geoff hursts bird. There's a difference between a bit of a lad and a complete c#*t. So not really a silly point ai?
Me HF?
You're generalizing HF. Not all men are like this. You're reducing us down to animals, but we have a moral conscience and free-will that should allow us to rein in our instincts and choose between right and wrong. He was married with children and he cheated with his team mate's partner.
Doesn't matter what the press says, or whether she was looking for it, or what Clinton did; Terry had a responsibility and he selfishly chose to disregard it.
I don't think Capello will ignore it. Taking away the captaincy from him would be a good thing. It will allow the other players to concentrate on the game rather than imagining Terry, wearing the captaincy armband, in bed with their partners.
John Terry is like school during the summer holidays...no class.
....and I don't think you really believe that HF. You're too learned to have such an unprincipled and ignoble opinion.
I fancy Peppa Pig
LOL Stani, you are a moralist aren't you. Sorry to disappoint, but I do mean it. I think our personal lives should be precisely that, personal. Sex is a pretty tacky business if you think too long or hard about it. When it comes to the most basic urges - to survive and to procreate, we are animals; morality has nothing to do with it. Terry's wife should divorce him perhaps (although she should consider the impact on her children first!) and Bridge should perhaps thump him, but beyond that, it's nobody else's business. If the other players don't trust their wives, perhaps there is a lesson there. Marry and date gold diggers and what can you expect?
1501, Mrs Hurst isn't a looker!
Nothing wrong with moralists right? The feeling of finding it difficult to live with oneself having done something wrong should be a feeling that we all should have. I know it's not the way it is, but I hope it's not as bad as is being suggested.
...you're not an 'alpha male' yourself are you HF? :)
Well said Stani. HF I can only assume that you hat been using testosterone loaded aftershave. To recap - men will be men and if women (sorry tarts) throw themselves at them then they have no responsibility for their own actions. The wife who has been cheated on should consider the effect on her children if she leaves her husband but the man who has screwed around may have no such concerns. Team morale should be based on who is more useful to the team and not be concerned with those stupid little details such as morals or loyalty.
Thanks Anon, although I still think HF's not being completely honest.
At least us hammers fans saw Terry for what he was: "John Terry, he's a c***, John Terry, he's a c***..."
It's funny how Chelsea have two cheats in their back four with Ashley Cole too. When this Terry stuff come out he must have been screwing....maybe I should re-phrase that.
It is time for Rooney to get the Eng captaincy. It's all falling into place, I can feel it. Rooney's form, gets armband, wins the World Cup.
Changing the subject - WHO THE FUCK IS ILAN - Another PR excercise by the two dildo's to get us onside!!!!
John Terry as a no class chav from a no class chav family. He started with abusing americans after the twin towers were attacked and has continued with his vile behaviour on and off the field ever since. I'd sooner England didn't win the world cup with him in the team - especially as captain. Its easy to see why you defend John Terry Hammersfan because you don't go to games - not a dig at you.... its just that fans who attend games generally have different views from those who don't. Take your Sky sports glasses off and put your claret and blue ones on.
If The England Captain was meant to be a moral leader off the pitch then England should appoint the Pope as Captain.
Terry was appointed England Captain because of his footballing abilities not because he is a diamond geezeer or an asshole depending on your perspective. He is England Captain because of his abilities on the football field.
I suspect that a lot of whingers out there have an ulterior motive and that is to have Terry stripped of his captaincy in the the hope that another captain from their team might be elected AND in the hope that it will derail Terry and therefore upset Chelsea's surge for this years title.
I'm a Watford fan so I don't care about club politics. What I want is the very best England Team in South Africa to win the World Cup. JT is by far and away the best man to lead by example on the football pitch.
The way Terry played in his latest game he should have affairs more often! The BBC having the story as their main headline was embarrassing, isn't their a war in Iraq, or poverty in Haiti, or homelessness in England, blimey.
If my wife had an affair with a work colleague, I know who I would blame! To all the male moralists out there, remember, "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone". I live in a glass house so I'm not about to hurl a rock in Terry's direction. And I bet most of the journalists condemning Terry have had their fun on nights away in Europe!
HF, It should be 'if my mate and work colleague has an affair with my wife'.
But, in answer to your question, you'd blame your wife but the root cause of it would be the fact that it happened because it's considered ok (in not so obvious ways) by many in that society. Marriage has become devalued, the concept of the family has become eroded. Everyone is an individual whose primary concern is the satisfaction of ones own desires.
I don't wanna go too much into it because this is a football blog, but this issue is not as simple as John not keeping his penis in his pants.
Stani, I couldn't agree more with the point you are making, but the cat is out of the bag now. The 1968Divorce Act was a disaster. the sexualisation of society has caused all sorts of problems and the culture of the individual above the society has resulted in the fractured society we now live in. But Terry is a victim in all this. He has been raised in this society, imbued with the dubious values of this society. To single him out is absurd. Are you going to sack every married guy who has an affair with somebody at work? There will be a hell of a lot of job vacancies if you do! I don't like Terry as a person, and I'm wondering if this woman is the one I saw him with in Pizza Express in Esher about 12 months ago, but what he does with his penis is irrelevant to his profession.
