It never rains but it snows! I'm at home after being shunted up the rear on my way to work. Huge impact - I half expected to see Barrymore getting out of the offending car. Mine is a right off and I am now officially a pain in the neck thanks to whiplash! He, of course, was driving a BMW and, I realised afterwards, didn't even apologise!
So back home to still more bad news, with the club being found guilty on two charges over the crowd trouble at the Millwall game. At the time, I suggested heading all this off by resigning our place in the League Cup and offering an unreserved apology. I was howled out of court at the time but defeat in the next round at Bolton just illustrated what a clever PR stunt this would have been.
The club, led by Scotty D, of course knew better and, despite a rather miserable record in defending actions, decided to fight the charges. True to form, we lost again! Is there any truth in the rumour that Duxbury is a lawyer? If so, it's no wonder the guy isn't doing his day job, he's lost more cases than Perry Mason's hapless opponent. Just imagine turning up in court and finding Scotty is your brief! You'd arrive defending a charge of speeding and find yourself going down for 10 years for manslaughter. Mind you, Scotty would assure you all the way through the case that things were going tickety boo! "Don't worry, you will thrive in Pentonville!"
Well firstly, I hope that those stupid brainless gormless morons are proud of themselves for their actions on that dreadful night. But to find West Ham solely guilty and to exonerate Millwall completely takes the effing piss. As for the FA having an agenda against West Ham ever since it was deemed that the panel that fined us £5.5 million over the Tevez saga f**ked up. It was something that I have wondered, but after this shambolic verdict, I am now convinced that the FA have an agenda against us and you gotta admit that the timing of this absolutely stinks to high Heaven.
Mind your language folks. Some places you can do it others you can't hehe
I'm telling yer, there is a conspiracy against West Ham ever since it was deemed that the panel that fined us £5.5 million over the Tevez saga messed. The FA and it's cohorts are nothing but low down corrupt swines and it's high time that West Ham got F.I.F.A to investigate them (but alas, I don't think that will happen). The timing of this absolutely stinks to high Heaven and how the hell can Millwall be found not guilty, they are the most horrible supporters in the country. I'm absolutely livid about this, maybe us West Ham fans should start a demonstration and picket outside Lancaster Gate, the utter you know whats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
Very good fanno, we all know that you can copy and paste. I don't know what your agenda in these actions are, but I'm not getting involved. So I swore on another site, so what? As the comedian Sean Lock once said "swearing was invented for time like this as if there is anybody in this day and age, particularly a football supporter, must lived a very sheltered life indeed. It's something that I fell very incensed about, not only about those idiots who parade as West Ham fans that played their part in the troubles of that night, but the fact that Millwall were completely blameless? Do me a favour, if both clubs got done, then I could abide with that and as I said, the timing of this stinks. But for any of you out there that are offended by swearing, then I sorry, it's just that I was so annoyed and needed to let it all out. And in my annoyance, I said Lancaster gate, when I should have said Soho Square, Doh! Time for me to go and eat some donuts and drink beer after that cock up, lol. So whatever it is that you up to fanno, leave it out.
Is that the same flanno that can delete posts on his "own" blog? hehe. Think we're flooled, flanno?
Not up to anything. Just cleansed the F and C words. I think the tone of your comments has been in no way diminished.
Yeah! But you cleaned up a cut and paste of a post that I did on another site, a post that I never even entered on here which is indeed a very strange action for someone who isn't up to anything.
Not me mate, somebody else is playing silly buggers I suspect. I cleaned up a post on here. If you posted it elsewhere - I don't know where (Org?), then somebody else copied and pasted it on here in your name.
I guess that whoever is having a bubble at my expense must have got bored when he ran out of crayons or filled up his colouring in book or something. What a knob.
I'm trying to work out how I can kill Duxbury then get him to be the prosecuting lawyer any suggestions?
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