In the light of the retrospective punishment being considered for Eduardo, I look forward to the authorities reviewing all matches featuring Christiano Ronaldo and Diddling Drogba and applying 2 match bans for every time they have sought an advantage by taking a dive. If they do, Real Madrid might just see Ronaldo return some time in 2011 whilst Drogba could one day turn out for Chelsea Vets - even at 64, he would probably still be prety tasty!
To single out Eduardo is, of course, absurd but I suppose you have to start somewhere and Arsenal lack the financial clout of Real, Man Utd and Chelsea to dispute the decision inthe courts or through bribes. However, if this is now going to be the norm, then bring it on I say. There is no way in the world that the likes of Ronaldo and Drogba will be able to stop this overnight - cheating is ingrained into every fibre of their being - so their clubs will end up paying for what they have been sanctioning over the years. Suddenly Arsene might go to Spec Savers so he can see his players cheating!
Even better is the news that clubs will have to balance their books by 2012 to participate in the Champions League! Any money you like, Tottenham finish 4th in 2010/11 and are ruled out on financial grounds! If that happens, 'Arry's 'ead will twitch so much it will unscrew!
The UEFA spokesman was asked on Sky Sports if this would be "The first of many charges" of this type.
He basically said no, this is a one-off special. So all divers can sleep easy.
(Except Arsenal based divers because of the whole Platini vs Wenger thing I guess)
He's got a twitch
He's got a twitch
Harry Redknapp, He's got a twitch
How he got it we don't know
How he got it we don't care
All we know is Harry's got a twitch
Cheating? A proffessional footballer?
Heaven forbid, whatever next? Blood capsules?
Ooops sorry, wrong sport.
All defenders raising there arms in the air to con the ref that a player is offside, to be banned for 2 games? Wont happen. Goal keeper was not looking at the ball, but at the player. Realized the player was not going to score. Tryed to pull out of challange. Failed to stop. made no contacted with ball. Made contact with his belly on players foot. This caused plaer to lose control of ball, stub his other foot into ground & trip. No intent. But was in the box so under rules penalty. No dive as contact was made causing fall.
think you'll find spurs balance their books and turn a profit every year. get your facts right muppet
Sense-of-humour-by-pass from another Hotspud muppet I see.
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