....unless he was an adult film star :)
I guess in some ways, we're all victims and culprits in this in varying degrees because this is the society we live in and have contributed in creating. Nevertheless, we are still responsible for our actions. I'm not that younger than Terry and grew up in the same society as him, but if you were to compare us you'd think I came from a different planet. We can blame our environment only to a certain extent, you being case in point. The racism and ignorance that you previously spoke of growing up around, didn't make you a ignorant racist did it?
I wouldn't sack him, just demote him from the position of responsibility he currently holds. Better still, if he stepped down from the captaincy and came out in the media and apologised to the people he hurt, it would be the quickest way to move on and he may even claw back some honour. He cannot play the PR game Tiger Woods is by disappearing for a while whilst people forget.
All very valid mate but England need his leadership qualities. Ferdinand is not as good a captain and Rooney must not be saddled with the job. Gerrard? How could anybody be inspired by that high pitched scouser whine?
..."high pitched"? So I guess that rules Becks out then?
Maybe Rooney wouldn't be a good choice. Rio's not that bad a captain I think.
Hammersfan, i read what you said & that of Stani. I see the value in both opinions on this matter. I know from previous discussions that you are a reasonable man & despite comments to the contrary here from others, a true Hammers boy. The crossed arms across the chest type. This is of course a blog & probably the best as regards our club. Not much point being a softc**k is there in this world. John Terry has done the wrong thing, of course. So has Perroncel, equally as guilty & of course she will kiss & tell. The telling factors on Terry will be both his wife & his peers, the players. He has a rocky road ahead, i believe that he will live to regret this & that there is nothing that he can or will say. I firmly believe that he should remain as captain. We need him as a leader & this is a personal matter albeit he could have seen the implications. Cappello will say nothing at this stage, just sit back & watch for a short while. He knows the deal & he needs him. It all depends on how Terry copes & how the other players react, but it doesn't look good so far. None of us are angels, judge not lest ye be judged. The media will make this worse as always. We need him. I hope he sorts this out but i fear the damage has been done.
Yes, a lot of people on here do make personal attacks on one another and particularly on HF, but in doing so they fail to challenge him on his points of view. It's crazy though because they wouldn't be allowed this much freedom on other blogs so why they don't take the opportunity I don't know.
As for Terry, I know a lot of people say it is a personal matter but I have to disagree because of the fact that he cheated with a team mate's partner. This makes it a more complex issue. In a way, he has brought it into his work because Bridge is a England international too and other members of the squad are his mates. Say he did what Ashley Cole did, had an affair with an unknown, then it would have been a whole lot easier for him to retain the captaincy. I think that, even though it is still wrong, would have been a personal issue.
But it is your last line which is the sad truth of it all. He cannot undo it now. To be honest, I would be very surprised if Capello doesn't take the captaincy away from him even though there are so few other candidates.
Stani Army....
How can you say Ferdinand is not that bad a choice when he is all but a confirmed druggie? He took an 8month ban for repeatedly failing to attend a drugs test rather than fail the drugs test. Guilty in my books and as good as reason for not having him as Captain as for stripping Terry of it.
As for Rooney, well paying for a prostitute is OK behavour for an England Captain then is it?
This situation makes me laugh because it is just a media frenzy wanting to see a victim. When Erickson was off screwing everything and everybody it was OK for the England manager to do that was it? The only other possible candidates are Gerard or Lampard and lets face it neither of them are squeaky clean choirboys either!
I say let Terry keep his job as England Captain because the others are also rans. Wayne Bridge can be as cut up as he likes about an ex girlfriend going off with a mate but it happens. Life can be a bastard (as well as some of your mates). Terry is a twat for screwing his family life up but he is a great England Captain in the same 'never say die' mould as Adams, Butcher, Pearce & Robson. Football got him the Captaincy and it should be for footballing reasons when he loses it!
It will hurt the England team if the media once again get their way and get a victim for their story!
Fat Chief,
Ferdinand missed a drugs test, he was not found guilty of taking drugs. You may say he missed it because he had something in his system but this would ignore the fact that he could have had a genuine reason for missing it. You have clearly come to an unreasonable conclusion.
I will add that Ferdinand's punishment was severe and did not follow any precedent (strange that!) AND the media and various other parties were no way as supportive to him as they are being to Terry, whether it's directly or in directly.
I did say "Maybe Rooney wouldn't be a good choice."
"Erickson was off screwing everything and everybody it was OK for the England manager to do that was it?" I'm not sure why you're asking that but the answer is no.
And on your last point; nobody has to listen to the media. The moral choice is clear. If Capello takes the captaincy from him, I can assure you it will not be because of the media getting it's way. We don't need the media to tell us what he did was wrong.
