Sorry but I haven't got one. On Sunday and Monday, we read his obituaries. He was more dead and buried as a footballer than Kirk Cobain. Come Thursday, there is still no word from the club outside of Zola's very uncertain sounding, "I hope he will be back and until they tell me something different, I am hoping that way. We spoke to him some time ago, and he came one day to training with us, and as I said, I am hopeful."
Now you have to wonder why it is that Zola has not spoken to Ashton for "some time" and why Dean has only been in to training for "one day". This suggests that we are still a million miles away from seeing Ashton back playing and Zola's tentative sounding "As far I I know he is still trying to do his rehabilitation" is hardly reassuring.
More importantly, why haven't the club and Ashton himself come out to deny the rumours? If somebody had written me off in this way in a national newspaper, I would have something to say about it, I can tell you. And if this was the Official Site, there would have been a confirmation or a denial by now I can assure you.
Everybody, it seems is in the dark. How does that benefit anybody?
This fellow makes me sick why has he not turned up to watch his team play. Its all about me deano. salty
Do you think West Ham would benefit from a new Chief Rumour Denier? Maybe we should slag off the club for not appointing one sooner. The question has to be, why haven't the club confirmed that they're not appointing a new Chief Rumour Denier, cause they definitely haven't denied it?
I'll apply for that job if it is advertised 1522.
thought you might.
This article is an interesting take on Tuesday...http://www.spiked-online.com/index.php/site/article/7318/
Shameless. Dean Ashton update just to get on News Now, and you have nothing.
Everything that is wrong about your posts summed up in one.
Grow up
15:55 Yes, a very interesting take.
I couldn't agree more with the author of the piece.
Justin, the update is that there is no update, which is news in itself. Well, the Newham Recorder thinks it is because they have an article on it, featuring on News Now.
1555, it is an interesting take but spiked would take that approach wouldn't they? That is their purpose and function. No complaints here from me - on many issues I take positions to invite reactions.
The big flaw in the article is the reference to the number of arrests. We all know that had the thugs not been operating en mass but individually, there would have been many, many more arrests. Give verbal to a policeman outside a bar on a Saturday night and you are nicked. I becomes impossible for the police to "break the line", wade in and nick individuals when they form a wedge, with bottle and brick throwers hidden behind. It has always been thus - the formation adopted by the yobs goes back through the history of battles and the defensive line of containment used by the police is straight from the text books of Ancient Greece. In that situation, you hold your line and contain, you don't pursue individuals inside the offensive pack. Hundreds could and should have been arrested on Tuesday. That does not fit spiked's argument however and so is ignored.
Kurt Cobain, not Kirk...
have you ever been on other west ham blogs? the authors dont get the same slating from people that visit the website as you do.. I wonder why that is.....
Come on then plonker, you are so full of silly rumours and opinion, when are you going to comment on the confirmed Diamanti signing with your usual ramblings?
The update is there is no update. The story is there is no story. What a load of tosh, if you don't have anything interesting then why bother. Rubbish thread.
It's KURT Cobain, you numpty!!!
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