All credit to the Metro here. I loved this interview with Julian Dicks about Lucas Neill so much that I have lifted it for readers of this blog. Dicks rants:
"Lucas Neill looks like he will re-sign for West Ham after seemingly ending his stay at the club in a row over money. Is it me, or am I missing something here? He's 31. Hardly in his prime but he does a job at right back."
"He gives the team a bit of steel. He's an uncompromising figure and knows the Premier League very well. But he's 31! I am told he was offered a two or three-year deal with the Hammers on about £40,000 a week.
''The word is that he was on £75,000 a week and was obviously unhappy at the reduced wages. But, come on, £40,000 a week! It's time he showed the club a little loyalty. I can understand that every player must look out for himself financially and I know only too well that a career can be a short one but £40,000 a week for the next couple of years ain't bad, is it?"
"I used to earn £650 a week and thought I was rich! Mr Neill needs to get a reality check. As I have said, he is 31 not 35. Presumably he has come round to the idea as I am told he will re-sign and he is a solid right-back and will do a job for us. And we certainly need players who can do their jobs if we are to better the ninth spot in the league last season."
The best bit of the Metro article is the headline, "West Ham legend Dicks hits out at Lucas Neill"; now that is one fight I would pay to see, especially if Neill leaves and Dicksy brings his golf clubs!
Good old Julian! lol
The only thing is, Neill has done himslelf no favours with this saga!
West Ham fans aren't known for their forgiving nature! :)
He tried to hold our lovely club to ransom, it didn't work, he threatened us with Sunderland and Galatasaray and we called his bluff!
It now looks like he wants to come crawling back!
How do you think he we be received if he does re-sign?
I can hear a few boo's already!
Well if he is allowed back then he wont look like much of an idiot will he? The club will.
I don't want this pr*ck back whatsoever!
Why? He would have lost 4 to 6 weeks of wages for nothing. He would be returning with his tail between his legs with the club having established who needs who the most.
Nice one JD.
Its funny how you mention a Nine Iron, isn't there someone out there who would like to take one to your head?
Yes there is Basildon and I KNOW his full name and where he works in Germany and have a copy of his post on the org which would result in dismissal and arrest in Germany if forwarded to the authorities which Mr Hanks has a mind to do. Best not bring Tony in to this eh or I might just find myself sending an email. Part of me wants to! Do you know my name and university yet? Wrong initial so far but perhaps that was a teaser? Our friend Mr Hanks thought he knew but got it wrong.
NO, WE would look like the idiots!
We would be like the ex-girlfriend who has been dumped but may be taken back if the boyfriend can't get any better.
Funny you should say that you know his full name and where he works! I have also kept a copy of a couple of your more controversial posts, you know the ones where you used the excuse that you had too much to drink. Only start a war if you can finish it and be warned you are well out of your depth.
Is that right Basildon? LOL You don't have the first idea!
At 31yrs of age, he should have considered himself lucky to have been offered a wage of £i mil a year, but no! He was chasing at least £2 mil a year, the greedy slag. And now it would appear that nobody else wants him, he wants to re-negotiate, a process that has now taken weeks! Why? I think that we should tell Skippy, the dirty mercenary, to eff off and there will be no boomeranging his way to UP.
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