I appreciate you're a fan of Terry's and I admit he is good leader but some things are not easily forgiveable without punishment so he must now eat the bitter bread of banishment.
Stani Army
A well reasoned a logical argument, however everybody has a different perspective and I am no different in this regard.
Granted, Rio Ferdinand was not found guilty of anything because he ensured that he missed the drugs test on a number of occasions (3 if I recall correctly). One must ask why? The only logical and rational conclusion was that he had something to hide. Assuming that he was not mentally deficient or distracted enough to forget about 3 drugs testing appointments that he missed (contrary to his feeble excuses otherwise) one can only conclude that he was taking drugs. Hence the punishment of 8 months that he surely saw as result compared to what punishment could have been dished out. Look what happened to Mutu! It is not an unreasonable conclusion as you suggest but I respect your right to have a difference of opinion.
We both agree that Rooney is not mature enough nor leads the pious lifestyle that an England Captain is now expected to have.
I raise the issue of Erickson purely as an example to prove a point.
If the Captain of the football team is to lead an unblemished life then surely the Manager (he who is responsible overall) must fall into the same category? It seems to me that it suits the FA to deal with issues depending on how they want to interpret them at the time.
Agreed, Terry should well face some punishment but that will most likely come from his family and a wife that is more than likely going to skin him for a good part of his earnings past and future. It should not come from the football authorities because, on matters of football, Terry is the best leader that we have out there when compared to alternatives.
I rest my case.
Be fair mate, smoking cannabis destroys the short term memory, I'm sure Rio just forgot!
Not so fast Fat Chief...(there's a contradiction in there somewhere :))
Of course, you're entitled to your perspective.
My information is that Rio only missed the one drugs test, not the three as you suggested. He missed one and it can happen. So, your conclusion cannot be correct as it is not based on the truth.
Mutu failed a drugs test, Rio did not and never has. Bosnich also failed a drugs test and got just 1 month more than Rio (9 months). Added to this, Rio took a test just 2 days after his missed one and tested negative for any prohibited substances.
It may not excuse him from missing his initial test but it does prove he didn't do it because he had something in his system, as my Forensics background tells me that it is highly unlikely you'd get a prohibited substance out of your body within 2 days.
As for Rooney, I think he's changed since his marriage and the birth of his son....and of course Ferguson's influences. But, I changed my mind about him being a good choice because I remember him captaining once and he was very quiet and withdrawn from the role he was supposed to be doing. He is quite a shy person though (when he is not angry) as his interviews highlight, so maybe he wouldn't be the right choice. I'm sure he will have enough pressure on him anyway.
I'm not saying the captain of a football team should lead an unblemished life. All I ask is (and they can put this on the dressing room walls), do not sleep with your team mates partner behind his back.
The reason he deserves a footballing punishment is because he cannot be trusted by his team mates as he has shown. Also, there is no way the squad will be united behind him now, not privately anyway. There will be factions in the squad and you cannot head into the most important tournament with not everyone behind the captain.
Fat Chief forgot how many tests Rio missed,, what are you suggesting HF :)
Stani Army,
Fair point about it possibly being a fractious camp is not without merit but I do not believe this will be the case because 1) so far the only footballers to come out in overt support of Wayne Bridge are foreign team mates and 2) I believe that this sort of thing goes on far more than we realise with girls 'doing the rounds'. Maybe, just maybe (and this is just conjecture) this little madam organised exactly this sort of thing to get a scandal going and profit by it? Who will ever know and Terry is more the fool for falling for it if this is true. You cannot say that the England squad will not be behind him because neither you or I know anything about this right now.
I do belive that I am right in saying that Rio missed 3 drugs tests in all (as reported at the time). He did go for a drugs test afew days afyer he missed the FINAL test but by that time some time had elapsed. Possibly enough for him to get any evidence out of his body? Who knows for sure but certainly there was sufficient doubt for the FA to come down on him HARD!
I totally agree with you that dirty washing and doorsteps should be kept as far apart as possible and , again, Terry should have known better than to get involved with team mates Ex's (lets not forget that she was an ex and WB does not own her).
The final decision is 'does he deserve to lose being captain of England over it'? I say not but I am pretty sure you may very well disagree with me on this point so lets call that quits?
It's been interesting getting another view point on it and your points are not at all without merit. It's good to have an active (and above all) civilised debate on something.
Fat Chief.
Fat Chief,
No worries mate! I hope to disagree with you again some time soon ;)
p.s, my understanding was that Bridge and his ex were together at the time? Anyone clear this up?
Yeah, you are probably right Stani. I just don't want to lose Terry for the world cup. We will know soon. Hammersfan allows a lot of freedom here & i do believe he deserves respect for that. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, that is what we so say, fight for. When you lose democracy, then only tyranny is left.
Yes, absolutely Winston.
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