So Jimenez has exchanged West Ham for Parma Ham - very fitting given the guy is a complete melon. How much are we paying Nani to source crap like that? £3m a year isn't it? Jimenez, Savio, Da Costa, Di Michele, Tristan...dear God, he really has earned his money hasn't he? We have overpaid for Diamanti too!
Remember the line Duxbury sold us when Jimenez was signed? How the team was going to be built around him? How he was a top midfield player who could play in the hole? How he was the answer to Zola's dreams? What a load of bollox. No wonder The Special One was happy to let him go and that 'Arry did not come in at the last moment to snatch him from us!
I watched Jimenez make his debut in that pre season friendly and blogged then that he was dropping too deep and offering no support to Cole. Nothing changed did it? Lightweight describes the guy perfectly. Good riddance I say!
But weren't we meant to be strengthening the squad? We seem to be pruning it! Bye bye Quashie, bye bye Jimenez and hello...er...is anybody there?
You Spammers think your a big club but you certainly are not.
YOU ARE JUST A BUNCH OF CHAVVY TWATS WITH TOO MANY TATTOOS AND FUCK ALL BRAINS OR CLASS. Lets hope you get relegated and do the rest of the premier league a favour.
I haven't got any tats actually. But I have got brain cells, unlike you!
Nice to see you haven't got the balls to run under a name...
Can't wait to swap places with you pikeys next year.I agree that you all have too many tats and fuck all brians or class.And Alan here is my name (Derek) if you have the balls to visit St James' anytime soon. Cock
20:55 has hurt my feelings. :(
I think Harry could get away with murder if he wanted to, just read that they are close to getting Kaboul and Begovic in from Portsmouth. Whatever happened to their buy before you we sell policy. Hope we don't get raided by Zola when he moves to Napoli!
sell before we buy*
Buy Jimi, im very disappointed as he was sopposed to be our main man, absolute garbage
good riddance
shearer is class???? did a great job at keeping them wankers up!!!! p.s da costa aint bad but the rest pure fizzy pop players just like nolan and co
Shearer is a legend has got a point you are the rough fuckers of the premiership.I came down from Liverpool with my team Everton to your ground and what a shithole it is.Hope you go down you are all scum
Everton = Close to Adminstration
Newcastle = Dogshit Club over expectant fans
This Blog = Not a true representation of our club or our fans.
In fact most fans of West Ham think this blog is a joke.
Control your language Fred please.
Love the way people come on here swearing and being offensive and say other people have no class.
I know i am on the wrong subject but i know for a fact if the shoe was on the other foot with the Tomkins injury that led to portsmouths goal, HF would be saying we should have kicked the ball out, and West Ham players have no class.
Do you? I wouldn't!
Hey Derek (Shearer is a legend) Not sure if any Brians support our club, (or did you mean brains?) doesn't really matter what their names are I suppose, but seriously, Pikeys. That coming from a northern monkey from Tyneside. Quite possibly the boil on England's arse. You have cracked me up for the rest of my day. Thanks. And good luck with the job hunting, or blowing your dole cheque on your piss brown ale or fat, toothless hookers! You are a classic!!
Why arent we in the Victor Mosses auction if its only a reported 1.5m??
derek shut it?????????????
mug mug mug mug mug mug mug
irons irons irons irons irons
east east east london
black & white shite.
Funniest thing I have heard all day a Geordie calling us chavs! Do you walk round with your eyes closed up there. What a complete cock! Isn't Newcastle the Capital of Wearing Polyester Tracksuits, seems to be whenever I go there!
derek shut it?????????????
mug mug mug mug mug mug mug
irons irons irons irons irons
east east east london
black & white shite.
hello every body just adding a name
to my coment.
Jimenez is no loss Hammersfan. Yes, we were supposed to be buying, but nothing yet. A lot of transfers happen in the last hours. Let's hope. By the way, i spoke to someone who would know. Scott McDonald is a very good player. Dead keen, mid 20's & knows where the goal is. He would suit us.
Emilio Mighty Dux Estivez has just left the club... happy days
Shearer is a legend, I have to say that you are a complete and utter twat. You bang on about West Ham fans being all tattoos and no brains? Well what about those obese tattoo clad morons with their shirts off in the middle of winter that often see at your ground then? And I suppose that you consider being bare chested in the middle of winter as being hard, well it's not as that is just plain stupid. I dare you to walk into any pub from Dagenham to Canning Town or from Romford to Stratford and shoot your filthy mouth off in the same fashion and I guarantee that if you're lucky, you'll find yourself in intensive care at Newham General, King George's or Queens hospitals respectively or if you're not so lucky, you'll find yourself floating face down in the Thames or holding up the next flyover, lol. Had away and shite you Geordy wanker because ya divant nah f**k all.
that is so funny ha ha ha
irons irons irons irons
east east east london
up the hammers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How old are you guys? I thought people my age had arguments like this on the internet.
Blimey Gullivan must have shaved at least a million of our wage bill already.
My postman is a Newcastle fan. We chat on the door step regularly about football and frequently take the piss out of each other, always without resort to abuse. What's wrong with you?
piss off if you dont like it pal.
Tone it down eh guys. That's tone it down, not toon it down!
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