Interesting to read Gold's comments on how he was bullied as a child because he is Jewish. He is quoted as saying,
"If being poor wasn't enough I had to put up with all the taunts of being a Jewish boy."
"As kids we were spat at because our name was Gold. That's short for Goldstein. The perception was, from the kids via their parents, that it was the Jews' fault for this, the Jews' fault for that. The Jews had taken jobs, the Jews were misers."
"Kids in school were cruel. But after the war when people started to realise about the Holocaust perception started to change."
Presumably, that means he will have zero tolerance for the foul abuse directed at Tottenham fans when the two clubs meet. I have used this blog before to decry the hissing sound used to simulate the sound of the gas chambers which some sections of our fan base find amusing. I hope Gold comes out and states clearly that this will no longer be tolerated. Any fan identified as participating should receive a life ban. Come on David, make a stand for decency!
(No apologies for carrying the pictures above. They may not be racists but they are clearly morons!)
lol bloody hell.
a lifetime ban for hissing get real will you, its called banter and if you get down off your high horse for long enough you will realise that this is the reason we pay extortionate amounts to attend football everyweek
and a bit of advice, if you have nothing worthy of a blog have a day off, and don't try to impress everyone with how inti-racist you are
Mocking gas chamber sounds...banter?!? You should be banned from matches for that comment.
and you should go back to your armchair mate
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