Nothing has happened today but, according to The Telegraph, Intermarket are going to formally bid tomorrow. Meanwhile Gold and Sullivan have already made their move and Fernandes is revving up his engine ready to surge past them both when the red lights go off (or on or green lights, however they start Formula One races these days!). All speculation of course but let's get our hopes up! I've had enough of crawling around with my chin on the floor. Apart from the advantageous view it gives when a model walks past in a miniskirt, it aint no fun and is giving me a terrible rash. Let's get Murray Walker in to commentate as the great race to buy West Ham enters the final lap. No Mr Sullivan and Mr Gold, I said the final lap, not the final lap dance!
Three seemingly serious bidders; could only be good for us as they try to outbid one another.
Tuesday, good-news-day :)
I've done my calculations on the upcoming fixtures, and assuming the clear cut favourites wins their games (which they probably will not) and we beat Wolves, we will go 13th :)
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