Bloody Iceland - they destroy the World Economy and cripple our beloved club, and now they don't want to settle the debts created by BG and Landsbanki. How will this impact on Straumur and ourselves? I have no bloody idea but still further uncertainty and evidence that the Icelandic government is not willing to settle debts is hardly going to help Straumur is it?
I think we should bomb the bastards. They tried to steal our cod and now its time to say, enough's enough! In the meantime, boycott Iceland! Just buy fresh food and put it in the garden overnight before transferring it to your freezer!
I for one, would second that.
I would sign a a petition for this & show them how to do a proper petition.
HF, Maybe your next post?
Lets show that nation of bankers & fishermen who the daddy is.
you are an large a hole mate.
Judging by the grammar, I would say that you are from Iceland,
And at this moment pooing your pants!
HF top draw mate ... there are some pleps around ... but thats what makes this blog my cuppa tea ... you sure your not an ex squaddie ..
Championship football next season then guys.
fardu i rassgat
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