Karen Brady looks out on the pitch at Upton Park. Beneath, the souls of Bobby Moore, Ron Greenwood and John Lyall looks up aghast:
Brady speaks:
What's United? it is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.
So United would, were he not United call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. West Ham, doff thy name;
And for that name, which is no part of thee,
Take all myself.
Maybe they think we in for the HIGH JUMP?
As new owners, the worst thing you could do is be ignorant of the supporter's sensitivities. Her WHO suggestion was one of the worst things she could have said. Do we want to change our clubs name? No we bloody don't.
What a stupid suggestion. Hasn't she learnt anything in all her time in football? First Sullivan calls us "customers" and now she comes up with this WHO thing?
You sound like you've had an overdose on crack
Bloody hell! 4 articles on this one bit of news?! Calm down...
Well Shakespeare did own a crack pipe so perhaps...
Stani, as they showed at Birmingham, they don't give a toss about the fans. I fear this may just be the beginning!
...it's customers HF, not fans. Customers! Get it right! :)
I just hope they are showing naivety but if they carry on like this, I fear they may scare any potential investors like Tony Fernandes away.
Gold, Sullivan and Brady can make as much money as they like but they will NEVER get from that as much pleasure and satisfaction as they will from getting the wonderful fans of this club on their side. That is the one thing I would tell them; get us fans on your side and don't even think about deceiving us.
The name change is a bloody disgrace... what's wrong with Thames Ironworks FC?
Good point Rab. Then Ashton and Dyer could make comebacks - in wheelchairs!
Hour a day, yeah right you sad prick
Only if Karen changes hers first. After all what's in a name?
In response to your comment at 15:45, I do think they will treat us differently to Birmingham. They are die hard West Ham fans, so their attitude to West Ham is going to be a lot different to their attitude to Birmingham.
Yes there have been a few stupid comments but give them some time before bashing them. I think we could have done at lot worse then them taking over, I mean that Italian guy...
Change our name to Uptonparkisfullofsmellypackies united
I have left the above comment up to show just how sad and pathetic this individual is. He gets a kick out of posting racist and obscene comments. If you find the moderator facility in use, it is because of this moron.
...and they say we're the most advanced species.
He spelt pakis wrong as well. It's bad enough being a racist but being an illiterate one that can't even spell the terms of your own vile abuse? Now that is sad. Probably means your penchant for Shakespeare is lost on him, HF.
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