(Apologies to readers confused by this. I am replying to a post on another site. Quite why the author of that post felt the need to address me there, rather than on here, I do not understand. Bill, please feel free to continue the debate on here but do let me know it is you, rather than posting anonymously. I will keep this thread open. I would reply on your thread but, of course, I am not afforded the right of reply on there am I? Not as me anyway.)
Bill, hatred is a dangerous emotion. Why did the violence kick off on Tuesday? Because a bunch of thugs (who are too young to understand the history of the ill feeling between the two clubs) believed the hype, swallowed the nonsense peddled by movies like The Football Factory and Green Street and took up the battle cries of those who are older and should know better.
I cannot see how the posting of a football chant about "Hating Millwall" on a West Ham chat forum was taken out of context when used in an article on this blog about the events on Tuesday night. I am 100% certain that the chant was sung inside and outside the ground on the night. Your post was made in the direct build up to the game and could well have been a contributory factor in inciting some of the young and impressionable fools who tarnished the name of our club and embarrassed our nation.
To say, as you do on the org, that I hold this hate filled post on the org and its author as "personally and solely responsible" for the events is, of course, absurd. I have done no such thing. I quoted it as an illustration of how careless words can assume a different dimension subsequently. You didn't just quote the chant, of course, you felt the need to show your delight at the sentiment by adding "LO very L" and to add "Totscum" in brackets. I therefore asked if the chant is really so funny now.
You are quite right, I have used the word "hate" too readily in a football context and admit to it on this blog. I put it down to lazy English but it is also down to a society that has embraced the word "hate" and become far too accepting of it. To be honest, as a teenager I did "hate" the Revie managed Leeds United and, in the aftermath of THE Cup Final, I felt something akin to hatred for Carragher because of the instruction to close Scaloni from that throw in. Do I hate now? I hated the bombers who attacked London. I hated the terrorists who attacked the Twin Towers. But beyond that, no. Hate a whole club and everybody associated with it? Not possible.
I do not believe for one moment that you wanted the events on Tuesday to take place. However, the sentiments that you expressed and laughed about undoubtedly fueled what happened. I blogged that the best result on the night would be for the game to pass without incident; you blogged a chant of hatred for Millwall. Tell me, who was the more irresponsible?
You also talk again about a campaign I am running against you personally. That is incorrect. I would have quoted that post, whoever had submitted it. The fact is, that post and probably thousands of others like it (on both sides of the divide) contributed to what happened on the night. I also quoted lines from Green Street on this blog and apportioned blame there too. You cannot control the reaction of an audience, you therefore have to be careful not to incite in the first place.
Tell me, had you stood in front of the yobs and led the singing of that song, would you then try to claim that you were in no way responsible for what happened? I suspect the police would disagree. I don't see that your being 1200 miles away on Tuesday night is in any way relevant. Bin Laden wasn't on the planes that slammed into the Twin Towers was he? Are you therefore saying that Bin Laden's hate filled messages about the USA played no part in the attack? That would be crazy.
Your post made subsequent to the events was initially mealy mouthed at best. I quote,
"I’ve missed what seems to be a brilliant second half and extra time. Can anybody post a link that shows me the match or at least the goals? David any ideas? It would be nice to get a report from one of you orgsters who were at the game, football related only please.
I’m not going to glorify what I’ve seen in the online press this morning by mentioning it, not interested".
Not interested? How about condemning it?
I have read what you have written subsequently and admire your restraint when your son was disgustingly abused and, genuinely, I do not think that you are a bad person at heart. I do think you post some bad sentiments sometimes under the excuse that it is just banter and, unfortunately, the "We hate Millwall" chant crossed the line in my opinion. If the garage forecourt is covered in petrol, what sort of person strikes and drops a match?
a frank arsonist? ah it's the way i tell em : )
What about inciting hate towards yourself?
all this org crap and personal feuds is confusing and boring on your posts
1601 that's fair enough isn't it?
1608, I agree. However I needed to reply and am denied the right on the org so what choice? What is boring are the insults and threats.
irons irons irons
What I can't understand is why you keep going on the org in the first place. You are banned and no one wants or misses you on there. You can't seem to live without it but they clearly can without you. Get over yourself man and move on FFS, have you got a life away from your computer? I really do feel sorry for you and anyone sadly close to you.
Why can't you just drop this org crap?
Deane, ignore the posts you don't like. The debate started out of a genuine concern that internet forums were being used to stoke up the tension and even organise some of the fighting. Had anybody posted the "Hate Millwall" chant on here, I would not have allowed it to appear. It was irresponsible of the author and the site moderator to allow it to appear in my opinion.
Typically, the individual that this post is written to has avoided one to one discussion and returned to his mates instead, not addressing any of the points but simply insulting me. So mature.
By the way Bill, it is great that Fanno is now posting on the org under your handle! Cheers!
Brilliant! 2 people I dislike tearing each other apart. Wonderful entertainment guys, don't hold back, keep it up.
not enjoying the fact that someone is posting using my name If you want to use my name make sensible comments please frankly I don't even know what the org is
Think you're making a mountain out of a molehill.
Don't believe Spaintilidie had any influence on Tuesday night's events. Those morons were responsible for their own thuggish behaviour. Don't suppose any of them had read his stupid post, let alone been influenced by it.
Yeah so he's a prick but that's not a crime.
Come now 1900, I can understand you not liking me but Bill? Salt of the earth mate, salt of the earth, and not a single nasty bone in his body. Intense but never nasty.
(1900 back again.)
Just a small point. My enjoyment of this is being slightly spoiled by having to keep jumping from here to the org and back again.
Any chance of keeping it under 1 roof as it were?
Other than that, no complaints.
2031, wouldn't that be fun. Trouble is, he wont come round here to play without his mates to back him up and I'm not allowed to go round to his home - as you know, his big brother has banned me!
Well, I have to say that I am beginning to hate Millwall now. Not because of any old rivalry or because of the clashes the other night, but because of the way that the club have reacted since. At least West Ham Football Club are taking some sort of responsibility and on various fans forums, there are West Ham fans strongly condemning the actions of those idiots. But what do get from Millwall fans? Complete denial and rather than condemning the violence as a whole, they seem to throw tit for tat jibes at West Ham and are still trying to come the innocent and put all the blame on West Ham, which as evidence is proving is clearly not the case. Pull the other one, you're Millwall FFS! Millwall captain Neil Harris seems to think the ripping up seats, throwiing them and other projectiles at West Ham fans and monkey chants at Carlton Cole was and I quote "Impeccable behavior". Even the club itself are still trying to cast the most of the blame onto West Ham. Yes! West Ham were partly to blame, but not solely. So maybe Millwall are just scum after all:(
To be fair Dux, I have read condemnation of the racist abuse of Carlton Cole from Millwall and a statement promising to assist fully in the investigation.
2031, have you seen the latest one from Bill? Dear God, that is concerning.
Bill, for your information, my wife tells me what she thinks of me on a regular basis and, you are right, she is sometimes less than complimentary. However, she feels free to criticise because she knows that, unlike a leading member of the Klan, I would never, ever raise my hand to a woman. Still, I expect he was provoked and didn't really mean it eh? So that's alright with you then isn't it?
Yes, just seen this morning's post on the org. LMFAO!
Let the carnage continue.
I think Bill summed you up rather well.
Yours is hardly an objective opinion is it Orange Not So Pithy? Personally, I think the guy needs to take his medication more often.
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