Every time Sullivan, Gold and Brady open their mouths, something stinks. These guys really need to see a doctor, they are suffering from terrible halitosis.
Sullivan's musings on the possibility of Turds becoming an investor just show that every time the guy opens his mouth, he talks shit! He admits that the prospects are virtually zero of course; all he is doing is reminding the fans of how a settlement for Turds is going to eat further into funds available for the transfer market.
Much more worrying is what Sullivan says about how he is seeking to enlist investors. I don't like the sound of helping West Ham to "survive" and I am certainly less than enthused by the carrot of investors doubling or quadrupling their money! Sullivan draws a parallel with "what we did at Birmingham". So, all those thinking that a West Ham heart is going to rule over a business head should think again. This is a man who presents making love as porn, so don't run away with the idea that his passion for West Ham is in any way akin to the passion of Christ!
Oh well the sense must be available in sort doses, it didn't last long did it
leave it..... dont be so anti.you make sick ...they did work wonders give it a chance if not write about another teamplease
LOL 1113, it would be boring to agree with me all the time wouldn't it?
1118, I can't write about another team, I support West Ham. As in West Ham United, not West Ham Olympic Plc. I'm just trying to keep an eye on what is going on.
Anyone using terms like "turds" are the same who say "chelscum" and "millwank".
All he is trying to do is probably offer him 2 0r 3 percent to save 2-3 million pound. What makes you so qualified in running a football club. If you support West Ham why are you always so against everything. Lets face if you like Gold/Sullivan or not they have stopped us from selling our best players and then in the summer going into Administration. Wait and see what happens before you keep posting aload of old shit on here. You probably have never been to a game or even understand what being a true West Ham supporter is like. Do us all a favour and fuck off!!
1) These guys have put their money where their mouth is, fact.
2) They are West Ham fans, fact.
3) They may appear as East End wide boys or come out with the odd spurious comment but hey, having put up an initial £50m I think that entitles them too.
4) They are telling the fans what they are doing and trying to involve us more than any other owner has done for years and not selling us (or the club) down the river, so it seems, for a change.
5) Get real, football is a business too these days. Why would most sane investors or people put money in our club unless they were going to get some sort of return? We are in a state and need help, fact.
Therefore, stop being so pesamisitic and trying to appear hip, funny and smart at our club's expense. We all have an opinion on Curbs but grow up or stop posting this diatribe. I have always closed your posts without being bothered to reply in the past but feel enough is enough. Picking up your posts from Newsnow is the only downside of that site. If you are one of us and a true Hammer, atart telling us something new or interesting. Otherwise go down the road to the Lane and join them where you can spout garbage all you like in good company.
Hulk Hogan is the man Go hulkster
I usually hate this type of response (that I am going to give you now) when someone replies to me on a blog debate that I’m having (not that we are having a debate, not yet anyhow) because it always seems like a futile riposte with nowhere for either of the debaters to go after it is entered into the fray. However, only time will tell whether The Hammers new owners will succeed in their latest venture, but it appears to me there’s currently slight doubt that their intentions for West Ham are honourable (their moral character(s) is/are another story and is probably not relevant) although time will put that belief of mine to the test, the honourability one that is. If people make money from an investment surely that’s a good thing and testament to the success of the business, isn’t it? They may turn out to be less than what they profess to be in the long run, but their involvement right now has given us a stay of execution and for that I am truly grateful. I do hope on the other hand that history does not prove them to be liars. Gollivan & the Stratford Bull Terrier or the Al-Faraj family? – given the choice right now I know which one I’d have but that is not to say I don’t have reservations because I do
Fanno, you accuse Sullivan of talking sh1t, when the only one around here spewing the soggy brown stuff is you. Not so long ago, you yourself were berating our "benevolent" (sic) Icelandic owners for turning down G&S's first offer as you feared almost certain relegation and now that they have taken over, you have nothing good to say about them at all or do you just get off on being contrary just for the sake of it? I was never one who fancied those two, but I will stand back and see what happens before I make any judgement. I think that the idea of being West Ham Olympic absolutely stinks and I also think that as it is proving to be so unpopular with West Ham fans, that's all it will amount to, an idea. As for getting Curbs to reinvest his compo claim, that aint a too bad idea you know, because if G&S pull this one off, then it stops that amount of money going out of the club and straight into that saggy eyed prat's pockets, so why be so negative on the idea?
Another example of what NewsNow is becoming now the news agencies are pulling out. Give a blog an outlandish title and then proceed to waste peoples time when they click on it.
I hate newsnow for bringing me here.. The author of these articles must see that the majority of comments from real fans are hugely negative - even if he is right he does it in such a smug way that you cant take it seriously. I doubt know anyone who hates west ham more than this twat
Guys, debate it. Maked the case if you disagree.
Tell me, if investors double or quadruple their investment, where is that money coming from?
Selling the ground and using the proceeds to pay back the investors? What happens when the lease on the Olympic Stadium expires in 30 years time? Well Sullivan and Gold will be long dead, so they won't care. I will probably be dead too but my son shouldn't be and he loves the club so I want to protect his heritage.
If investors make a profit, it is at the expense of the fans or the quality of the player pool. Birmingham went nowhere under G&S but, as Sullivan has just boasted, he and Gold made shed loads. Why do you think they were so keen to get back in to football. They love West Ham? Yep, that's why they looked at 20 clubs by their own admission!
Let's get things straight. I am pleased that they have bought in because it has kept the club alive. However, I will be watching closely what they say and do and posting my opinions on here. You might not like my opinions but they are honestly held. Yes I am a pessimist, how could I be anything else having supported West Ham for 40 years, the last 30 years of which have been trophyless? But anybody who thinks all our woes are over needs his head examined. Get your head out of your arses and pay attention to what is being said, not by me but by the triumvirate of G,S & B!
And we've all got to wait about 30 tears for you to snuff it? That's a shame!
The paradox is that the two Davids make the claim that an investment in the Club makes no financial sense at all and yet they come out publicly to convince potential investors that they will double or quadruple their investment!!!
Now, surely, I am missing something here! Either there is something they are not telling us or they are totally bananas. I think it is the former. How is it that West Ham is such a bad financial venture and yet they set out to convice new investors that they can quadraple their investment?
I think HF is totally right to question this and anyone attacking him for doing this is at the very least a dreamer whose emotions do not allow him to think straight.
There are a number of scenarios which may explain the 2 Davids behaviour (not all good I am afraid) but I will leave that for you to think about and we can discuss at future posting.
West Ham fans can feel much more positive than they did at say this time last week. We might actually be buying players now rather than selling them.
DS and DG are West Ham fans alright. I doubt if they need the money or the hassle. They have been very open open the problems and the debt mountain. We now have 2 David's to take on Goliath. I say good luck and thank you to them.
Curbs. on board? Why not? He's a United, not an Olympic man.
We have been linked with Robbie Keane today. That would be good but not if Cole goes the other way. I wonder if Harry fancies a few shares as well?
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