Dear God, as we POSSIBLY close in on signing Chamakh, there are already some "fans" criticising the move. He only scores one goal in every three games in France, he isn't as quick as Harewood, we will lose him to the African Nation's Cup, he's temperamental and inconsistent...blah, blah, blah. Those of you with reasonable memories might recall the "experts" questioning the wisdom of signing that inconsistent, temperamental, over priced, unproven African called Didier Drogba. That didn't turn out too badly for Chelsea did it? Then there was that guy who couldn't score for Juve. What was he called? Thierry Henry wasn't it?
How good was Cole before Zola got to work on him and how good is he now? Let's hope GZ can improve Chamakh in the same way - if he joins! There are some still harking on about Freddie "fox in the box" Sears, claiming he is a better option because he is small! How many goals did that fox plunder last season? Erm, none.
For pity's sake you miserable, negative sods, get behind the manager and the club can't you?
it's lies lies i tell ya !!!! im off to slash my wrists and listen to some morrissey
Wot just like you did/do with Curbs and Duxbury. West Ham needs a descenting voice out here, true friends are honest with each other, simples
Do as I say not as I do, more double standards gollox
2106 Irony really does pass you by doesn't it!
Zola's favourite Morrissey lyric HOPH? "I was looking for a job and then I found a job and Heaven knows I'm miserable now"?
Dissenting voice you pillock 2106!
Those little nuancies do wind you up girlie, don't they. Is their to L's in pilock then?
Is it 2106 runs?
I thought the lyric was was H.O.L.L.A.N.D. mmmmwah but only on the cheek
Pillock - a person who is not very bright (Noun)
Is that a racist comment?
Required field must not be blank
Whoops i am a pilock
Jealousy will not get you anywhere. You are behind the times with anything you try to do football related, your humour stinks as does your childish nick-names and your obsession with Curbishley has now reverted to Scott Duxbury, give it up mate and put you'reself out of yore misery. Try something you might be good at like teaching English grammar LOL
Tiger tiger burning bright this blog is so very shite
Where did you get the picture knock-off Nigel?
Wow the orgsters are properly stirred up again. Has a nasty Fanno been upsetting you on the org?
your a hypocrite! Try sorting out your own problems before you try solve other peoples problems which are far less severe than yours.
For pity's sake you miserable, negative sods, get behind the manager and the club can't you?
lol I do hope that is a joke
Plus, you might want to consider putting 'some' at the front of your articles title, as i doubt you draw in that much of a percentage of West Hams fans base on here to be generalising them.
2333 You're a hypocrite actually. Me, I'm ironic.
2337, my tongue was superglued to my cheek!
I was wondering hammersfan do you ever get any sensible critism I mean a proper argument from people with an opposing view or is all just drivel
Keep up the good work I may try supporting Duxbury one day just to create some debate
Actually I'll have to think of a different subject I'd rather wear a Manc shirt than support Dux at the moment and if I did that I'd have to flay my skin off my flesh
LOL Deane. Yes there is some sensible debate sometimes but not from the morons who have been using your handle / name. What were your views on Curbishley? How highly do you rate Green?
Yawwwwwwwwwn!! Streeeeeeeeeetch!
Bore off you sad little egomaniac.
"Look at me I'm so ironic!"
Yawwwwwwns again...
You asked so I rate Green very highly although I think he's not in the same class as Parkes and some others of that era as for Curbishley 2 things I was quite pleased when Eggs sacked Pardew only because I thought he'd use his contacts to bring in Guus Hiddink or similar (foolish boy that I am)and secondly when Glen Roeder was appointed manager we played a pre season friendly in Jersey and a mate and I have a photo taken prior to kickoff on the beach proudly displaying our Roeder Out sign and Curbs ranks down there with Roeder nuff said I should have known better I supported the hammers from afar and finally managed to immigrate to the UK on the night we lost at home to Dynamo Tiblisi so I missed the 75 and 80 finals although the 80 final was the first to be shown live on TV in SA the 75 one I had to wait 2 days for the film of the final to be shown at a local bar My first season ticket in the chicken run by the way cost £62 1981-82 season
The support comes from Budgie Byrne being the manager of the club I played for and the constant phrase "at West 'am we done it like this"
And yes I did just immigrate to get to see West Ham play
Can't debate with you on those topics Deane cos I agree! Which country do you hail from originally?
'Woodwork squeaks and out come the freaks'
Mate,they don't give up chasing you in their bedsheets and pointy hats do they HF?
Deane sounds like he is our era.
I'm from Durban South Africa (which is where I'll be during 2010)actually I'll probably not come back after all I came over here to support West Ham and really those days are over the loss of terracing has killed it for me I always felt part of the action you know a proud, loud participant in the spectacle now in reality you're just a spectator pay your money sit down and shut up. These days that West Ham family is only in the pub before and after the game (a great day out spoilt by 90mins of football)There are great memories tho from the chanting at villa Park in 91(inane but fun)Metz away in that final,85-86 loads really but the best (other than that DiCanio goal)are from the standing era when we as supporters were part of the game, the atmosphere, the entertainment that was football and was epitomised by the manner in which West Ham played and the supporters spirit win or lose proud to be West Ham because we played for the game not win at all costs
Now I'll always love West Ham but to be honest might as well just watch online
SN6 that's because that freak loves it and courts it all the time, can't you see it you prick? There is only one freak, knock-off Nigel
Hmmm 2236, I am again unsure what you mean.
Deane, I have a certain empathy with what you are saying. Certainly some of the magic of going to a game disappeared with all seater stadiums and the advent of pub football. Sharing a game with real mates, even if they don't support West Ham, can be fun. In fact the friendly banter with rival fans is brilliant.
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