Far be it from me to suggest that Alan Curbishley is a great orator to compare with Obama, Churchill or...well Forrest Gump for that matter. But when talking about the signing of Luis Jimenez, our old friend Turds wrote an entire chapter on West Ham in one, short, common or garden word. Our East End Orator Par Excellence revealed, ""They tried to sign him when I was there."
Now then, what do we make of that word "they"? Who was manager when Curbishley was "there" exactly? Surely the appropriate pronoun would have been "we". Let's try a little word substitution shall we? "We tried to sign him when I was there" sounds so much more appropriate given Curbishley was picking the team doesn't it?
So, how much say did Curbishley have? Not a lot based on this and his hissy fit departure over the sale of McCartney. Fair enough we might say, given the guy's transfer dealings have been assessed generally as poor. But that isn't the point. The point is that Nani wanted Jimenez a year ago and he has been signed irrespective of the subsequent change in manager and personnel. So, the bigger question is, what does that say about the decision making power enjoyed by Zola and Clarke?
Just checking that this article is about a word which you picked up on whilst on holiday!
2358 Yep.
Reached Maine now by the way. In a motel that could be run by Bates - as in Norman, not the ex Chelsea chairman, it's not that horrific! River running past the front of the property and moose populated woods to the rear. Off for an "all you can eat buffet" in the Maplewood Family Restaurant shortly. Quebec was delightful except for the fact that the French are just as precious and arrogant in Canada as they are in France. Such a contrast coming back over the border. Suddenly service is with a smile rather than with a shrug! Anybody into Harley Davidsons would love it here. Bikers cruising up and down Main Street all day long. My air con Dodge Charger is much more my cup of tea!
Welcome to the grand old USA where there are a few Hammers fans.
Interesting comments here about the "they" factor. I wonder if Zola was behind this signing or "they" were and he is simply delighted?
"They" being the operative word just meant the BG and Duxbury didn't trust Turds with transfers as after Egg-Head was outed, we were just linked with shit and even more crocked players that he would've signed on big wages and it was obvious to me that the arrival of Nani meant that Turds' days were numbered as nobody but Egg-Head really wanted Turds there, simple as that.
I always thought that was the way it was going to work Zola and Clarke manage and coach the players they are given (and left with) buying and selling done by others with the eye on the profit to be realised on the transfer market
I'm afraid that what we need to get used to is the idea of the unpublished bit of "the project" which is to take advantage of West Ham's reputation of producing young talent and the profit at our club will come not from winning trophys but from the sale of emerging talent ie the most worrying part of the project we will become the ultimate feeder club
They = West Ham, what you trying to look for?
Quebec was delightful...
you reveal more in those three words than necessary.
I visit this site because I enjoy the comments after each article.
1229, I am repeatedly told that Curbishley is West Ham through and through. I would expect him to use "we" not "they". Anyway, the main point is that neither Zola nor Curbishley seem to have control of the squad they are expected to work with. It didn't work for Tottenham did it?
I'm guessing Nanni has alot of influence in who gets bought, therefore he persuaded Zola to get Jimenez, he is basically a chief scout slash managing director. If zola asked Nanni for a defender i'm sure he would recommend someone he has been tracking for ages like he did Jimenez.
I knew Curbishley when we were kids and he is West Ham to the bone. But he was a crap manager for the club. He thought Mascherano wasn't good enough for West Ham and kept Tevez out of the team for half a season!!!! 'nuff said
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