I have to compliment my old adversary on the org for this post:
"I have never knocked Deano and no-one has been championing his cause more than me. I am deeply gutted that he will no longer play for us and can't even begin to feel how the man must feel himself. The Pizza man and Beano jesters must surely hang their heads in shame for their pathetic mocking of a very young player of a career that is now no more, as the Mucky Tabloid itself explains, a loss not just for West Ham but England as well.
Maybe in future the poxy official site and Duxbury could be more open and honest with the fans in future instead of leaving things open to speculation. All the best Deano and my sincere condolences."
I have, of course, been one of Dean's most vociferous critics and IF this is true, I would like to offer a fulsome apology to the guy. However, Dave nails where the blame really lies in the penultimate sentence. The criticism of Dean is not really the fault of fans kept in the dark, but of the Dark Dealing Duxbury who, Blair like, manages the media to such an extent that he no longer seems to know either what the truth is or when it is beneficial and when harmful to spin. If Dean's injury has genuinely ended his career, then the poor sod has been hung out to dry by Duxbury's repeated claims that he would be returning any time soon. Is it any wonder the fans lost patience with a player who the Board and club manager said was approaching fitness at the end of last season but who never even went on the pre-season tour? If the injury is as serious as it seems, why were we apparently in negotiation with Stoke to sell the guy? How dishonest and irresponsible was that if true? If not true, why didn't Duxbury simply come out and tell us the truth?
But even more worrying is the way Zola seems to have been misled. Is he part of the spin machine or was he telling the truth when he said: "I am hoping I can have him in my team. Until they tell me something different, I am hopeful." Note the words, "until THEY tell me"; remember Curbishley using the word "they" rather than "we" when talking about the club? The Mirror are writing Dean's footballing obituary and the manager of the team seems to believe he is about to return. Square that circle if you can! In there somewhere is Duxbury's dark hand of deceit I suspect. Why, when interviewed yesterday by the Disney Channel, was Zola asked about Davenport but not Dean when a Sunday paper was reporting that Ashton was about to announce his retirement?
In fact, why has Zola never been asked about Dean on camera? It's a simple enough question isn't it? "When are you expecting Dean Ashton back?" Isn't it odd that this simple question has never been asked? Has Duxbury been screening the questions asked of Zola in the pre and post match interviews in the same way that he managed his own interviews with KUMB and WHTID?
And why now? Well the summer is over, the season is underway, there is hardly any time left to find a replacement, the club can say the news came so late that...blah, blah, blah. There will be compensation paid. Presumably Dean is insured for something like £12m based on his huge salary and England cap but Duxbury and the Board won't want all that spent on a striker, they will want some to feed the hungry brood of creditors, thus the attempt to sell first choice centre half James Collins for a frankly derisory £5m.
If true Dean, I am truly sorry but YOU know where the blame really lies.
Funny, I type the word lies and Duxbury's smiling face suddenly appears in my mind's eye. I wonder why that is?
From your post 'if beano joins stoke'
...what will that say about the guy? I have been a very harsh critic and received plenty of flack because of it. I think the guy is a legend in his own mind and is lazy and selfish. There I've said it.
Maybe you have mocked him a bit eh?!
Yes I have and say so in the article you have just commented upon and apologised. So what is your point?
my point is that you don't engage your brain (or at least any sources) before the bull pours out. Ignorant opinionated attention seeker. Empty vessel.
How about a full blown empathetic unconditional apology from you without trying to blame someone else. Duxbury never held a gun to your head whilst you typed. You thought you we being clever and I bet smiling with glee as your little fingers clattered away on that keyboard of yours inventing those childish nicknames.
Stand up, be a man and do the right thing by Dean Ashton and his family and do it now, unequivocally APOLOGISE PROPERLY
I quote from the article above..."“I have, of course, been one of Dean's most vociferous critics and IF this is true, I would like to offer a fulsome apology to the guy…If true Dean, I am truly sorry”.
I think I criticise myself and offer an apology don't I?
Alright you do criticise yourself, but your original criticism of Dean Ashton is maybe too harsh for an apology. You defended your views about Dean Ashton to such an extent, ignoring many other people about the severity of his injury, that an apology is not enough, and instead of the article being about an apology, you blame Duxbury for your views. Maybe it is Duxburys fault, but I believe you look far to deep into the clubs affairs that someone, somewhere must be at fault for everything. Excuse Duxbury for not stating in detail how f*cked Deano is. I'm suprised you haven't complained about the amount of 'disclosed fees' there are about clbus transfers, after all they are hiding things from supporters are they not?
...and then you go onto blame Duxbury. Like I say...
Stand up, be a man and do the right thing by Dean Ashton and his family and do it now, unequivocally APOLOGISE PROPERLY
Or do I need to explain to you the meaning of the word unequivocal? and you an English teacher and all
Who is dave f king?
Firstly, are we sure yet that Ashton's career is over or are we trusting to The Mirror still? Secondly, my criticism of Ashton goes back to an interview he gave to The Sun in which he came across as a precious so and so who was too big for his own boots - kit laid out in a certain way etc etc. Thirdly, I like many, was extremely unhappy about Ashton's weight when he returned and his lack of mobility and apparent lack of commitment to the cause. I then took issue at the contradictory messages from the club and from Ashton. Either there was a complete communication breakdown or SOMEBODY was being economical with the truth. I have called the fact that we would not see Dean playing for us this season, one way or another. I have received loads of criticism for that from the "Hear, Speak & See no evil" brigade. If his career is over, of course I am sad for the guy and of course I apologise to him unequivocally because his injury was obviously much worse than the club were leading us to believe. Were any of you aware of a medial ligament problem on top of the ankle problem for example.
But, leaving the apology to one side, I do take issue with the way the club has handled the situation - as does Mr King!
I'd like to know who's using my name in vain Small minded as it is I suppose I should view it as a compliment Imatation the sincerest form and all that
Wouldn't trouble yourself Hammersfan as you say if the club was a little more truthful we wouldn't assume we're being 'dissed' however we go back to Terry Brown's quote "the fans? I wouldn't worry about them they're just a bunch of animals" and then you know where you stand
I'd guess it is either dave f king or roberto off the org mate. Sadly Brown was right about a body of the fan base.
of course when describing a large number of people in a single sentence you're bound to be right about some of them but if you take an attendance of 30000 maybe 500 that would welcome trouble a further 1000 that follow idiotic chanting at the time but given time and thought would probably admit it was innapropiate it's still a small part of the overall numbers
the problem is people in authority in the game we love are able to to 'lump' us all together and get away with it because of a vociferous minority and they get to treat everybody with the same contempt
You are replying to the wrong thread but still. Who is lumping everybody together? Anybody who joined in the hissing or tries to condone the hissing is an obscene moron. I am sure the bulk of West Ham fans feel utter contempt for these racist, mindless buffoons.
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