Copy and paste from the org:
"i was actually at the match with my daughter. i can safely say that it was the best atmosphere for years. the club needed it, the fans needed it too. i can assure you all that although west ham will be hounded for the next few weeks, passion finally came back to upton park - i am not talking about the trouble out side the ground. upton park was rocking just like the good old days. the team will finally play with some fire in their belly. anyone who turned up tonight expecting a nice quiet affair must be deluded."
Well that's alright then isn't it? Somehow I think the team left the pitch feeling sick to the pits of their stomachs. Which is how I feel when I look at the news footage and then read posts like the one above. Not surprisingly, the author does not even know how to use capital letters.
i was there and it was a cracking atmosphere
Whoever wrote that is a complete and utter dick.
C'mon fanno, Leave it out! You are taking things out of context here and it is not the time to do so. I have just read the said post on the org and I have read other posts by the same person where he was actually condemning those shameful scenes from last night. I think he and others were just trying to talk about the game and all else other than those shameful scenes by that stage. I know that you have your issues with the org but this is not the appropriate time to take digs at them as it will only bring out the worst in people at a time when all true West Ham fans need to stick together in condemnation of those effing idiots who marred what should have been a good night. What must be going through young Jack Collison's mind right now? I really feel for him as those all those stupid, idiotic twats have achieved is to have made things worse for the poor sod. I expected it to be a lively affair, a small bit of argy bargy with a few minor scuffles, nothing too heavy as it would have been naive to think otherwise, but that was taking the piss to say the least. I bet a few "old boys" from both sides turned up and incited the whole thing. Why can't they just leave that shit where it belongs, back in the 80s. This morning, I feel ashamed to call myself a West Ham fan. I bet the monkey chants from Millwall fans at Carlton Cole didn't help much either.
After "WestHam'TilIDie"'s "we hate Millwall" incitement to hatred and violence yesterday, I was left open mouthed when he appealled for a thread on which to watch the headlines and finished with: "I'm not going to glorify what I've seen in the online press this morning by mentioning it, not interested."
Not interested? You're part of the problem pal. As a man in his fifties and one of the Org's elder statesmen you are looked up to by many of the younger supporters who use the site.
You're like one of the the idiots who throws a lighted cigarette from their car window and then says how awful it is that so many trees are lost to forest fires each year. Wake up, take a long hard look in the mirror and hang your head in shame.
Yh I agree we should all be like you hammersfan. Again I notice that you continue to judge people and can identify what class they are simply through their spelling.
DE, I agree to a certain extent but I was staggered to see this and other posts on the evening. Perhaps you could argue it is out of context but what is the context? The guy is happy overall about what happened. Is that appropriate? I think the good now have to stand up against the bad. Those outside of West Ham need to see that we will not condone IN ANY WAY what went on last night.
I'm looking to buy a premiership club - It won't be West Ham United
Fanno, I do see where you are coming from and maybe that person should have thought a little bit more before he typed that particular post, but it may have been a bit more diplomatic (for want of a better word) if you had not mentioned the website, that's all. Marty, I also see where you are coming from about WHTID's comments and have read them and others concerning last night's match and thought to myself, that under the circumstances, they seem inappropriate but you have to take them in their true context. I don't hate Millwall because as a lower league fizzy pop side, they are insignificant to us, but I do hate Tottenham and lap it up when they lose, but that doesn't mean that I want to go around kicking their fan's heads in nor would I condone such behavior. It's like I have said, it is not the time to go slating people form other sites.
There's no defence to offer or arguments to be had. Last night was a disgrace and I'm hugely embarassed to be a West Ham fan this morning.
As is my right, I've been critical of HF on here before but now is not the time for more antagonism between so called fellow fans. We need to unite and present a shared and total condemnation of what happended yesterday.
It simply should never happen again and we as 'normal' and 'respectful' fans needs to make it clear to the minority of morons that they are not welcome!
God forbid if I'd had my kids over there last night. Perhaps parents will now consider Orient or Southend as better/safer family clubs??? I'll never stop supporting West Ham (it's in the blood) but what sensible parent would want to put their children at risk? That may sound like an over reaction and hopefully it is and this was a one off situation never to be repeated again.
There's been enough people out there that want to criticise West Ham over the past few years and now we go and do this.
A sad and worrying reflection of our society...
Very good point "moneybags", one I had overlooked!
Duxbury, I do not name the site. There are plenty that have the org ending. Perhaps the site should take down the post? I wouldn't allow it on here without editorial condemnation. But then, the editor of that site has permitted cyber bullying of a school child and open threats of violence so am I surprised? No.
1108, well said. I am not point scoring against individuals or the org, but the finger needs to be pointed. As Marty rightly says, the impressionable are influenced by what they read on the web. How awful does WHTID's post read now in the light of what has happened?
1008, I am judging somebody on what he has written. I do not mention his spelling which is surprisingly good.
Might have been a great atmosphere but.... what an atmosphere it will be when you have to play your games behined closed doors!!
Hammersfan there is a weird obsessive hatred within you that it truly frightening
West ham til i die
The liscencee of the Queen's was interviewed on Sky. Watching from the roof, he said that the trouble outside kicked off when a large number of people shouting "We hate Millwall, We hate Millwall" broke out of the cage. Or words to that effect.
The man didn't necessarily throw the fag end out of the window on purpose, but the fire still destroyed hundreds of trees. Be careful what you do with your rubbish, throw away words can cause fires!
"on which to watch the headlines" Marty you have shown yourself up to be a lying scum bag that twists things just like your inventor. Where does it say that in his post ~ LIAR, hang your head in shame
1209, is there? And what obsessive hatred is that exactly? A hatred of thuggery and mindless violence? A hatred of hatred? (I know that is an oxymoron.) Guess I'm guilty of that.
I did not write anything to stoke up the anger and nor have I sought to condone what happened. I consider both actions to me immature or criminally negligent. In fact, ahead of the game, I wrote an article saying that the best result would be for the night to pass off without incident. I think I have been 100% consistent on this one, unlike some!
I do apologise 13.24, that should have read "on which to watch the highlights" posted under "Last night's match anyone" on the unrelated forum.
martello or fanno or what ever you're called these days, your lying sentiment has carried with your lying words, no good retracting now the damage you meant to do is done, you know that full well because that was your intention. You should go onto that site/thread read it in full and offer that TRUE West Ham fan a full apology
15.59 - I haven't lied, I haven't made a retraction and I owe nobody an apology, especially someone who laughs at posting songs about hatred.
If I was allowed to post on that site, I would undoubtably be banned again for challenging hypocrisy and unacceptable behaviour.
You're not allowed on that site martello because you incite hatred as displayed
What nonsense. Say that of Fanno if you will but Marty? If I had invented him, he would be my Mr Reasonable, a generous soul with a good sense of right and wrong. Incites hatred? Only those who cannot cope with a well presented counter argument could hate Marty. Hang on, that's why YOU hate him and why the Klan needed him banned!
By the way, notice how this site hosts your counter arguments?
Thanks old man...too kind, too kind.
Old man? Are you trying to incite me?
The handwringing about ‘football hooliganism’ has long been a classic moral panic, motivated more by elite fear of the strangeness, unpredictability and volatility of the lower orders than by any measurable reality of organised hooliganism.
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