This is outrageous, disgraceful, so bloody unfair. The Davids arrive with Karren Brady in tow and suddenly there's no room for Claret and Blue Legend Scott Duxbury. Has the new regime no sense of fairness, no sense of justice, no sense of loyalty? Don't they realise what Scott Duxbury has done for the club?
Look, if it wasn't for Duxbury, we would never have signed Tevez. Duxbury was the in house lawyer who perused the contract that brought the Argies to the club and confirmed that it complied with the rules. Now just imagine if we had never signed Tevez! Where would we be now? What if Duxbury had insisted that Tevez joined on a standard loan and not on the basis of a sexed up contract? We might have missed out on the Argentinian then, missed out on seeing a player, who wasn't quite good enough for Man Utd, make 22 starts for West Ham, scoring a total of 7 goals (a goals to game ratio that compares with Cole's and Harewood's records and unfavourably with Zamora's in a West Ham shirt!) Just imagine where we would be now if Mr Duxbury had not then given oral cuddles to Tevez's advisors, reassuring them that they retained control over their player after Curbishley so unreasonably told Tevez and IKEA that he decided who played for West Ham and when! Bloody hell, if not for Duxbury, we wouldn't have incurred a £6m fine in the first place, not to mention the subsequent £25m compensation payment to Sheffield United!
And imagine, for a moment, where we would be now if Duxbury had waited for judgement on whether further financial punishments were appropraite, BEFORE he agreed to pay the compensation to Sheffield United, admitting culpability in the process, so opening the door to other compensation claims. Some argue that the subsequent ruling, that no further penalties were appropriate, suggest that Duxbury jumped too soon and agreed to the compensation unnecessarily. What rubbish! This guy is a lawyer you know! He knows his stuff! Like he knew that Curbishley would lose his constructive dismissal case! Well, be fair, everybody makes a mistake every now and then don't they? Duxbury is only human!
And remember, Duxbury was on the Board in various capacities as Eggert, Turds and BG steered us towards bankruptcy. It was Duxbury, remember, who told us all that the club was in rude financial health even as the publication of the annual accounts were delayed not once, or twice, but thrice. And it was Duxbury, remember, who gave Ashton a bumper new contract and kept telling us that our star striker would be leading the line anytime soon. And it was Duxbury who promised no players would be leaving last January, just days before Bellyache departed, and Duxbury who told us no first team players would be sold just before Collins left for Villa, and Duxbury who declined a new contract for Green and Duxbury who endorsed the judgement of Nani in bringing Savio and Jimenez to the club and Duxbury who told us that Jimenez was the star we had all been craving and Duxbury who gave interviews to West Ham blogs, proving what a thoroughly open and honest and well intentioned guy he is!
Bloody Sullivan and Gold, how dare they allow Mr Scott Duxbury to walk out of the door? What the hell will I have to write about now?
he's kinda cute.
But don't worry, he said he would never sell players to the EVIL TOTTENHAM so he's SUPERB!
(He just sold players to other clubs instead)
Hasn't he got a new job already? Gudjohnsen's agent!
Maybe Duxbury's last great contribution to the Hammers was to allow Gudjohnsen to have a free medical, at our expense, without having him first sign a contract conditional upon him passing the medical.
Who knows; maybe that was the last straw that accelerated his departure.
Maybe, maybe.
Good riddance
Good bye to Duxbury
Good bye to his eyebrows
Shut the door on the way out....
Hope you can save another club - and be their saviour too :-)
Typipcal article for your site.
Even when you're seemingly happy about a decision you disguise it as an ironic rant.
Anything and everything that happens at West Ham will be criticised by you.
Could you not bring yourself to write something positive for a change?
Expected you to be celebrating tonight HF. The Brady Lady obviously read your blogs carefully and did the right thing. I suppose it is surprising he managed to last for two whole weeks. Sounds like there are going to be plenty of other casualties before KB is finished. Out of the frying pan and into the fire perhaps? Based on the form book SD should lose his “constructive dismissal case”.
I feel sorry for the Portsmouth and Palace fans this week.
Looks like good old Harry has done deals on the quiet to buy Kaboul and Begovic. That’s probably the final nail in the premiership coffin for Pompey. Palace are also going to struggle with the 10 point deduction and likely players sales in the next couple of days. I wonder who is going to buy Moses … he is a good prospect who can play on the left wing or up front.. a better version of Savio perhaps?
Back to Harry, I see he claims he left a phone message for Eidur telling him not to fall out with his mates (Zola and Clarke). Wonder why he made the call in the first place then?
Big Sam has indicated the McCarthy deal will be done, but not until after the game tomorrow. We badly need the three points..
I liked this one...
You must be kidding?
Duxbury was fcuking useless and an absolute fcuking clown.
He cost us £20m for his administrative lies and fcuk-ups in the Tevez affair.
I'm glad he's gone, the uselss cnut.
Good news that Duxbury is gone,
But has Nani left or is he still at the club?
HF don't you feel a big void inside? What would you become now without Duxbury?
But, why is Nani still around? Perhaps he would become Karen's -"the terminator"- next project.
Rumour has it that Brady punched Duxburry in the face, then grabbed his balls while pulling his eybrows out with her teeth - saying 'this club ain't big enough for the both of us, and your eyebrows!
It's also been rumoured that Nani has be locked into a broom cupboard and has become Brady's sex slave inbetween tea duty.
Rumour also had it in the past that club representitves read fan sites, oh how I hope they do :-)
HF, I heard it SSN this morning and immediately hought of you ... I wonder why ... bet your house was like the Fratton End the other night ... 'Lets go f**king mental' like you do ...
He was a dead man walking after his continued bollocks ... but is Peter Storie any better at Pompey feeding Hairry redneck ? too much insider dealing going on there ... I take the CH as a long term replacement for Upson and flog Gabbidon sharpish
@hamer the hammer you're spot on there mate
all i see from this blog is negative negative negative - even when it's a positive post
come on game's gone crazy enlighten us with something more positive
We still have a few days to get bosmans and loans in.
How can this article be perceived as anything other than positive, FFS the goon has gone, let's all have a disco
I'm in the chair Dagenham, what's yours?
I don't think Duxbury had any say in the signing of Tevez. It was all done on the last day (and last minute) by Brown. I believe it was Duxbury who told the Premiership that what had happened was illegal after the new owners had taken over.
Is that what you think 0050. You think West Ham employed an in house lawyer and didn't refer a dodgy looking contract to him for approval? Who was it that supplied the oral cuddles that opened the door for the £25m Sheffield United compo claim then? That would be Duxbury's double I suppose. Maybe Brown dressed up as Duxbury and returned, just to frame him? It's a possibility! Let's claim it was Brown and say he had left the club so he owes the money! Might work!
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